Focus on high-quality construction of national-level new districts 《中国电力报》专栏

Create an important fulcrum radiating from South Asia and Southeast Asia

--China Southern Power Grid Yunnan Kunming Power Supply Empowers High-quality Development of Central Yunnan New Area

"If Yunnan's economy wants to develop, its advantages lie in its location and its way out lies in openness." In January 2015, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Yunnan, he asked Yunnan to strive to become China's radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia.

In September 2015, Yunnan Central Yunnan New District was officially approved as a national-level new district. Central Yunnan New District actively explored and implemented major strategies such as the "Belt and Road" initiative, serving the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and building a regional international central city. Central Yunnan New District plays the main theme of passionate progress. With its increasingly strong grid, increasingly reliable power supply guarantees, and increasingly high-quality electricity services, China Southern Power Grid Yunnan Kunming Power Supply Bureau continues to serve the opening up and construction of the new district, contributing power grid strength to building an important engine for Yunnan's economic development.

Yunnan Dianzhong New District Electric Power High-Quality Development Conference

Strong grid

Open up factor guarantee blocking points

On April 1, at the construction site of the 110-kilovolt Xiaogaopo power transmission and transformation project, Kunming power supply staff intensively carried out foundation pouring and cable pipe trench construction. After the completion of the substation, it will provide a "new home" for the expansion of the East Second Runway of Kunming Airport. At the same time, it meets the on-site electricity needs of Changshui International Airport and the aviation industry. This is a vivid picture of Yunnan Power Grid Company serving the construction of Yunnan Central Yunnan New Area.

Yunnan Central Yunnan New District is the core area of the Central Yunnan Industrial Cluster. It is located on the east and west sides of the Main City of Kunming City, Yunnan Province. The initial planning scope includes parts of Anning City, Songming County and Guandu District, covering an area of approximately 482 square kilometers. Draw a circle with the Central Yunnan New Area as the center and the five-hour aviation distance as the radius. Within the circle is a huge market covering nearly 3 billion people in China, South Asia, Southeast Asia and other regions.

Kunming Changshui International Airport is one of China's eight regional hub airports and China's fourth largest national gateway hub airport facing Southeast Asia, South Asia and connecting Europe and Asia. The recent renovation and expansion project of Kunming Changshui International Airport is one of the 102 major projects in the national "14th Five-Year Plan" to modernize airport construction projects. It is a key project to support Yunnan's construction of a radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia and the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the province with civil aviation. After completion, it will become an important hub node of the global aviation network, comprehensively build an aviation network radiating to South Asia and Southeast Asia and connecting Europe and Asia and an integrated transportation service system.

The relocation and renovation of the "two oil and two power" in the airport reconstruction and expansion project involves the relocation of the 500 kV Changkou-Qidian I circuit line, the relocation of the 35 kV Wusazhuang Substation to the 110 kV Xiaogaopo Substation and some 10 kV lines. work. Kunming Power Supply took the initiative to provide front-line services, set up a special project promotion team, and actively connected with the Kunming City Government and Central Yunnan New District. In July 2022, it became the first contracting unit for the relocation and renovation of "Two Oils and Two Power Plants". It planned the preliminary project and formulated "one policy" on the relocation and renovation plan. At present, the relocation and reconstruction projects of the 500 kV Changkou-Qidian I loop line and the 10 kV Changshui line have been completed ahead of schedule, ensuring the smooth construction of the reconstruction and expansion project of Kunming Changshui International Airport.

It is understood that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Kunming Power Supply plans to invest 846 million yuan in the Central Yunnan New Area, an increase of 110% year-on-year during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. At present, an investment of 395 million yuan has been completed to build the 220 kV Xiangrong (Yanglin) Substation and the 110 kV Yangcaao Substation, and 27 main distribution network projects including the addition of 10 kV intervals to the 110 kV Zhoujiashan Substation have been completed. Provide strong power support for the development of enterprises in the Central Yunnan New District.

220 kV Yanglin Substation under Construction

This year, Kunming Power Supply will continue to focus on the strategic mission of "one point, one pole, two districts" in the new district, give full play to the greater advantages of government-enterprise cooperation, work together to break through factor guarantee blockages, and work together to accelerate the 220 kV South Fourth Circuit of the 500 kV Baiyi Substation. Construction of key power grid projects such as 110 kV Xiaogaopo and Hongshapo will ensure that the projects are safely and put into operation in the fastest speed and shortest period.

