The following article comes from the green climate, the author Green Light

green climate.

Pay attention to the profound impact of global climate change on the economy, society, environment, industry and sustainable development of mankind

The first Green Energy and Industry Future Forum

Collection of Model Cases on the 2024 Green ESG List


China Energy News

China Institute of Energy Economics

Green Light Climate College

solicitation objects

All domestic and foreign enterprises and institutions, including Chinese-funded enterprises, Chinese-funded enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, financial enterprises, and research and consulting think tanks (think tanks include non-profit institutions), the applicant undertakes to have no violations of laws, regulations and bad records within three years.

Green Light ESG List QA

**1. Do application cases have to cover all ESG categories? **

No. The Greenlight ESG List focuses on the case itself. The application case can be a case in a certain category of environment, society, governance, or a certain sub-issue. 例如,节能降碳、节水节电、环境保护、生态修复、废弃物处置、新能源使用、循环再生、生物多样性、乡村振兴、社区服务、在地文化、员工福利、公益志愿、社会倡导、行业推动、负责任供应链、负责任旅行、负责任投资、可持续材料、可持续(绿色)设计、绿色包装、董事会机制、高管薪酬、性别平等、跨文化...等等,评选主要聚焦案例本身的完整性、创新性、引领性、互鉴性和可持续性。


No, non-listed companies can also apply; there is no need to publish ESG/CSR/sustainability reports 。已上市企业、非上市企业、中小微企业、研究咨询智库机构均可申报;智库类包括科研、咨询和智库单位,含非盈利机构。
**3、一家单位最多可申报几个案例? **

Free application for cases。一Each unit can declare up to 3 cases.

**4. How many lists are there in this Greenlight ESG List? How many lists can you select for each case? **

本届绿光ESG榜一共有4个榜单,每个案例可选择多个参评榜单,所有独立榜单评选均来自典范案例TOP100榜。 The 4 lists include: (1)典范案例榜TOP100,初审后公布;(2)3 Top 10 contribution list of great models,总计30个,从TOP100榜中评选,终审后公布 ; (3)7 Top 5 Model Innovation List for Large Industries,总计35个, 从TOP100榜中评选, 终审后公布 ;(4)Top 18 Model Popularity List ,终审后公布(数据来自公众投票,分别由3个典范贡献榜TOP2(6个)、7个典范创新榜TOP1(7个)、其余典范案例榜TOP5(5个)构成,总计TOP18)。
**5、产业链分类和传统行业分类方式不同? **

Yes. This year's Greenlight ESG List is mainly classified by upstream and downstream industries and the value chain as a whole, covering basically all industries. **6、如果申报3个案例,邮件提交资料时,每个案例都必须有3个附件材料吗?


yesWhen submitting an online application form, you can list Case 1, Case 2, and Case 3 respectively in the case summary. When submitting complete information by email, each case needs to submit 3 corresponding file packages,包括:**附件一,**在线申报表和填写完整后盖章的申报表,作为初筛依据。 Annex II, 案例报告,2000字,作为评审依据。Annex III ,其他材料,主要作为辅助评审资料,比如媒体报道和ESG报告或评级证明等,附件三的材料依据申报单位情况而定。
**7、入围评审和初审有什么不同? **

Shortlisted for review, screened by the Organizing Committee, 主要依据申报单位提交的Annex 1: Each item of information in the application form is complete and accurate, and the case summary is clear and smooth。 入围后方可进入初审环节。**初审是由公众投票、数据分析、专家评审综合评审构成。Review basis includes:
(1)case report:Quantitative results, innovation, leadership, mutual learning and sustainability of outstanding contributions in different and comprehensive latitudes of E, S, and G.
(2)other materials:For example, media reports, ESG/sustainability/CSR reports and rating materials released by reporting units, as well as enterprise/institution size and industry characteristics, will be used as reference materials for the preliminary review and final review.
9、入选榜单后的9大权益怎么理解? **

All cases selected on the top 4 lists of this year's Greenlight ESG List enjoy 9 major rights. including: 权益(1)获得本活动中国能源网官方专题页中展示; 权益(2)主办方官方公众号等自媒体展示; 权益(3)申报单位投稿审核通过后官方发布; 权益(4)活动不同阶段主流媒体全网传播
以上4项权益均由主办方统一 安排执行。
权益(5)人气TOP18的主旨发言依据公众投票排序得出最终结果; 权益(6) 现场展览展示,需另行支付展览制作费; 权益(7)加入中国能源经济研究院智库; 权益(8)高端会晤、国际参访; 权益(9)深度访谈和产业专项对接


