The "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of Manufacturing Industry" proposes to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote the green and low-carbon development of emerging industries at a high starting point, cultivate new green integrated manufacturing formats, and enhance the basic capabilities for green development of manufacturing industries **. ** In recent years, new momentum for the green transformation of China's manufacturing industry has continued to increase, and green development has achieved remarkable results.

The "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of the Manufacturing Industry"(hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments recently proposed to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote the green and low-carbon development of emerging industries, Cultivate new green integrated formats of manufacturing and enhance the basic capabilities for green development of manufacturing.

The "Guiding Opinions" clarify that by 2035, the endogenous driving force for green development of the manufacturing industry will be significantly enhanced, carbon emissions will peak and decrease, carbon neutrality capabilities will be steadily improved, and green and low-carbon competitive advantages in global industrial and supply chains will be highlighted. Green development has become a common form of new industrialization.

In 2030, green factory output value accounted for more than 40%

To promote the green development of manufacturing, the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries is the top priority. The "Guiding Opinions" propose to promote green and low-carbon optimization and reconstruction of traditional industries, green and low-carbon technological transformation, and guide regional green and low-carbon optimization layout.

Specific to industrial energy use, the "Guiding Opinions" point out that we must build a clean, efficient and low-carbon industrial energy consumption structure, implement clean and efficient utilization actions by classifying coal quality, and orderly promote coal reduction and substitution in key energy-using industries; encourage qualified enterprises and parks to build industrial green microgrids, promote efficient and complementary utilization of multiple energy sources, and utilize renewable energy on a large scale and a high proportion nearby; accelerate the electrification of terminal energy, broaden the areas of electric energy substitution, and increase the proportion of green power consumption. Promote the substitution of raw materials such as green hydrogen, low (no) volatile organic compounds, renewable resources, and industrial solid waste, enhance the supply capacity of raw materials such as natural gas, ethane, and propane, and increase the proportion of green and low-carbon raw materials.

In addition to traditional industries, the green, low-carbon and high-starting development of emerging industries is also crucial. The "Guiding Opinions" require focusing on bottlenecks that restrict the green development of emerging industries, accelerating the filling of shortcomings and weaknesses, and focusing on solving worries about the sustainable development of emerging industries. Efforts will be made to forge the long-term advantages of green and low-carbon industries, increase the proportion of green and low-carbon industries such as green environmental protection, new energy equipment, and new energy vehicles, and plan to deploy hydrogen energy, energy storage, biomanufacturing, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), etc. Future energy and future manufacturing industry development.

** The Guiding Opinions clarify that by 2030, the output value of green factories at all levels will account for more than 40% of the total manufacturing output value. ** Encourage green factories to further tap the potential of energy conservation and carbon reduction and create "zero-carbon" factories.

Mo Junyuan, associate researcher at the Institute of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection of the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, pointed out in an interview with a reporter from China Energy News:"The" Guiding Opinions "clarify the strategic positioning of green development of manufacturing in promoting new industrialization and building a modern industrial system. With 'forging new advantages in green competition in the industry' as the main line, it proposes to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and promote There are three major paths for green and low-carbon development of emerging industries and cultivating green integrated new business formats of manufacturing. We will improve the basic capabilities of green development of manufacturing by improving the four major systems of technology, policies, standards and benchmarking.

New green momentum continues to increase

In fact, driven by the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, new momentum for the green transformation of China's manufacturing industry continues to increase, and green development has achieved remarkable results.

"In recent years, China has been guided by creating green factories, developing green products, building green industrial parks and building green supply chains. It has actively promoted the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, comprehensively promoted green production methods, vigorously developed green and low-carbon industries, and continuously Improve energy resource utilization efficiency and clean production levels, and achieve positive results in promoting green and low-carbon industrial development." Mo Junyuan said,"First, the industrial structure continues to be optimized in the direction of green and low-carbon; second, the green manufacturing and service system continues to improve; third, the future industrial development prospects in the green and low-carbon field are prominent; fourth, the utilization of energy resources is more efficient; fifth, Green integration and new business formats are accelerating development."

Data shows that the proportion of China's advanced manufacturing industry continues to increase. In 2023, the added value of China's high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing industries will account for 15.7% and 33.6% of the added value of industries above designated size respectively. At the same time, the supply of green equipment and products has been further enhanced. In 2023, the production and sales of new energy vehicles will be 9.587 million and 9.495 million respectively, leading the world continuously. The output of power batteries accounts for about 60% of the world. The output of major links in the photovoltaic industry chain has been continuously For many years, it has remained the first in the world.

When summarizing the development of China's industry and informatization in 2023, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pointed out that in 2023, industrial green, low-carbon and high-quality development will achieve remarkable results, and new green momentum will continue to grow. A total of more than 5000 green factories and green industrial parks have been cultivated at the national level. There are nearly 400 and more than 600 green supply chain management companies.

"Currently, the application scenarios of hydrogen energy and new energy storage in the industrial field are constantly expanding. The first 10,000-ton green hydrogen industrialization demonstration project was completed and put into operation. The first million-ton hydrogen-based shaft furnace in the steel industry was ignited and put into operation. The cumulative installed capacity of new energy storage exceeded 31GW." Mo Junyuan introduced,"Servic-oriented manufacturing models such as green design and green supply chain are accelerating the promotion and application. The effect of digital empowerment and greening has been prominent.'5G+ Industrial Internet' has taken the lead in exploring and forming a series of typical application scenarios in 10 key industry fields such as steel and mining to promote enterprises to improve quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency."

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Policy standards are fully "escorted"

In Mo Junyuan's view, despite the remarkable results, the current green development of China's manufacturing industry still faces some problems. "From a domestic perspective, the scale of the manufacturing industry determines our large resource consumption and emissions, with prominent resource and environmental bottlenecks. The green transformation processes and problems faced by various regions and industries are different. Some key green and low-carbon core technologies have not yet been fully mastered. From an international perspective, international rules in the green and low-carbon field are facing reshaping, posing new challenges to economic and trade cooperation and industrial competition, increasing the cost and difficulty of China's green and low-carbon transformation."

莫君媛认为:“ The key and difficulty in industrial green and low-carbon transformation lies in traditional industries such as steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemicals, and building materials. However, tradition does not mean that they are backward. The energy consumption and total emissions of these industries are more determined by industrial characteristics and total scale. Determined, these industries can be 'transformed' in green transformation and achieve high-quality development.

It is worth noting that the "Guiding Opinions" also clarify relevant basic support and make every effort to "protect" the green transformation and development of the manufacturing industry. The "Guiding Opinions" require improving the green development policy system, guided by precision, coordination and sustainability, improving fiscal, taxation, finance, investment, price and other policies that support green development, innovating policy implementation methods, and gradually establishing a long-term mechanism to promote green development of manufacturing. At the same time, improve the green and low-carbon standard system, strengthen top-level design and normative management of standards, promote the connection and matching of standards at all levels and types, and strengthen standard implementation and application evaluation.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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