近日,“平凡的力量”新疆工匠年度人物发布暨星耀天山2023年度颁奖盛典在乌鲁木齐举行,发布了20位2023年度新疆杰出劳动者代表,包括10位“新疆工匠年度人物”和10位“新疆最美劳动者”(含1个集体)。 Among PetroChina's enterprises in Xinjiang, three employees were awarded the honorary titles of "Xinjiang Craftsman of the Year" and "Xinjiang's Most Beautiful Worker" respectively.

For a long time, stars of PetroChina's heroes and models have continued to emerge. They have created extraordinary achievements with ordinary labor, continued to write extraordinary stories in ordinary positions, and inspired employees to vigorously carry forward the spirit of labor, model worker spirit, and craftsman spirit with the power of role models, and unite in promoting the journey of Chinese-style modernization. Struggle and strive to be strivers in the new era.

"The Most Beautiful Worker in Xinjiang"

Jia Xueli

Project Manager of Tuha Lithology Exploration Project Office, Exploration and Development Research Institute, Tuha Oilfield Company

Jia Xueli is studying geological data.

Searching for "black gold" under Huoyan Mountain

motto:Finding oil and gas is the duty, and daring to think and dare to do is the nature.

As the project manager of the Tuha Lithology Exploration Project Office of the Tuha Basin Exploration and Research Center of the Tuha Oilfield Exploration and Development Research Institute, Jia Xueli has participated in the discovery of more than 10 oil-and-gas blocks and has become a scientific research leader in opening up the hidden lithologic oil and gas treasure of the Tuha Basin., she was named the "Most Beautiful Worker in Xinjiang" in 2023.

rooted:Blooming youthful wisdom in the "hottest" place

After graduating from college in 2007, Jia Xueli came to Tuha Oilfield from Daqing Petroleum Institute. When she first arrived in the oilfield, she was assigned to the Santanghu Project Room of the Third Exploration Institute of the Exploration and Development Research Institute, which was the golden age of the development of the Santanghu Oilfield.

Facing the fiery exploration and production scene, Jia Xueli was very excited. At that time, Jia Xueli's first achievement-"Structural Implementation and Potential Evaluation of Xixiagou No. 3 Tiaohu Formation" was awarded as Tuha Oilfield Youth Innovation and Innovation Forum Second prize for results.

"Looking for oil here is like looking for gold in the sand. The probability of finding high-quality reservoirs is very small. We must re-sort the data and reconstruct the geological structure, stratigraphic sequence, sedimentary reservoir and reservoir model understanding." Jia Xueli's thoughts made her colleagues feel cold on their backs. Everyone knows that this means that they need to consult more than a thousand well location data and carefully study hundreds of results reports... This process is very difficult.

Despite the difficulties, everyone is still working hard to tackle the problem. A month later, the first submitted well location was successfully drilled, confirming that Jia Xueli's exploration direction was correct. Later, she and her colleagues pursued the victory and discovered more than 10 oil-and-gas blocks one after another. This once old oil area gradually regained its vitality.

research:Make breakthroughs in the "hardest" areas

How to find more high-quality reserves in old oil areas? This is a question that Jia Xueli has been thinking about. Old oil areas have been screened countless times, and there is little hope of "picking up leaks". In 2019, she and her colleagues repeatedly studied and demonstrated the two well locations submitted, but none of them achieved the expected results after drilling.

In November 2020, at the China Oil and Gas Exploration Technology Exchange Conference, the next step of work in the Tuha Basin was determined-to march into deep exploration.

In accordance with this idea, Jia Xueli and her colleagues shifted their research field from positive structural belts to slopes and depressions, expanded new strata vertically, and began to request reserves from the depressions of the Tuha Basin.

In 2021, the drilling of the Ji7H well submitted by them yielded high-yield oil and gas flows, opening up a new field for exploration of tight sandstone oil and gas reservoirs within the Jurassic source, and becoming a "primrose" for "looking for Tuha under Tuha".

In 2022, the major discovery of tight sandstone gas in Qiudong Sag, Tuha Basin won the second prize for China's major discovery of petroleum and oil exploration.

brilliant:Blooming the "most beautiful" scenery on the road to progress

After 17 years of working and looking for oil for 17 years, Jia Xueli always keeps the word "team" in mind no matter what project she is engaged in or which team she is in.

As the project leader, Jia Xueli attaches great importance to team building.

Especially in 2020, when Jia Xueli led the team to tackle the exploration of lithologic oil and gas reservoirs in the Taipei Depression of the Tuha Basin, all members of the project team faced the difficulties, concentrated their efforts, took the initiative to give up their vacations, worked day and night, and established 3 The research team launched one "offensive battle" after another and inspected more than 20 remaining traps, providing a good resource foundation for fine exploration of medium and shallow rare oil in the Taipei Depression.

