

教育部发布 2024年普通高等学校本科专业目录 。 在本次普通高校本科专业调整中,24种新专业正式纳入本科专业目录,包括材料智能技术、 稀土材料科学与工程、 大功率半导体科学与工程、 智能海洋装备、 生态修复学 等。
A total of 3389 professional points were added and cancelled and adjusted This professional addition, cancellation and adjustment involved a total of 3389 professional locations, the largest number in history 。其中,新增布点1673个、撤销布点1670个,数量基本持平。以学科门类计,工学所涉专业数量最多,有1322个,占比39%,这与工学作为第一大学科门类的基本情况相呼应。从区域布局看,涉及中西部高校的专业有1802个,占比53.17%。普通高校本科专业结构和区域布局进一步优化,高校在专业设置上更趋理性。
24 new undergraduate majors were established in ordinary colleges and universities for the first time In this adjustment of undergraduate majors in ordinary colleges and universities, 24 new majors have been officially included in the undergraduate majors catalog. Starting from 2024, college entrance examinations can be enrolled. 目前,目录内共包含93个专业类、816种专业。


Three majors including nursing are included in state-controlled majors 据了解,教育部还结合经济社会发展需求变化和专业布局情况,The professional scope of nationally controlled distribution has been dynamically adjusted, and resource survey engineering, nursing, and midwifery have been adjusted to nationally controlled distribution majors.
Strengthen the overall planning and management of provincial disciplines and majors 在本次普通高校本科专业调整中,强化了省级学科专业建设的统筹和管理。要求省级教育行政部门加强学科专业发展规划,结合本区域经济社会发展需要和实际情况,引导有条件的高校增设急需紧缺专业,谨慎增设、及时调减不适应社会需求专业。各省结合本地产业发展实际,梳理了急需紧缺专业520种和223种就业率相对较低的专业,为属地高校优化专业结构提供重要参考。
The pre-declaration system for professional setting was piloted for the first time 此外,The Ministry of Education also piloted a professional setting pre-declaration system for the first time ,要求高校根据经济社会发展需求和自身办学定位、办学条件等,提前谋划增设专业,提前1年进行预申报,推动高校建立健全专业设置定期研究、提前研究工作机制,增强专业设置的前瞻性、精准性。目前,已有760所高校提交了下一年度拟增设专业预申报材料。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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