3月21日,由安徽省工信厅指导、中国光伏行业协会主办、阳光电源承办的“PAT2024爱光伏一生一世”先进技术研讨会在合肥举办。本次大会以“领势而动 智见未来”为主题,在线上线下200多万观众见证下,光储2000V高压系统技术、全场景干细胞电网技术、《工商业储能白皮书》、高防护风冷超充等一系列新技术、新产品发布。

2000V high-voltage system:Create new productivity for optical storage

How to further break through the bottleneck of cost reduction and efficiency improvement in the industry and achieve a significant improvement in the economy of power stations has become the mission entrusted to the optical storage industry by the times.

阳光电源光储集团副总裁李晗表示:“从系统级创新来看,提高串接数量、提升系统电压势在必行。” 相比1500V系统, **2000V光伏系统CAPEX可节省4分/W,OPEX节省12.5分/W,系统效率提升0.5%一1%,**全生命周期投资节省165亿元/100GW。 The energy storage system CAPEX saves 4.5 cents/W, OPEX saves 7.5 cents/W, system efficiency improves 0.4%-0.7%, and full life cycle investment saves 12 billion yuan/100GWh.

The 2000V system can significantly improve efficiency, but large-scale application still faces three major challenges: standards, technology, and supply chain. In the past few years, Sunshine Power has carried out research and development from three levels: hardware, software and system. It has overcome key technologies of 2000V high-voltage systems. It is actively promoting the formulation of standards with the industry, and at the same time working together with upstream and downstream to jointly define and design product components and systems. Components, improve the 2000V industrial chain. In July last year, Huaneng Shaanxi and Sunshine Power built the world's first 2000V high-voltage system, which has been operating stably in Yulin, Shaanxi.

Full scene stem cell power grid technology:Adapt to the network, one policy for each network

In March last year, the industry's first "Stem Cell Grid Technology White Paper" with optical storage network control technology as its core was published and has been widely used in many scenarios. Based on the current situation of uneven development of the global power grid, this year, Sunshine Power once again upgraded the "stem cell power grid technical architecture" and led the launch of "customized" power grid technology solutions, which are adapted to the network, and each network has one policy to help the entire new power system. Stable operation.

*** In high-penetration new energy power stations, ** MS-level flexible inertia support, broadband oscillation suppression, overvoltage suppression and other technologies are used to ensure stable grid-connected operation of new energy power generation;

*** For multi-energy microgrid scenarios, ** Through technologies such as asynchronous black start in zones, parallel connection of multiple stations at the same time, and source network load and storage collaboration, we can stabilize the energy consumption of microgrids and help build regional microgrids;

*** Enhance the power grid for all scenarios. ** Through technologies such as flexible dynamic harmonic management, AI network condition identification, and hybrid power grid construction, we can dynamically manage and adjust harmonics to help build a local asynchronous power grid and a dual thermal power network.

industrial and commercial market:Sustainable in an outbreak

At this seminar, in the face of the booming but disorderly competition industrial and commercial storage market, Sunshine Power and Beijing Jianheng Certification Center jointly released the "White Paper on Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Solutions", which comprehensively sorted out the development trend and prospects of industrial and commercial energy storage for the first time in the industry., innovatively proposed the "Three Electric Power Integration Intelligent Storage Integration" PowerStack energy storage system solution, and at the same time recruited high-quality agents, through a "one-stop information resource platform" and a complete marketing service layout, Help industrial and commercial energy storage continue to develop with high quality.

In addition, Sunshine Power also released the industry's first high-protection air-cooled overfilled pile IDC480/640. It can travel 400 kilometers smoothly after charging in 5 minutes. It has IP65 protection and is free of disassembly, replacement, and maintenance, with optimal full-cycle costs.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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