Over the past 17 years, Jia Xueli has successively won honors such as outstanding party member and outstanding employee of the oilfield company. Her team has also won titles such as "Winning Group in Labor Competition" and "Pioneer Post of Outstanding Party Member" many times. She and her team have become the "most beautiful team" for exploration in the Turpan-Hami Basin.

"Xinjiang Craftsman Person of the Year"


Group company skill expert and national skill master studio leader

Du Liang checked the welding quality of stainless steel.

Craftiness "welds" a different life

motto:Details determine success or failure, and welds determine quality.

On March 28, Du Liang, the leader of Du Liang's Skills Master Studio, and several technicians analyzed the coking situation of the furnace tubes and studied welding plans on the second floor platform of No. 5 cracking furnace of Ethylene Department 2 of Dushanzi Petrochemical Company. After being named the "Xinjiang Craftsman Person of the Year" in 2023, Du Liang was not long ago awarded the honorary title of "Five Little Talents" in the autonomous region. The two results declared by the studio were awarded outstanding innovative results leading by model workers in the autonomous region.

Determined to become an excellent welder

Having been engaged in welding for 26 years, Du Liang has experienced hardship, fatigue and happiness. From the first day he picked up the welding gun, Du Liang had determined to become an excellent welder.

In 1998, Du Liang, who was retired from the army, entered Dushanzi Petrochemical to learn welding technology. When he excitedly picked up the welding gun, he realized that the welding technology was different from what he had imagined. He couldn't even hit a spark without holding the welding gun. He failed his first exam after studying for a month.

So, Du Liang made up his mind to practice welding skills hard. While others practiced for 5 hours a day, he practiced for 8 hours. The master gave each person 2 steel plates for practice every day, and Du Liang would always ask the master for 2 more plates to strengthen practice. In the graduation assessment three months later, his results were among the best.

Every welding is a bloom

Emergency repairs are orders, and participating in urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks has become the norm. To this day, Du Liang still remembers the two tasks of "one cold and one hot".

The "cold" was in the winter of 2014. Du Liang received an emergency repair notice for the furnace tubes of the 80,000 cubic meters per year hydrogen production converter combined with refining and hydrogenation. Outside at around 4 a.m., the temperature reached nearly minus 30 degrees Celsius. He was working inside a layer of tarpaulin he had built, and the low temperature made welding more difficult. In order to ensure that the device could resume construction as soon as possible, he and other welders on site took turns working 24 hours a day, eating and living on site, and carried out continuous operation for nearly 4 days and 3 nights. Finally, the emergency repair task was completed with high quality.

The "hot" was during the 2019 overhaul period, which was the high temperature weather in August. Du Liang led the youth commando team to participate in the cracking furnace maintenance project. The welding space of cracking furnace tubes is narrow, which brings great difficulties to welding. However, time is tight and the workload is very large. There are 2880 welds alone. Party A and Party B cooperated to take ventilation and dust removal measures. Du Liang led the team members to take turns every day. Every time they came out of the furnace, water could be wrung out from their clothes. In this environment, they still persisted in fighting continuously for more than 20 days, achieving a pass rate of 100% in two draws, and successfully completing the task.

Let the spirit of model workers be passed down from generation to generation

In the process of continuous learning and practice, Du Liang has mastered many operating techniques such as manual arc welding, submerged arc automatic welding, tungsten argon arc welding, and carbon dioxide gas shielded welding. He has successively obtained more than 20 certificates and obtained European welding Qualification Certificate EN287 and DVS International Welding Instructor Qualification Certificate. In 2012, he joined "Gu Gang Model Worker Innovation Studio" and became a member of the studio.

Gu Gang was awarded the honorary title of National Model Worker, filling 16 welding technology gaps in Dushanzi Petrochemical Company. Du Liang's skill level has been rapidly improved in the studio. In 2013, he represented PetroChina in a national competition and won a silver medal.

At the end of 2018, Gu Gang, the leader of Du Liang's skills expert studio, retired. He took over the baton and set a goal of leading the welding team to pass on the spirit of craftsmanship and welding skills. In the past three years, he has organized studio members to sign 35 contracts for famous teachers to lead high-class apprentices. Through the "mentoring" activity, we provide targeted professional theory, skills, and business guidance to apprentices, teach work experience and working methods, and continuously improve the apprentices 'professional technical capabilities and professional level.

While "passing on" to cultivate welding skilled talents, he led the studio to continuously enhance the awareness of independent innovation and completed more than 90 achievements of various types. Among them, 21 achievements were authorized by national utility model patents, and 2 achievements were registered with national software copyright. Eight apprentices won awards in skills competitions at all levels. Three of the players trained while serving as coaches were awarded the title of technical experts of central enterprises, three were awarded the title of technical experts of group companies, and 10 were awarded the title of technical experts of regional companies.

Over the past 26 years, it was common for Du Liang to work overtime and take on urgent tasks, but it was difficult to have a reunion dinner with his family. "There are no shortcuts to success. Only by continuous training can we find the magic weapon for success." In his ordinary position, Du Liang interprets the spirit of craftsmanship with dedication and dedication.

