Zhejiang on the Sea

Developed shipping and fishing industries

Especially the island city of Zhoushan

There is also a constant flow of boats

To protect these ships

Zhejiang sales specialize on the island

Several offshore gas stations have been established

Gas station employees

Overcoming spiritual loneliness and material deprivation

many difficulties such as

Stick to the island

Sincerely serve every passing ship

over time

Treasure flowers have become the most cordial symbol in the eyes of shipowners

marine bunker station

Became a warm beacon in their hearts

Little Gu becomes old Gu

A long whistle cut through the tranquility of the morning light and woke Gu Youjun up from his sleep. He quickly got up, put on his life jacket and helmet, and ran all the way to the dock despite the biting sea breeze.

When the ship approached, the crew threw the cable ashore. Gu Youjun quickly ran forward, picked up the cable, skillfully tied it to the cablepost, and cooperated with the ship boss to anchor the ship steadily at the gas station dock.

Everything was ready, Gu Youjun pulled the thick refueling hose towards the boat and began refueling operations.

Gu Youjun is the manager of Cengang Marine Gas Station of Zhejiang Sales Zhoushan Branch. Compared with onshore gas stations, offshore gas stations work harder. First, because the gas stations are built along the sea, most of them are remote, have inconvenient transportation, are in harsh conditions, and have a simple life. In special circumstances such as windy days, ships were suspended, the island was closed, and daily supplies could not be supplied normally. Employees could only eat instant noodles to get by. Secondly, since downstream flow can save fuel and time, many ships will choose the time to go to sea based on changes in the tide. Therefore, regardless of day and night, no matter whether it is hot or cold winter, employees have to refuel the ships as soon as possible and stay open 24 hours a day.

Marine refueling operations also have high safety risks. Refueling ships, tying cables and lifting pipes are two skills that employees must master. Among them, tying cables is a technical activity. In the event of wind and waves, the hull swings left and right, and the crew's operating stability declines. Gas station employees must not only avoid being hit by the thrown cables, but also complete the work quickly and efficiently. Pulling hose is a physical task. Compared with the hose with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 4.5 meters at onshore gas stations, the diameter of the hose at offshore gas stations has increased by more than half, and the length has increased by more than ten times or more. Sometimes during peak operations, the dock is full of ships. To refuel the outermost boats, you must pull the hose, one boat connected to another, and cross over one foot shallow. One round trip is tiring enough.

After sending off one ship after another and one colleague after another, Gu Youjun spent more than 10 New Year's Eve at the gas station, turning from childhood to old Gu.

Create a warm harbor

In order to get first-hand information from customers, every time the ship docked, Gu Youjun would run to the ship as long as he was free, chat with the crew, connect with their feelings, and understand the ship's route and oil consumption.

Once, Gu Youjun heard the crew complain that they had not eaten fresh vegetables for a long time. He felt very strange and quickly inquired about the whole story. It turned out that during that time, due to busy business, ships docked and left after refueling, so they had no time to go ashore to replenish food.

Therefore, Gu Youjun volunteered and offered to do it for customers, and the gas station volunteered to purchase daily necessities for the crew. Nowadays, when the ship needs production materials such as equipment parts and components, the shipowner will also call Gu Youjun in advance to ask him to help purchase them.

Most of the people who come to the Cengang Marine Gas Station for refueling are transport ships. According to policies and regulations, these ships must go to the Maritime Safety Administration for customs declaration when docked. Due to inconvenient transportation, it is difficult for shipowners to contact operating vehicles, and their voyages are often delayed due to their inability to declare customs at the Maritime Safety Administration in time.

After learning about this situation, Gu Youjun immediately promised the shipowners:As long as they need it, he is willing to volunteer as a full-time driver for them. At the same time, in order to improve the efficiency of customs declaration, Gu Youjun also took the initiative to follow those old shipowners in and out of the relevant windows of the Maritime Safety Administration, familiarize themselves with the certification process, and guide new shipowners to handle various businesses.

When the shipowners saw Gu Youjun's money and effort, they felt guilty. They repeatedly proposed to subsidize him for fuel costs, but he refused them.

Be anxious about what customers need, help customers need, and solve customers 'difficulties. Gu Youjun pays close attention to every detail and serves customers attentively. In addition to providing free purchasing and free pick-up services, the gas station has also set up a "caring rest area" to supply drinking water and provide mobile phone charging and other services. The gas station has become a warm haven for crew members to rest.

Strong backing of the crew

Late one night, Gu Youjun was on duty when the phone suddenly rang urgently. He picked up the phone and found that it was a call from Boss Li, a customer who had been missing for nearly three months.

On the other end of the phone, Boss Li said eagerly that one of his cargo ships was filled with inferior blended oil from an individual oil dealer, causing the oil passage of the oil pump to be blocked and the ship was anchored at sea. When he couldn't contact the individual oil dealer and had nothing to do, Boss Li had to contact Gu Youjun for help.

Boss Li was originally an old customer of the Cengang Offshore Gas Station. Later, he was attracted by low-priced oil and no longer came to refuel. Gu Youjun contacted him many times to seek continued cooperation. The other party either hung up the phone ruthlessly or found excuses to avoid it. Now, it's finally easy to hear from Boss Li, but I didn't expect it to be a hot potato.

Answer or not? Then, the waves on the sea were a little big at that time, and the ships were a little far away from the gas station. Moreover, all the inferior oil had to be pumped out and the oil pump had to be cleaned, making it difficult to work. If you don't pick it up, the ship's anchor for a long time not only delays the journey, but also poses safety hazards.

Thinking of Boss Li's helpless and anxious words, Gu Youjun still called a small boat with his employees without hesitation and loaded it with oil from diesel barrels to provide emergency assistance.

After more than half an hour of sailing, the small boat approached the cargo ship. Boss Li was overjoyed when he saw Gu Youjun, and held his hand to express his gratitude. Boss Li said sheepishly. At first, he thought that Gu Youjun would hate him and might not necessarily help. He had no choice but to call him. He didn't expect Gu Youjun to forget past grudges and provide help in need.

Feng Youyue


Every year is not negative

More than 10 years

Gu Youjun regarded his station as his home

Write perseverance with youth

Interpret responsibility with dedication

For every drifting ship

Illuminates the way forward

text:Chen Junwei

picture:Lu Dianjie and Chen Junwei

edit:Yao Jiena

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

past review

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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