当地时间11月17日,据路透社报道,三位知情人士表示,**美国拜登政府已经解除了禁止乌克兰使用美国提供的武器袭击俄罗斯境内纵深目标的限制,**这是美国在俄乌冲突中政策的重大变化。消息人士称,乌克兰计划在未来几天进行首次远程袭击,该袭击很可能使用陆军战术导弹系统(ATACMS)。【previous reports

据塔斯社等俄媒18日报道,对于有消息称“美国总统拜登已授权乌军使用美国所提供远程导弹打击俄境内纵深目标”,俄罗斯总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫18日回应称,If the U.S. government has indeed made such a decision and informed Ukraine, it would signify a new round of escalating tensions.
佩斯科夫还说,俄罗斯总统普京此前已解释过,所谓“允许乌克兰使用西方提供的远程武器袭击俄罗斯”,实质上操作这些远程武器的只能是北约国家军队,而这样一来,The way NATO countries participate in the conflict "will fundamentally change."

Image source: Screenshot from Weibo International News video

据美国《纽约时报》11月17日报道,拜登已授权乌军使用美国提供的陆军战术导弹系统(ATACMS)袭击俄境内纵深目标,This decision represents a "significant shift" in the United States' policy regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
乌克兰“RBC.UA”新闻网等媒体报道说,乌克兰总统泽连斯基当地时间11月17日在视频讲话中称,“今天,媒体上有很多关于我们已获得采取相关行动许可的报道。但是,Strikes are not achieved through words. Such matters are not publicly announced. Missiles will make their own statements in their own way.”。
据俄新社等媒体此前报道,对于一些国家解除乌克兰使用外援远程武器限制话题,普京9月12日称,NATO, the United States, and European countries directly intervening in the Russia-Ukraine conflict would completely alter the nature of the conflict, "which would mean going to war with Russia." Russia will "make appropriate decisions" based on the threats it faces.

China News Service () integrated from Global Times, Weibo International News

Editor: Liang Jing

Proofreading: Wei Yuan

Editor: Song Fangcan



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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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