Ma Yanjun

Operator of the Second Refining Workshop of Urumqi Petrochemical Company Refinery

Ma Yanjun checked the operation of the equipment at the production site of the Aromatics Department.

Let more people stand on the shoulders of "giants"

motto:To learn, we must learn what is useful, and to do what is difficult.

"You must have extensive knowledge of refining and production, not only understand the equipment structure, but also understand the process principles. Only by covering all rivers can you do a good job in device corrosion prevention." On April 1, Ma Yanjun, a senior technician at Urumqi Petrochemical Company, shared his experiences at the anti-corrosion professional technical research meeting.

As a leader in the anti-corrosion work of Uzbekistan Petrochemical Company, Ma Yanjun solved more than 130 on-site production corrosion problems and presided over and participated in 68 anti-corrosion technology improvement projects. All projects have won enterprise-level and above awards.

Find out the problem and dig deep into the root cause

For refining and chemical production, corrosion will not only shorten the service life of equipment, but also affect production safety and product quality. Therefore, equipment corrosion prevention is crucial. Every time he encounters equipment corrosion problems, Ma Yanjun will analyze the equipment selection, materials, structure, and the nature, temperature, and flow state of the medium one by one to find out the intrinsic cause of the problem.

Ma Yanjun clicked on the Ukrainian petrochemical equipment management platform, which contains thousands of heat exchangers, tens of thousands of pipelines, and countless flanges and seals. Relying solely on the plugging model of "treating the head for a headache and treating the foot for a sore foot", anti-corrosion work will go to a dead end.

In 2019,"Ma Yanjun Equipment Anti-corrosion Studio" was established. The studio was named "Ma Yanjun Model Worker and Craftsman Talent Innovation Studio" and "Ma Yanjun Equipment Anti-corrosion Skills Master Studio" by the autonomous region, group company, and Urumqi City.

Don't focus on empty voices, don't indulge in fantasy

Wang Xindong, a senior engineer in the mobile department of the Ukrainian Petrochemical Refinery, is Ma Yanjun's favorite student. He followed Ma Yanjun when the anti-corrosion studio was established. Under the leadership of the master, in just 4 years, Wang Xindong's professional skills have advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has been rated as an advanced individual in anti-corrosion work in the refining and chemical system for two consecutive years.

Ma Yanjun has worked for 37 years and has moved through many positions. He has been named "Autonomous Region New Long March Assault" and "Autonomous Region Model Worker". He takes these honors lightly:"I value more whether the work I do is really conducive to safe production."

From unremitting pursuit of light to illuminating others

Ma Yanjun used a "root cause" method for anti-corrosion work. He promoted the combination of classified management and hierarchical management of refinery heat exchangers, and proposed the concept of full life cycle management of cold exchange equipment, starting with equipment material selection, medium corrosion control, and process operation, and managed each unit one by one. With the joint efforts of the studio, the number of repairs for failure of cold exchange equipment in the refinery has dropped significantly, saving nearly 10 million yuan in annual costs. This project won the Group's 2019 Front-line Innovation Achievement Excellence Award.

In 2020, the anti-corrosion studio will take the lead within the group company. In response to the problem that small takeovers are difficult to inspect and repair and are prone to corrosion leaks, Ma Yanjun took the lead in formulating the "Regulations on the Management of Small Takeovers", carried out a plant-wide survey and rectification work, and incorporated small takeovers into standardized management. This achievement was recommended by experts during the special external review of anti-corruption of the group company. In 2021, when the group company formulated relevant standards, it fully drew on the management experience of Uzbekistan Petrochemical.

Ma Yanjun only did one thing in his life. People in the "anti-corrosion circle" called him a "master". On the one hand, it was due to his superb professional skills, and on the other hand, he never hesitated to share his experience and technology, as well as anti-corrosion work. Results. He compiled and compiled more than 30 courseware, and organized studio members to participate in various professional meetings such as the annual corrosion prevention annual meeting of refining, chemical and new materials branches. In 2023, he organized studio members and published more than 20 papers in China's core science and technology journal Chemical Machinery. The 15 apprentices he brought out grew into backbones of anti-corrosion technology, injecting fresh blood into the management of Ukrainian petrochemical equipment.

Ma Yanjun, 57 years old, will retire in three years. He has shifted his focus to technology inheritance and talent training. Ma Yanjun strictly required young members of the studio to learn technology, practice diligently, and accumulate, and urged them to transform corrosion cases into papers and deepen their understanding through sorting and summarizing. "If I achieve something, it is because I stand on the shoulders of 'giants'." Wang Xindong said.

reporter:Luo Jiandong, Li Zhiqiang, Deng Yun

correspondent:Bai Zhaoyang, Ren Chunxiang and Lin Qing

edit:Summer Yuqing

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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