Digitally empowering green finance not only helps improve service efficiency and transaction transparency, but also completes resource allocation more efficiently and highlights the scale effect.

今年的政府工作报告提出,深入推进数字经济创新发展。制定支持数字经济高质量发展政策,积极推进数字产业化、产业数字化,促进数字技术和实体经济深度融合。随着数字经济向纵深发展,数字化成为金融业的战略标配。 2月,香港金融管理局发行以人民币、港元、美元和欧元4种货币计价的数字绿色债券。这不仅是全球首批多币种数字绿色债券,也是“数字+绿色+金融”的一次完美融合。金融科技正不断深化与绿色金融体系的结合,在绿色信贷、ESG投融资、绿色普惠、转型金融等多领域开展创新性应用。数字化赋能绿色金融,不仅有助于提升服务效率和交易透明度,还可以更高效地完成资源配置,凸显规模化效应。

Enhance bond flows

Digital green bonds denominated in four currencies in Hong Kong have issued HK $6 billion with a maturity of two years. Of these, HK $2 billion bond interest rate is 3.8%, RMB 1.5 billion bond interest rate is 2.9%, US $200 million bond interest rate is 4.749%, 80 million euro bond interest rate is 3.647%. This is the second digital bond in Hong Kong after Hong Kong issued HK $800 million of monetized government green bonds in February last year. It is understood that the multi-currency digital green bonds issued this time do not need to rely on the traditional central securities depository platform, but use the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Central debt instrument Clearing system and HSBC blockchain bond monetization platform HSBC Orion as the digital asset platform, and international investors can choose to use the Bank for European Settlements or Mingxun Bank of the German Stock Exchange to participate in bond trading. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority pointed out that the issue highlighted Hong Kong's advantages in sustainable finance and financial technology. The digital issuance mode is very innovative, which simplifies the issuance procedure, enhances the liquidity of bonds, and attracts international institutional investors to subscribe more widely. In addition, the issuance documents and third-party evaluation reports can be viewed on the digital assets platform to facilitate investors to understand the bond situation. The Hong Kong Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, said that the digital green bonds re-issued this year incorporated a number of technological innovations, demonstrating Hong Kong's advantages and leadership in combining the bond market, green and sustainable finance, as well as financial technology. In the future, we will continue to promote the innovation and application of financial technology, explore more new technologies to improve the efficiency, transparency and security of financial transactions, and promote more vigorous development in all areas of the financial market.

Innovate bond issuance methods

针对这种创新型发债方式,部分券商对《中国能源报》记者表示,这是一次多元化的投资机会,扩大了投资者的参与度和互操作性,增加了交易的透明度,可以进一步加深社会对可持续发展结合金融科技的认识,为数字化赋能绿色金融市场提供更多参考和借鉴。事实上,“双碳”目标提出以来,不同行业面临不同程度的减排压力和转型压力,金融科技作为重要的赋能工具,不断加深与绿色金融体系结合。 中金公司投资银行部固定收益组执行负责人、董事总经理程达明接受《中国能源报》记者采访时表示:“金融科技赋能领域正在从绿色信贷、绿色基金、绿色能源市场、绿色债券等,逐步覆盖到绿色保险、绿色信托、绿色租赁、环境权益交易、碳金融等领域,且绿色信贷、绿色保险等领域的应用愈加深化。” 程达明指出,香港这次发行的多币种数字绿色债券有以下方面创新:一是通过债务工具中央结算系统的外部链接,国际投资者可选择利用其欧洲清算银行或明讯银行的账户参与买卖,扩大了投资者基础并有效提高了债券流通性;二是以数字原生形式发行,精简了发行程序;三是本次发行采用国际资本市场协会的债券数据分类术语BDT(Bond Data Taxonomy),成为相关类别发行人首次发行采用BDT的债券,亦是首批采用BDT的绿色债券。“这是一套标准化机器可读语言,专为促进市场效率以及跨平台互操作性而设。”

Improve regulatory energy efficiency

近些年,债券市场有多单数字债券的创新尝试。去年8月,宁波银行独立主承的全国首个以数字人民币归集的绿色债券“23锡产业GN010”在银行间债券市场发行,票面利率2.6%,发行人为无锡产业发展集团有限公司,发行规模1亿元,期限2年,募集资金将全部用于偿还“无锡日托光伏年产1.4GW高效太阳能电池扩建项目”和“无锡日托光伏年产1GW高效组件新建项目”产生的银行借款。 此外,四川发展资产管理有限公司2024年度第一期超短期融资券、大唐融资租赁有限公司2024年度第一期超短期融资券、厦门象屿集团有限公司2023年度第九期超短期融资券,均以数字人民币形式归集募集资金,将数字人民币与资金募集方式相结合,有效发挥数字人民币支付即结算、无手续费、安全性高等优势,进一步丰富数字人民币应用场景与金融生态,具有重要的推广示范意义。 “For regulators, financial technology can collect green financial business information, statistical analysis and management applications in real time, helping financial regulatory authorities improve regulatory effectiveness 。”针对金融科技赋能的影响,程达明说,“对金融机构而言,科技赋能绿色金融可以发挥三个方面作用,即为金融机构开展绿色金融业务提供全过程管理工具,降低‘漂绿’风险;为金融机构产品创新、风险防控、产品定价、信息披露等提供支撑;为绿色金融创新提供基础数据支持。” 数字化技术还可作为防范“洗绿”“漂绿”风险最重要的措施之一,通过数据为基础和事实性的资料,佐证绿色金融业务办理。“站在企业角度,数智化技术有助于量化数据,完善ESG数据归集、治理和共享,提高信息披露质量。”程达明强调。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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