The future development of industrial and commercial energy storage still has good prospects, but enterprises entering the bureau must remain rational and customize new strategies and plans based on their own advantages.

“《中国能源报》刊发的 "The industrial and commercial energy storage market is about to be reshuffled"(click to view) 一文中提到能链智电、能仓科技,我想和市场相关人员取得联系,与他们合作储能业务,联系方式能分享吗?”这是记者近日收到的一份署名为“今真电器—楚留香”的邮件。

Coincidentally, Yan Tao, general manager of Luo Kai, also told the reporter of China Energy News that he received frequent calls and wanted to cooperate with Luo Kai on an energy storage project...

Today, the industrial and commercial energy storage market continues to be "hot" in the past two years, and many companies plan to get a piece of the industrial and commercial energy storage market. During the interview, industry insiders agreed that the future development of industrial and commercial energy storage still has good prospects, but enterprises entering the bureau must remain rational and tailor new strategies and plans based on their own advantages.

Enterprise competition is fierce

Observing major energy storage exhibitions since 2023, we can find that the industrial and commercial energy storage field is a key area of concern for large energy storage system integrators and home energy storage inverter manufacturers, and cell manufacturers are also accelerating the deployment of this field. At the same time, there are many entrepreneurs who are "0 to 1" who have entered the industrial and commercial energy storage track. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 500 industrial and commercial energy storage manufacturers in East China, South China and Central China alone.

In the eyes of industry insiders, competition in the industrial and commercial energy storage market is becoming increasingly fierce, mainly due to the rapid development of renewable energy and the in-depth advancement of power reform. As a key link connecting traditional energy and new energy, energy storage technology has increasingly its strategic position. In this context, many companies hope to occupy a favorable position through technological innovation and market expansion.

In the field of industrial and commercial energy storage, some large core companies will demonstrate sustainable development capabilities in the future, while small companies may face the fate of elimination or transformation in this round of market competition. 。”南都电源国内营销中心副总裁于建华对《中国能源报》记者表示,有些2022年进入储能行业的企业,已经在2023年关闭了工商业储能相关的部门或决定不再投资该领域。此外,一些企业凭借资本运作或某一技术点的优势进入工商业储能领域,但实际上其可持续发展能力仍然较弱。

Yu Jianhua reminded that it is particularly noteworthy that the operating conditions of industrial enterprises have also changed in the past two years. When the company is in good operating conditions and consumes a large amount of electricity, it will consider building a new factory. At this time, there are more business opportunities for industrial and commercial energy storage companies. On the contrary, if the company's operating growth is slow and there is no ability to expand production capacity, the number of high-quality customers of industrial and commercial energy storage companies will decrease, which makes it difficult for originally enthusiastic energy storage companies to generate sustained revenue or maintain operations for more than a year.

There may be frequent disputes this year

In fact, most companies entering industrial and commercial energy storage are essentially system integrators. They purchase batteries, PCS (energy storage converters), BMS (battery management systems), EMS (energy management systems) and cabinets and other components, and then assemble them. This business model has made marketing and sales a constraint in the industry, resulting in particularly fierce competition in this field and intensified price competition.

According to Bai Xiangang, senior manager of Sunshine Power's industrial and commercial energy storage solutions, industrial and commercial energy storage is currently facing problems such as low system efficiency, high failure rate, and high operating loss. Poor energy storage products pieced together through external mining are likely to lead to customers being unable to obtain the expected benefits. In addition, industrial and commercial energy storage application scenarios are usually in densely populated areas such as industrial parks and office spaces, which puts forward higher requirements for the safety design of energy storage systems. In addition, different application scenarios and installation requirements, as well as different grid-connected voltage levels, pose challenges to the flexible combination of energy storage solutions.

Talking about the development of industrial and commercial energy storage this year, Jiang Xinyu, chairman of Guangzhou Zhiguang Energy Storage, said in an interview with a reporter from China Energy News that in the industrial and commercial energy storage market in 2023, more local companies will use their customers Resources invest in the industrial and commercial energy storage field. These companies do not have a deep understanding of the energy storage industry and only see superficial high-yield calculations and blindly invest. Last year, the basic situation of the industrial and commercial energy storage market was that equipment vendors, investors, customers and even service providers were often dispersed rather than a single entity. This separation may lead to more conflicts and disputes in the future.

"Due to the low entry threshold for industrial and commercial energy storage, some products of uneven quality have appeared on the market." Jiang Xinyu bluntly said that some small investors do not have sufficient investment capabilities, so they use the resources of equipment suppliers, such as installment payments, delayed payments, etc. After the equipment is installed, if the income does not meet expectations or the equipment fails, debt disputes may arise between the investors, suppliers and final customers, and such conflicts and disputes may continue to occur.

Focus on just needed application scenarios

Many industry insiders believe that industrial and commercial energy storage will continue to show growth this year. "The current industrial and commercial energy storage field is facing huge development opportunities." Bai Xiangang predicts that the installed global energy storage capacity will reach 15GWH this year, a year-on-year increase of 85%. The installed energy storage capacity of the Chinese market is expected to reach 9GWH this year, accounting for 60% of the global market. The installed capacity of industrial and commercial energy storage has doubled during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, especially in major electricity consumption provinces such as Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Guangdong., the profit model of industrial and commercial energy storage is more significant. According to the filing situation last year, both in terms of filing capacity and quantity, it shows a rapid growth trend.

If industrial and commercial energy storage companies want to develop well in the long run, they should not only rely on existing models, but should also identify their own advantages, avoid blindly following the trend, and work intensively in the fields where they are good at. At the same time, companies need to have a deep understanding of the market and have a clear understanding of their own capabilities and risks to ensure steady development in future market competition.

“例如,In the field of distributed energy storage, companies should focus on application scenarios that are truly needed. 。”姜新宇认为,固定时间段的峰谷价差并非始终是刚需,尤其是在电力现货交易日益普及的背景下。在部分省份,峰谷价差也呈减小趋势,这对工商业储能项目的投资建设并不友好。“所以,工商业储能企业应结合具体的细分市场进行深入挖潜。”

Lu Hefeng, deputy general manager of Jinlang Technology, said in an interview with a reporter from China Energy News that industrial and commercial energy storage mainly meets the needs of the distribution network and the consumption side. The power of its PCS is generally below 250kW, and most of them adopt three-level topologies., combined with distributed photovoltaics, can achieve spontaneous self-use, and can also make profits by taking advantage of the peak-to-valley price difference of the power grid. Against the background of the country encouraging the installation and utilization of distributed energy sources nearby, although industrial and commercial energy storage cannot be compared with large storage sources and has a small base, it has huge growth potential. In the new industrial cycle, industrial energy storage companies must not only provide high-quality products, but also be competitive in terms of channels, services, R & D speed and customer demand response.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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