  • This activity mainly focuses on case integrity, innovation, leadership, mutual learning and sustainability

  • A case summary is equivalent to a summary, and the following are examples:

  • Case overview (fill in the application form, limited to 800 words)

  • Case elements:Subject, name, type, time and place, innovation point, quantitative results, sustainability, honor

  • Reference Example:

*** Name:XXX Financial Company-XX District, XX City, XX Province-Community Environmental Protection Science Popularization Case **

  • overview:XX Financial Company will carry out environmental science popularization activities in XX Community, XX District, XX City, XX Province from 2022 to 2023. ** innovation points:** Carry out different forms of activities such as garbage sorting and green markets in the community; achieve results:It has driven nearly 500 employees of the company to participate, more than 5000 community residents to participate, 300 parent-child families, and 300 children and adolescents to participate. The garbage reduction is about 10 tons/year, and residents 'environmental complaints are reduced by 90%. In December 2023, the model was copied to three other communities in XX Province, XX District, and XX District. Through these actions, XX Community was rated as "XX City Ecological Civilized Community". Residents have a more systematic understanding of community environmental management, green lifestyle, waste disposal and recycling, and the community environment has become more livable and more friendly. Harmony, full of warmth.

  • 参考示例:案例报告(Email submission, limited to 2000 words

  • Case structure:Abstract, main text

  • Case elements: Subject, name, type, time and place, innovation point, quantitative results, sustainability, honor

*Examples 1:case report

  • 名称:XX Environmental Protection Technology Company-XX District, XX City, XX Province-"Garbage Art Exhibition" Case

  • Summary (i.e. summary):XX Environmental Protection Technology Company, as an operating enterprise for waste disposal and transfer in XX Community, XX District, XX City, XX Province, held one "Garbage Art Exhibition" every quarter in XX Community, XX District, XX City, XX Province from May 2022 to December 2023. A total of 7 events were held. About 100 households participated in garbage art creation, and each exhibition was watched by about 1000 people, totaling about 7000 people, achieving a reduction of community waste by about 10 tons/year. Residents 'environmental complaints were reduced by 80%. The community was selected as "XX City Ecological Civilized Community", and residents 'satisfaction exceeded 98%. By carrying out the "Garbage Art Exhibition" themed activity in the xx community it operates for nearly two years, residents 'awareness of environmental protection and understanding of the work of the company will be enhanced, residents' green life and green consumption will be promoted, community harmony and residents 'sense of belonging will be enhanced.

*** Text:** In March 2022, after discussion, XX Environmental Protection Company initially formed a process mechanism with the company's marketing department taking the lead and planning, jointly discussing with the community neighborhood committee and the owners 'committee, recruiting active community volunteers to jointly organize activities, and the company's administrative department organizing internal employees to actively participate. From May 2022 to December 2023, one "Garbage Art Exhibition" event was held every quarter in XX Community, Chaoyang District, Beijing City, with a total of 7 events held. About 100 households participated in garbage art creation, and each exhibition was watched by about 1000 people, totaling about 7000 people.

  • Through the creation and exhibition of the "garbage Art Exhibition," it has enhanced residents' awareness of "garbage is a misplaced resource", enhanced residents' recognition of recycled products such as plastic recycling, and had an important impact on residents' green living behavior. the amount of community garbage has been reduced by about 10 tons per year, and residents' environmental complaints have been reduced by 80%. The community has been selected as the "xx Ecological Civilization Community". Residents have a more systematic understanding of community environmental governance, green lifestyle, waste disposal and recycling, and the community environment has become more livable. At the same time, this novel form provides more communication opportunities for community residents, and the residents are more friendly and harmonious and full of warmth. In addition, three "junk art creators" who continue to participate in the activities are interviewed and reported by five mainstream media, which are called "community regenerative artists", and the community is also known as "recycled art community". The community garbage art exhibition has lasted for nearly two years and has expanded to five communities across the country, radiating nearly 100000 people. According to the 2023 project survey, residents' satisfaction with the environmental quality, human temperature, happiness and sense of belonging of the community has significantly improved, with satisfaction exceeding 98%.

