news focus

National Development and Reform Commission, National Energy Administration:A coal production capacity reserve system will be initially established by 2027. 4月12日,国家发改委、国家能源局发布的《关于建立煤炭产能储备制度的实施意见》指出,到2027年,初步建立煤炭产能储备制度,有序核准建设一批产能储备煤矿项目,形成一定规模的可调度产能储备。 [[More details] ](

China's electric vehicle industry calls on the EU's countervailing investigation to remain objective and fair. 据新华社4月13日报道,中国机电产品进出口商会(机电商会)4月12日在比利时首都布鲁塞尔召开记者会,呼吁欧盟委员会在对中国电动汽车调查中保持客观、公正、透明,强调欧方若采取贸易救济措施将损害各方利益。机电商会副会长石永红表示,欧盟和中国电动汽车行业的发展和成长在于合作而非冲突。中方仍希望本次调查能够取得一个平衡的结果。他呼吁欧委会从维护全球产业链供应链稳定大局出发,为中欧共同应对气候变化、推动绿色转型创造良好市场环境。

domestic news

National Energy Administration:Clearly accept the scope of new energy storage for power system dispatch. 4月12日,国家能源局发布的《关于促进新型储能并网和调度运用的通知》指出,明确接受电力系统调度新型储能范围。接入电力系统并签订调度协议的新型储能,可分为调度调用新型储能和电站自用新型储能两类。 [[More details] ](

◐三部门:大力推广智能快充公共充换电基础设施。On April 12, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Transport issued the "Notice on Carrying out Pilot Work on Filling Shortages of County Charging and Replacing Facilities" stating that according to the needs of new energy vehicles in the region and in transit, public charging and replacing infrastructure should be increased. Construction efforts will be made in rural areas suitable for using new energy vehicles. The newly built charging and replacing infrastructure in pilot counties should be open to the whole society, with an availability rate of no less than 99%, and a rated power of more than 120 kilowatts (including 120 kilowatts). Smart fast charging and replacing infrastructure should be vigorously promoted. [【更多详情】 ](

Announcement of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the National Bureau of Statistics on Issuing Carbon Dioxide Emission Factors for Electricity in 2021. 据生态环境部4月12日消息,为落实《关于加快建立统一规范的碳排放统计核算体系实施方案》相关要求,生态环境部、国家统计局组织计算了2021年全国、区域和省级电力平均二氧化碳排放因子,全国电力平均二氧化碳排放因子(不包括市场化交易的非化石能源电量),以及全国化石能源电力二氧化碳排放因子,供核算电力消费的二氧化碳排放量时参考使用。

China's 130-ton reusable liquid oxygen kerosene engine has completed a total of 15 repeat tests. 据科技日报4月14日报道,从中国航天科技集团六院获悉,中国自主研制的130吨级可重复使用液氧煤油发动机近日圆满完成2次起动地面点火试验。至此,该台发动机累计完成15次重复试验,30次点火起动,累计试验时长突破3900秒。其重复试验次数突破中国液体火箭主发动机试验次数纪录,为后续中国可重复使用运载火箭首飞奠定了基础。

The first offshore deep well independently designed and implemented by China was officially put into operation. 据《中国能源报》记者报道,4月13日,中国海油宣布,中国首口自主设计实施的超深大位移井——恩平21-4油田A1H井在珠江口盆地海域顺利投产,测试日产原油超700吨。该井钻井深度9508米,水平位移8689米,成为中国海上第一深井,同时创造中国钻井水平长度纪录,标志着中国成功攻克万米级大位移井技术瓶颈,海上超远超深钻井技术水平跨入世界前列。

Guangdong:Strengthen the development and demonstration application of green aviation equipment industries such as low-altitude economic equipment. 4月13日发布的《广东省推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新实施方案的通知》指出,加强低空经济装备等绿色航空装备产业发展和示范应用。严格执行船舶报废和环保标准,依法依规淘汰高耗能、高排放、污染重的老旧船舶,以市场化方式推动LNG动力船舶应用,逐步扩大电动、绿色甲醇动力等新能源船舶应用范围。

Hunan:Support the replacement of old new energy buses and power batteries. 近日发布的《湖南省推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新实施方案》指出,扩大新能源汽车在公共交通、环境卫生、邮政快递、城市物流、公务车等领域应用。加强电动、氢能等绿色航空装备产业化能力建设,拓展通用航空应用场景。

Liaoning:The concentrated investment in the construction of 49 power grid projects is nearly 5 billion yuan. 据中新社4月12日报道,国家电网有限公司在辽宁投资建设的49项重大电网工程4月11日集中开工。这批工程涉及沈阳、大连抚顺等12个城市,投资额近50亿元人民币。

international news

Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan:Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Station uses American technology to build new units. 据央视新闻报道,当地时间4月13日,在乌克兰赫梅利尼茨基核电站第五和第六机组建设奠基仪式上,乌能源部部长加卢先科表示,核电站的五号和六号机组建设是乌克兰与美国的联合项目,将采用美国西屋公司的技术。

The Council of the European Union approved the "Euro 7" emission standard. 据央视新闻报道,当地时间4月12日,欧盟理事会批准“欧7”机动车排放标准。新的标准不仅涵盖氮氧化物等汽车尾气排放物,还将首次引进对刹车和轮胎磨损所产生超细颗粒物的排放限值。这意味着电动车和氢动力车也将被纳入“欧7”排放标准。

corporate news

A Chinese enterprise undertakes the construction of a photovoltaic power station project in Zambia to connect the grid to generate electricity. 据新华社4月12日报道,中国电力建设集团有限公司承建的赞比亚伊亭皮太阳能项目日前举行并网发电仪式,赞比亚总统希奇莱马为项目揭牌剪彩。希奇莱马表示,电力是赞比亚矿业和农业发展的基础,是赞比亚实现从资源出口到生产高附加值产品转变的重要保障。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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