China is building 26 nuclear power units, ranking first in the world.

The exhibition is a collective appearance of the scientific and technological innovation of the industrial chain and various leading products. It is also a barometer and vane of the development of the industry. The reporter of China Energy News "checked in" the 2024 China International Nuclear Industry Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the "Nuclear Industry Exhibition") on March 19. Through the innovative technologies and leading products brought by more than 110 domestic and foreign companies and scientific research institutions, we can intuitively feel the driving force and attraction of the Chinese market.

According to the China Nuclear Society, this year's Nuclear Industry Exhibition focuses on displaying the major achievements made by China's nuclear science and technology industry in recent years, specifically involving the capabilities of nuclear science and technology innovation systems, the scale of advanced nuclear energy technology, the application of nuclear technology, the autonomy of nuclear power equipment, and the digitalization of the nuclear industry. Intelligence, etc.

At the exhibition site, a reporter from China Energy News saw that as landmark projects to comprehensively improve the capabilities of China's nuclear science and technology innovation system, the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Nuclear Power Plant Demonstration Project, the "Linglong-1" Small Modular Reactor Demonstration Project, and the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Technology "China Circulation No. 3" model attracted many visitors to stop, and the tour guide skillfully introduced the design concept and technical parameters of the reactor type.

In addition, the third-generation "Hualong-1" nuclear power technology, which was most unveiled at the exhibition, is currently in the stage of batch construction. The issues most mentioned by visitors in the nuclear power enterprise exhibition area are project approval, construction progress, technology optimization and upgrading and economic improvement. Space. In addition, the practice and effectiveness of nuclear energy heating and steam supply projects at Haiyang in Shandong, Hongyanhe in Liaoning, Qinshan in Zhejiang, and Tianwan in Jiangsu have also attracted the attention of visitors.

Third, content such as autonomy of nuclear power equipment, autonomous nuclear fuel components, and digitalization and intelligence of the nuclear industry frequently appear in various enterprise exhibition areas and theme exhibition areas, highlighting the fact that nuclear power companies and equipment manufacturing companies have leveraged digitalization and intelligence to carry out design and manufacturing in recent years., the practice and effectiveness of safe operation and maintenance.

In the foreign exhibitor exhibition area, heads of foreign companies such as EDF, Framatome, and Westinghouse Electric, which are deeply involved in the development of China's nuclear energy industry, walked out of their booths and shuttled through the domestic exhibition area to communicate. Market opportunities and deepening cooperation are their focus. After all, China is the world leader in the field of nuclear power development scale and technological innovation.

Indeed, against the background of the "double carbon" goal and building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient new energy system, China is currently actively promoting the development of nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner, and carrying out comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy. The scale development of nuclear power and diversified utilization of nuclear energy are leading the steady development of global nuclear energy. The pace of development.

中国核学会公布的数据显示,截至2023年12月31日,全球32个国家和地区在运核电机组为413台,总装机3.71亿千瓦,其中中国(不含台湾地区)在运核电机组为55台,总装机约5703万千瓦;17个国家在建的核电机组为58台,总装机598万千瓦, Among them, 26 nuclear power units are under construction in China (excluding Taiwan),总装机约2974万千瓦。

"As one of the few countries in the world with an independent and complete nuclear industry chain, the mainland of China ranks third in the world in the number of nuclear power units in operation, and the number of nuclear power units under construction continues to rank first in the world." 中国核学会党委书记、理事长王寿君表示,2022、2023年连续两年,中国每年核准10台核电机组,核电建设进入高质量发展轨道。

Industry experts said that maintaining a stable and orderly development pace and safe and efficient development quality of nuclear power is the prerequisite and foundation for enhancing the resilience and safety of the nuclear energy industry chain. It is also the key to promoting all links of the industrial chain to "go global" and helping achieve the goal of a nuclear power country.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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