  • The annual summary and survey of the "Garbage Art Exhibition" community activities show that the company has established good communication and collaboration methods with community residents, property owners 'committees, neighborhood committees and other relevant parties, and the company's employees working in the community are more active, attentive and productive. The novel form of the "Garbage Art Exhibition" has been widely recognized by the society. It not only realizes the value of environmental science popularization, but also unites people's hearts through artistic creation, integrates environmental awareness and behavior into cultural life, establishes lasting environmental protection concepts and values, and has a long-term impact on children and young people. Impact and cultivate the next generation of green citizens.

*Example 2:case report

  • 名称:XX Energy Company-XX District, XX City, XX Province-Climate Leadership Science Popularization Case

  • Summary (i.e. summary):During the period from 2022 to 2023, xx Energy Company, as a heating enterprise in the xx community in xx District, xx City, xx Province, carried out popular science activities in the climate leadership workshop in the community every three months, with a total of 6 times, bringing more than 60 employees and community residents to participate, 50 community and enterprise parent-child families, and 100 children and teenagers. In October 2023, the model was copied to five other communities, such as xxx District of xxx Province. Nearly 50,000 people were exposed to radiation. By integrating the perceptible and accessible habits of heating, cooling, electricity and fire in the daily life of residents, and the awareness of disaster prevention into the community climate leadership workshop, which combines different forms such as role-playing, logical analysis, debate and so on, it has been widely recognized by the community's old, middle-aged and young residents, property, government and other related parties, and 20 "elderly climate ambassadors" volunteers have been trained for the community. It has also become a social carrier for young people in the community, promoting 3 pairs of young people to tie the knot and training 10 "youth climate workshop mentors" continuous relay workshop. In 2023, xx Community was selected as "Climate friendly Community in xx District". The climate leadership workshop not only enhanced residents' awareness of climate warming and community climate resilience, enhanced their awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation in extreme climates, but also better understood that "energy", as the energy basis of human activities, is closely related to people's words and deeds.

  • text:Omission... . It describes in more detail the positive value and quantitative results achieved by the case to the environment and society from the entire process of planning, implementation and case closure. Feedback from all parties to the case can improve or replicate the promotion method, and the feasibility and possible effects of long-term continuous development or expansion of the case.

*** Example 3:Case report **

  • name:**XX Electric Vehicle Company-XX City, XX Province-Battery Cycle Special Charity Fund Case


  • Summary (i.e. summary):During the period from 2021 to 2023, xx Electric vehicle Company set up a "ESG Innovation Center" within the company, established an inter-departmental cooperation mechanism, and longitudinally designed the ESG system around the company's business. In March 2021, ESG Innovation Center decided to establish "xx Battery Recycling Special Fund" in cooperation with domestic environmental protection public welfare funds, with an annual donation of 5 million yuan for related research, standard-setting, industry promotion, technology exchange and capacity building. After nearly three years of development, we have carried out 2 international projects, 1 national project, 3 relevant industry standards and 3 enterprise standards, carried out 5 technical exchanges and discussions with international cutting-edge institutions, and trained 200 people in related industries. From 2022 to 2023, the ESG Innovation Center invested in a new battery recycling enterprise and upgraded the original factory to a "green factory" with "green design". Clean energy accounted for 50% of the factory and enterprise operation, achieving a carbon reduction of 50,000 tons per year. Through the "xx Battery cycle Special Fund" to integrate domestic and foreign expert resources, enhance research ability, and lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the enterprise. Through equity investment, enterprises can quickly establish a closed-loop system of the industrial chain, prepare for the EU New Battery Act and carbon tariffs, and enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises. At the same time, the continuous release of research results has enhanced public recognition of the enterprise's brand image as a "responsible enterprise", and vehicle sales have increased by more than 10% for three consecutive years.

  • 正文:省略 ....It describes in more detail the positive value and quantitative results achieved by the case to the environment and society from the entire process of planning, implementation and case closure. Feedback from all parties to the case can improve or replicate the promotion method, and the feasibility and possible effects of long-term continuous development or expansion of the case.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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