On April 12, the "Implementation Opinions on Establishing a Coal Production Capacity Reserve System" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration pointed out that by 2027, a coal production capacity reserve system will be initially established, and a number of production capacity reserve coal mine projects will be approved in an orderly manner to form a certain scale. A dispatchable production capacity reserve. By 2030, the capacity reserve system will be more sound, the capacity management system will be more perfect, and strive to form a programmable capacity reserve of about 300 million tons/year, the national coal supply guarantee capacity will be significantly enhanced, and the supply elasticity and toughness will continue to improve.

following is the original text

Implementation Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on Establishing a Coal Production Capacity Reserve System

Development and Reform Energy Regulation [2024] No. 413

Development and Reform Commission, Energy Bureau, Coal Industry Management Department of all coal-producing provinces (regions) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and relevant central enterprises:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the new energy security strategy, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on promoting supply guarantee and price stability of primary products, deepen structural reforms on the coal supply side, innovate production capacity management mechanisms, improve production capacity reserve policies, promote coal production capacity to maintain reasonable margin and sufficient flexibility, enhance supply guarantee capabilities, and better play the role of coal in ensuring energy supply, Formulate the following implementation opinions.

1. Overall requirements

Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, actively adapt to changes in the coal supply and demand situation, form stable production capacity reserve support policy expectations, and actively guide qualified enterprises to build coal reserve production capacity. Focusing on large-scale modern open-pit coal mines and underground coal mines with high safety guarantees, we will select a number of coal mines with reserve capacity in new and under construction coal mine projects, and actively and steadily organize implementation. Maintain reasonable and sufficient coal production capacity, enhance the elasticity and flexibility of coal supply, and effectively respond to cyclical and seasonal fluctuations in coal supply. Vigorously improve the quality of green production, promote the coordination of production capacity reserve and ecological and environmental protection, increase investment in safety and security, and ensure safety and reliability during the daily maintenance and release of reserve production capacity.

By 2027, a coal production capacity reserve system will be initially established, and a number of production capacity reserve coal mine projects will be approved in an orderly manner to form a certain scale of dispatchable production capacity reserve. By 2030, the capacity reserve system will be more sound, the capacity management system will be more perfect, and strive to form a programmable capacity reserve of about 300 million tons/year, the national coal supply guarantee capacity will be significantly enhanced, and the supply elasticity and toughness will continue to improve.

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2. Working rules for the construction of coal mines with capacity reserve

Capacity reserve The design capacity of a coal mine consists of two parts: regular production capacity and reserve production capacity. Conventional production capacity refers to the normal production capacity of coal mines under non-emergency conditions. Production is independently organized by enterprises according to market conditions and is not included in the scope of unified national dispatch. Reserve production capacity refers to the production capacity of moderate scale reserved on the basis of regular production capacity and used for peak shaving. In emergency situations, it is released simultaneously with regular production capacity according to unified national dispatch to achieve "upward elastic production" of coal mines. Capacity reserve The sum of the regular production capacity and reserve production capacity of the coal mine is the design production capacity. During the construction process of capacity reserve coal mines, implementation should be organized in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) Planning stage. 在煤炭矿区总体规划编制(修编)工作中,省级及以下煤炭矿区总体规划编制部门要组织对矿区内的规划新建和在建煤矿项目进行认真研究,论证项目是否具备建设储备产能的条件,科学合理确定单个煤矿规划建设规模。产能储备煤矿原则上应按照设计产能一次建成投产。项目单位要对产能储备煤矿建设的可行性进行深入研究,确保经济合理、安全可控。矿区外运基础设施要充分考虑储备产能释放的情形。

(2) Approval stage 。拟建设储备产能的新建煤矿项目需按设计产能办理用地预审与选址意见书、社会稳定风险评估报告等。编制项目申请报告书时,应对储备产能建设生产方案进行深入分析。在建煤矿项目可在现有核准产能基础上建设储备产能,也可按相关政策要求申请调整建设规模后建设储备产能。

(3) Construction stage. 产能储备煤矿应在符合矿区总体规划及规划环评要求的前提下,按照设计产能依法依规办理采矿、用地、用林、用草、环评、取水许可、水土保持、安全生产等各项手续,为储备产能依法合规释放创造条件。煤矿的生产、运输、通风、排水、机电等系统及相关设备均需按照设计产能建设和配备,确保应急状态下能够安全有效释放储备产能。产能储备煤矿主要通过增强采掘(剥)能力、提高工作面推进度的方式形成储备产能,不通过增加工作面的方式实现。要加强建设安全管理,严格执行安全设施“三同时”制度。

(4) Acceptance stage 。项目进入联合试运转后,分别按设计产能和常规产能组织试生产,在规定的联合试运转期限内,项目单位可根据煤矿实际自主确定按两种产能组织试生产的时间。项目单位在组织竣工验收时,需在竣工验收报告中明确产能储备建设情况。省级煤炭行业管理部门要加强项目竣工验收活动监管,储备产能建设不符合要求的,责令项目单位进行整改,符合要求后方可竣工投产。

