Beijing Post informs students to jointly report mentor incident:Cancel Zheng's qualification as a mentor.

On April 9, after reporting information about improper ethics of our teacher Zheng, a teacher, appeared on the Internet, the school attached great importance to it and established a working group as soon as possible to carry out a comprehensive investigation.

It has been verified that Zheng failed to correctly perform his duties as a graduate tutor and neglected to guide students in their studies; failed to care and care for students and required students to engage in matters unrelated to study and scientific research; and failed to issue research aid subsidies to students in accordance with relevant school regulations. Zheng's above-mentioned behavior violated the "Ten Standards for Professional Conduct of College Teachers in the New Era" and the "Code of Conduct for the Guidance of Postgraduate Tutors" and other relevant regulations. The school decided to cancel Zheng's qualification as a postgraduate tutor, stop his teaching work, and impose administrative sanctions on lowering the post level. The post level was downgraded from the seventh associate professor level to the tenth lecturer level. In the follow-up, the school will conduct party disciplinary sanctions in accordance with procedures in accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China".

The school will respect the wishes of students, change tutors for all students under Zheng's guidance, strengthen care and care for students, provide psychological counseling for students, and make every effort to ensure students 'normal study and scientific research life at school.

The school always adheres to the "first standard" of teachers 'ethics and ethics and has "zero tolerance" for violations of teachers' ethics. In the next step, the school will learn from this, draw inferences from one example, comprehensively investigate issues related to teachers 'ethics, continue to improve the long-term mechanism for building teachers' ethics, resolutely build a strong defense line for teachers 'ethics, and maintain a clean and upright education environment.

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

10 April 2024

** Related reports

#Fifteen graduate students jointly reported their mentor, and the material lasted 23 pages

** **

On the evening of April 9, the topic #Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Postgraduate Student Joint Reporting Tutor #sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens posted a message saying that 15 graduate students from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications jointly reported that their instructors had problems with teachers 'ethics. The content posted by netizens showed that the PDF of the reporting supervisor Zheng written by a graduate student at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications had a total of 23 pages, which attracted attention.

记者注意到,网上公开信息显示,郑某,现为北京邮电大学副教授,在该校信息与通信工程学院工作。郑某指导的 2022 级、2023 级硕士研究生共 15 人联名举报称,郑某情绪极其不稳定,常常破口大骂,“你他妈”是其常挂嘴边的口头禅;郑某差遣实验室同学做了许多科研以外的事情,如长期代取大量快递,替其开车接送朋友、家人,去其家里打扫卫生;为其女儿做作业、接送上下学、在其女儿参加重要考试时代为作弊;多次帮其搬家、酒店开房;代其买花、养花,替其去商场退换货、维修等。
举报中还提到了郑某强迫学生加班,无视学生的身心健康。自 2024 年 2 月 11 日开始,郑某要求项目人员每天晚上七点半开会,汇报进展,每天开会的记录持续到 3 月 27 日。经视直播记者看到举报材料中,郑某与学生们的微信群聊记录“从今天开始,每天晚上都要开会交流,请核心组成员更加严格要求自己,对项目的贡献,体现出核心成员的价值。否则,不要再参与项目。”


在举报材料中,15 名学生罗列出包括聊天记录、录音等证据,针对郑某在师德、师风方面的不当行为进行阐述,证明郑某不适合作为研究生导师,希望学校、学院能够明察秋毫,为他们所有人更换导师,并且保护他们直到毕业。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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