news focus

General Office of the State Council: Improve the control of total energy consumption and intensity, and focus on controlling fossil energy consumption. 3月19日,国务院办公厅发布的《扎实推进高水平对外开放更大力度吸引和利用外资行动方案》指出,完善能源消耗总量和强度调控,重点控制化石能源消费,落实原料用能和非化石能源消费不纳入能源消耗总量和强度控制等政策,一视同仁保障外资项目合理用能需求。加快推动绿证交易和跨省区绿电交易,更好满足外商投资企业绿电需求。

National Development and Reform Commission:Publicly solicit the "Green and Low-Carbon Advanced Technology Demonstration Project List (First Batch)". 3月19日,国家发展改革委发布向社会公开征求《绿色低碳先进技术示范项目清单(第一批)》意见的公告。 文件显示,第一批绿色低碳先进技术示范项目清单,共纳入47个项目。其中包括,100MWh重力储能示范项目、350MW/1750MWh压缩空气储能示范项目、300MW级压缩空气储能电站示范项目等。

domestic news

◐国资委**:Promote continuous optimization of the energy structure。**据国资委3月19日消息, 国务院国资委党委 召 开的 扩大 会议 指出, 要推动能源结构持续优化,加快构建以风电、太阳能发电大基地为主体,集中式与分布式协同发展,氢能、新型储能支撑调节、前沿核心技术引领带动的新能源产业体系。

Ministry of Natural Resources:The total control index for the first batch of tungsten mining in 2024 is 62000 tons. 3月18日,自然资源部发布的《关于下达2024年度钨矿开采总量控制指标(第一批)的通知》指出,2024年度第一批钨矿(三氧化钨含量65%)开采总量控制指标62000吨。

The world's largest single-unit capacity tower photovoltaic power generation project started. 据中新网报道,3月19日从国家太阳能光热产业技术创新战略联盟获悉,由中国电建西北院牵头EPC总承包的全球在建单机最大的塔式光热发电项目——中广核新能源青海德令哈光储热一体化200万千瓦(光热20万千瓦)项目日前正式开工,标志着国内储能配比率最高的光热储多能互补项目正式开工,这也是全球最大单机容量塔式光热发电项目。

** China's first hydrogen and hydrogen refueling integrated station group standard released. ** According to our reporter's report, we learned from the Sinopec Information Office on March 19 that in order to promote the development of China's hydrogen energy transportation industry and solve the current standard gap in the construction of hydrogen production and hydrogen hydrogenation integrated stations, dozens of hydrogen energy leaders within Sinopec's United Nations The company has released the first domestic "Technical Guide for Hydrogen Production and Hydrogenation Integrated Stations" group standard. The formulation of this standard will provide rules to follow for the construction of integrated hydrogen and hydrogenation stations in the future, which is conducive to the systematic and standardized construction of integrated hydrogen and hydrogenation stations and promotes the high-quality development of China's hydrogen energy industry chain.

** Zhengzhou:** It is estimated that the number of new energy vehicles will reach 2.7 million in 2035. On March 19, the "Zhengzhou City Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Development Plan" issued by the People's Government of Zhengzhou City pointed out that it is expected that the number of new energy vehicles in Zhengzhou City will reach 2.7 million in 2035, and the scale of charging and replacing facilities will reach 1.1 million, forming a green, environmentally friendly, low-carbon and efficient transportation service system.

international news

Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry said he agreed to restart the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant. 据央视新闻报道,共同社3月19日消息,日本经济产业大臣斋藤健已向新潟县知事花角英世表示同意重启柏崎刈羽核电站。

** A fire broke out at ExxonMobil's refinery in Texas, USA. ** According to CCTV News, on March 18, local time, ExxonMobil reported that a fire broke out at its refinery in Baytown, Texas, USA on the 17th, causing the shutdown of its hydrogen refueling unit with a daily output of 564440 barrels of gasoline.

corporate news

Huaneng High Temperature Reactor Technology Research Center started operation. 3月19日,中国华能集团有限公司微信公众号发布消息称,3月16日,华能高温堆技术研究中心在山东荣成正式启动运作,标志着该集团公司高温堆产业技术创新迈上新台阶。该研究中心旨在全面掌握高温气冷堆核电技术,形成以示范工程为平台、以标准规范和专利为核心的完整自主知识产权体系,形成世界领先的高温气冷堆系列型谱产品,为高温气冷堆技术产业化、规模化推广提供强大技术支撑。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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