foreign media:Volkswagen CEO said its electric vehicles could not maintain their lead in China, and that a market share of more than 10% was "very impressive."

"The CEO told the media that Volkswagen Electric Vehicles 'cannot maintain (its leading position)' in China." Reuters reported on this topic that Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Bloom said in an interview with Germany's "Frankfurt Allgemeine" on the 5th local time that Volkswagen hopes to avoid setting a "utopian" goal for its market share in China. In a fiercely competitive environment, it is already "very impressive" to have a market share of more than 10%.

▲ Volkswagen logo map from foreign media

路透社称,奥利弗·布鲁姆在接受德媒采访时表示,In China's electric vehicle field, Volkswagen "currently cannot maintain its leading position." 他同时补充说,大众未来几年即将发布的新车型将改善目前地位。

尽管如此,报道继续称,布鲁姆表示,大众“不应该抱有‘乌托邦式’的期望”。 "If we can achieve double-digit market share in the fast-growing Chinese market for a long time, it will already be a very impressive goal." He said.

▲ Oliver Brumtu, CEO of Volkswagen Group, reported by the German "Frankfurt Allgemeine"

According to Reuters, Volkswagen's overall market share in China dropped from 18% in 2018 to 14% last year, while domestic pure electric vehicle manufacturers in China are gaining momentum to gain market share.

Reported that Volkswagen Group (China) Chairman and CEO Bread previously stated that Volkswagen's goal is to maintain its position as a leading international automaker in China, but Volkswagen Group Chief Financial Officer Arnold Antlitz warned at the end of last year that Volkswagen's share of the electric vehicle market may decline before the launch of new models.

The report also said that the German carmaker is working to expand its market reach in China to attract consumers in the mid-to-low-end electric vehicle market, and its products are currently priced higher than many Chinese pure electric vehicle competitors.

The day before, Reuters disclosed on April 4 that German Chancellor Scholz would visit China later this month, and executives from many German companies such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz are expected to go with him. Reuters said that the German chancellor is usually accompanied by a high-level business delegation on major foreign visits. The list of executives on this visit highlights China's status as Germany's largest trading partner. China remains extremely important to German industry, especially carmakers. They and Chinese partners operate multiple joint venture brands in China, the world's largest automotive market.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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