(5) Production stage. 产能储备煤矿要完善“平急转换”机制,研究制定按照常规产能和设计产能组织生产的工作方案,合理安排生产组织,保持安全稳定的生产秩序,充分发挥产能储备的作用。日常要合理配备人员并科学安排采掘(剥)接续,提前做好应急生产的准备。在应急状态下,坚决服从国家统一调度,快速释放储备产能,确保产得出、调得快、用得上。要切实加大安全生产投入,强化隐患排查治理,不断增强安全供应保障能力。

3. Management procedures for coal mines with capacity reserve

(1) Declaration conditions. 申报建设储备产能的煤矿应为国家发展改革委、国家能源局核准权限的新建、在建煤矿项目,煤矿储备产能规模按占煤矿设计产能的比重,划分为20%、25%、30%三档。储备产能煤矿所在矿区应具备外运便利、运力充足等条件,煤炭产品主要用于保障发电供热及民生用能需求。

(2) Declaration process. 有关产煤省区煤炭行业管理部门会同同级发展改革部门(或省级政府指定的煤炭投资主管部门)根据本实施意见和有关通知要求,组织本省区产能储备煤矿的申报工作。煤炭企业(含中央企业)结合资源条件、开采工艺、外部运输条件等实际情况编制产能储备建设方案并提出申请,有关产煤省区煤炭行业管理部门会同同级发展改革部门(或省级政府指定的煤炭投资主管部门)进行初审,将符合申报条件的煤矿项目上报国家能源局。

(3) Confirmation procedures. 国家能源局委托有关评估机构组织专家对申报建设储备产能的煤矿项目进行评估,根据评估结果统筹确定煤矿项目名单及产能储备建设规模,优先支持山西、蒙西、蒙东、陕北、新疆五大煤炭供应保障基地内的大型现代化露天煤矿或安全保障程度高的井工煤矿。

(4) Enabling mechanism. 在煤炭供需形势总体平衡时,产能储备煤矿投产后按照常规产能组织生产。当供需形势由总体平衡转向紧张时,国家发展改革委、国家能源局根据煤炭市场供需以及价格是否超出合理区间等情况,对储备产能实施统一调度,确定储备产能的应急释放区域、生产调度规模、供应保障目标等,指导储备产能煤矿在确保安全的前提下阶段性按设计能力“向上弹性生产”。

(5) Signing medium-and long-term contracts. 产能储备煤矿要严格履行煤炭保供稳价责任,按照有关要求签订电煤中长期合同,执行国家有关价格政策。产能储备煤矿释放储备产能生产的商品煤优先接受国家统一调度,不再承担地方中长期合同签订任务。

4. Supporting support policies

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(1) Provide preferential policies for capacity replacement. 对产能储备煤矿,新建煤矿按设计产能20%、25%、30%建设储备产能的,其新增产能(含常规产能和储备产能)的60%、80%、100%免予实施产能置换。已审核确认产能置换方案的(包括在建煤矿),其产能置换指标总量的60%、80%、100%可另行使用,指标不再进行折算。

(2) Optimize and adjust the overall plan of the Kuangqu and the planning environmental impact assessment requirements. 产能储备煤矿要严格按照已批复煤炭矿区总体规划及规划环评办理核准相关手续。当资源储量、开采条件发生较大变化时,在符合服务年限要求的前提下,设计产能可在煤炭矿区总体规划基础上浮动1~3个设计级差,最大增幅原则上应低于规划建设规模的30%,且不出现《关于进一步加强煤炭资源开发环境影响评价管理的通知》(环环评〔2020〕63号)规定的规划重大调整情形。上述优化调整属煤炭矿区总体规划非重大调整情形,可编制局部调整方案报原规划审批机关同意。

**(3) Implement the new coal production capacity indicator separately. ** For coal mines with reserve capacity, the scale of reserve capacity will not occupy the new production capacity indicators of the provinces and regions determined by the national coal development plan.

5. Safeguard measures

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(1) Strengthen organizational coordination. 建立煤炭产能储备管理工作机制,强化统筹指导,协调做好全国煤炭产能储备管理工作。有关产煤省区煤炭行业管理部门会同同级发展改革等部门,可根据实际建立省级工作机制,指导辖区内企业做好产能储备工作。

(2) Compacting work responsibilities. 产能储备煤矿的项目单位要严格履行主体责任,扎实推进产能储备煤矿建设,确保如期保质保量完成建设任务,按国家统一调度组织生产,有效发挥产能储备煤矿作用。省级煤炭行业管理部门要履行好监督管理责任,加强对辖区内产能储备煤矿日常监督,逐矿建立工作台账,调度掌握产能储备煤矿在非应急和应急两种状态下的生产情况,相关台账信息定期报送至国家发展改革委、国家能源局。

(3) Strengthen supervision and management. 国家能源局会同有关部门加强对全国煤炭产能储备工作的综合协调和督促指导,研究解决产能储备煤矿建设生产过程中的重大问题,推动产能储备各项工作有序开展。省级煤炭行业管理部门适时组织开展检查,对未按照国家有关规定组织建设生产的,应当责令限期整改,违反有关法律法规的按规定予以处罚,确保产能储备各项要求落实落地。

This implementation opinion is interpreted by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration. It will come into effect as of the date of issuance and will be valid for 5 years.

National Development and Reform Commission

National Energy administration

April 2, 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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