Make the grid smarter

Power supply guarantee capabilities have been greatly improved

From old distribution networks to new "smart stations", from manual wire tracing and inspection to "self-healing" zero perception, from "strong" distribution networks to "smart" distribution networks... In recent years, Kunming Power Supply focuses on the "safe, reliable, green, efficient and intelligent" modern power grid, actively uses intelligent and digital technologies to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional power grids, and vigorously promotes the construction of smart grids in Central Yunnan New District. A series of pilot projects such as the Building Photovoltaic Integration (BIPV) Clean Replacement Demonstration Zone in Songming Yanglin Industrial Park have been built, and the power supply guarantee capabilities have been greatly improved.

At 22:00 on April 4, the No. 2 and No. 3 main transformers of Kunming Power Supply's 220 kV Xiangrong (Yanglin) Substation used the "one-button sequence control" technology at the dispatching end to complete the impact test in just 2 hours and 15 minutes, and the operation was smoothly live. The station is located in the Cultural Industrial Park of Vocational Education New City in Songming County. After the project is put into operation, a 220 kV interconnection channel between Changkou Substation and Baiyi Substation, and between Longhai Substation and Baiyi Substation can be constructed to improve the accident support capacity between hub substations in northern Kunming., effectively relieve the power supply pressure on surrounding substations, and timely meet the power supply needs of Dianzhong New Area and Songming Yanglin Area for investment promotion and industrial implementation.

Output line of 220 kV Yanglin Substation under construction

According to the "Yunnan Central Yunnan New District Electric Power Special Plan", Yunnan Power Grid Company conducted intelligent planning research on the power grid of the Central Yunnan Industrial New District from four aspects: power generation, power transmission and transformation, power distribution, and information. It mainly includes clean energy comprehensive utilization demonstration zones, distributed power access and intelligent microgrid research, overhead transmission lines and cable tunnel online monitoring systems, intelligent substations, distribution network automation, intelligent metering systems, power quality monitoring and optimization control, optical fiber to the home system, smart meters, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, etc. It is expected that by 2030, the Central Yunnan New Area power grid will be built into a harmonious, efficient, reliable and green future power grid through power grid intelligence to better serve local economic and social development.

This year, Kunming Power Supply will further optimize the power distribution and grid structure, promote the transferable power supply rate of the distribution network from 93% to nearly 100%, and the self-healing rate of the distribution network from 92% to 100%, and continue to promote the application of uninterrupted operations. Improve the power grid regulation capabilities of the new district, comprehensively improve the power supply reliability in the central area of the Central Yunnan New District, strive to reduce the average power outage time of users in the district to 2 hours, and use practical actions to enhance the "sense of power gain" of users in the new district.

Three zeroes "and" three provinces "services

Bring a better electricity experience

"There are many ways to ensure power supply now, and there are quite few power outages. Including the power access and fault handling of enterprises in the park, all use uninterrupted operation methods, providing us with a safe and reliable power environment." Jiang Sha, assistant general manager of Zhejiang Commercial Industrial Park in Songming County, said.

Baiyi Power Supply Station of Songming Power Supply Bureau provides high-quality services for organic vegetable companies

In order to efficiently serve and ensure the use of electricity for key industrial projects in Central Yunnan New District, Kunming Power Supply focuses on the main battlefield of economic development and industrial cultivation clusters in the park, and actively implements the "Kunming City Ten Measures to Optimize the Electricity and Business Environment of Industrial Parks". With the strong support of the Kunming Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Kunming Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other command headquarters members and the management committees of various industrial parks, we have innovated electricity services in industrial parks and accurately promoted energy conservation and efficiency improvement, power finance and insurance, Ten types of comprehensive energy services such as digital empowerment and reliable power supply form a comprehensive and full-chain power service guarantee for industrial parks.

The implementation of these innovative measures has achieved remarkable results. The average power connection time for key projects in the Industrial Park of Central Yunnan New District has been reduced by about 17 days, and the pilot implementation of the "three unification" model (unified installation standards, unified metering devices, and unified electricity price standards) has also effectively served the industrial park's electricity consumption., reducing the average time for power supply to 14.75 days.

In 2024, Kunming Power Supply will thoroughly implement the "Kunming City Ten Measures to Optimize the Electricity and Business Environment in Industrial Parks" to improve the power supply guarantee capabilities of major projects. Improve the information exchange mechanism for major projects, proactively follow up on the power demand of key projects such as the reconstruction and expansion of Changshui Airport and aviation logistics bases, and appropriately plan the power grid layout of the Central Yunnan New Area in advance. Continue to optimize and improve the "Three Managers" service model, open up green channels to fully support the electricity consumption of key projects such as the Pilot (Kunming) New Materials Technology Industrial Park Project, and serve the high-quality economic and social development of the new district.

author:Zhang Xinxia and Li Chen

edit:Kong Kexing

proofreading:han Yi

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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