“报告指挥台, 沪闵高架龙漕路上匝道上行困难, 已经排队超过地面龙门架, 影响到地面路口了。”
无人机巡视成为上海高架交通安全管理的创新举措(摄影 邬林桦)
Since the end of last year, the elevated detachment of the Shanghai Public Security Traffic Police Corps has piloted the use of drones in mid-air to overlook and patrol the road during congested and frequent road sections during peak hours to promptly and dynamically grasp various road traffic conditions, expand the vision of police officers, and assist in traffic law enforcement. “我们利用无人机视线广、视距远的特点,辅助现场执勤民警了解和发现更广范围的交通情况,便于及时找到堵点源头,科学调度警力,针对性采取排堵疏导措施,以提升道路通行效率。”上海市公安局交警总队高架支队二大队警长浦佳慧说。

What are the Advantages of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Traffic Safety Management? Assisting the traffic police in quickly discovering and handling sudden traffic accidents,是无人机参与交通安全管理的优势所在。
以往,由事故发生导致的交通拥堵,民警很难第一时间赶至现场。如今,盘旋空中的无人机能实现“秒级”响应, Provide on-scene footage at the first instance to obtain an accurate grasp of the accident morphology and affected lanes,为后方指挥台安排警力、调度牵引车等提供依据。
此外,对于巡查中发现的事故、抛锚等情况,Police can use the drone's built-in loudspeaker to instruct those involved to leave the scene, reducing the impact on traffic. 同时,无人机拍摄并回传的现场画面也**有助于交警更好判断事故责任。**据统计,高架支队使用无人机参与处置事故、抛锚等警情后,平均处置时间减少了45%。
Six pilot project locations to launch unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) enforcement and evidence collection 无人机采集的画面,**为高架民警查处交通违法提供了有力的证据支撑。 **

At about 18:00 on March 11, Mr. Fan, a citizen, browsed his mobile phone while driving near the entrance of Shangzhong Road in Central, and heard a shouting voice coming from above the vehicle,"Shanghai A driver, please put down your mobile phone, and pull over according to the police command."

Turns out the police officer found Mr. Fan holding a cellphone while driving through the UAV video patrol and tapping on it, which lasted for at least 25 seconds, with his two hands even leaving the steering wheel at some point. The police officer informed Mr. Fan via the UAV immediately and asked police officers on standby nearby to punish him. Caught “in the act,” Mr. Fan accepted the penalty of three penalty points and a fine of 200 RMB without any excuse.

"Driving and browsing electronic devices" has always been a traffic violation that has strong repercussions among citizens. It not only affects road traffic efficiency, but also is a "catalyst" for traffic accidents such as rear-end collisions and lane changes.
However, since the behavior of "driving and browsing electronic devices" mainly occurs in the cab, it is generally difficult to detect and obtain evidence, which brings difficulties to police law enforcement. The flexibility, mobility, and over-looking characteristics of drones make it easy to discover and collect evidence of this traffic violation. They can also be prompted through the randomly equipped megaphone to correct the driver's illegal behavior as soon as possible, so as to achieve "one warning, one warning." After all, punishment is not the end, and it is even more important to remind drivers not to be distracted while driving.
According to reports, the elevated traffic police currently use big data to judge and judge road sections with high incidence of illegal activities and frequent slow-moving, and have successively carried out pilot drone "air" law enforcement and evidence collection at 6 points, namely: :
** Outer Upper Inner Ring Zhoujiazui, Middle Ring Military Industry Interchange, Yan 'an Yandong Interchange, West Lower North and South Xinzha, East Upper Humin Longcao, and Inner Ring Xinhua Outer Upper ** In addition to "driving and browsing electronic equipment", they also strengthen the investigation and punishment of traffic violations that can cause trouble and chaos, such as "trucks and motorcycles breaking bans","compaction lines" and "blocking". In the two months since the pilot, illegal activities at the above-mentioned points have been significantly reduced, and the total number of 110 accident and order alarms has dropped by about 60%.

“通过无人机巡视中拍到的画面,民警能及时发现和取证开车打电话、实线变道等违法行为,第一时间前往纠处,保障通行效率和安全。”浦佳慧表示, At present, drone footage is only used as an evidence basis for police on-site law enforcement and does not directly become an off-site law enforcement method. Many netizens said that they have discovered drones on the road

** What do you think of traffic police using drones to enforce law and collect evidence?
Let's talk about it in the comment area



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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