Today (April 8) afternoon, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance answered media inquiries about U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen's visit to China.

In order to implement the important consensus reached in the meeting and phone call between President Xi Jinping and President Biden, as agreed by China and the United States, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen will visit China from April 4 to April 9. Treasury Secretary Yellen is the first U.S. cabinet member to visit China this year. During this period, China and Finance Minister Yellen held multi-level and multi-field talks and exchanges.

·On April 7, Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, met with Finance Minister Yellen in Beijing to exchange in-depth views on topics such as Sino-US relations, Sino-US economic relations, and addressing global challenges.

·From April 5 to April 6, He Lifeng, the leader of the economic and trade sides of China and the United States, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, and Finance Minister Yellen held multiple rounds of talks in Guangzhou to discuss the macroeconomic situation of the two countries and the global world and respond to global challenges and issues of concern to both sides in the economic field. In-depth, candid, pragmatic and constructive communication was conducted.

·From April 7 to April 8, Chinese Minister of Finance Lan Fo 'an and Governor of the People's Bank of China Pan Gongsheng held separate talks with Finance Minister Yellen in Beijing to exchange views on the macroeconomic situation and financial affairs of the two countries.

·While in China, Yellen also met with some Chinese politicians and academic circles.

会谈中,中方强调,应按照习近平主席提出的中美关系要坚持的“以和为贵、以稳为重、以信为本”三大原则,通过努力工作将“旧金山愿景”转为“实景”。 The two sides agreed to jointly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continue to strengthen communication and cooperation in the economic and financial fields, strive to create a good environment for two-way trade and investment activities of enterprises of the two countries, and promote the healthy and stable development of Sino-US economic relations.

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■ About the macroeconomic situation

Today, China focused on introducing China's economic situation and policies to the United States.

中方指出,China's economy maintains healthy and sustainable growth 。去年中国经济总体继续保持了回升向好的势头,主要预期目标圆满完成,经济增速在世界主要经济体中名列前茅,依然是全球经济增长的最大引擎。这些成绩是在防范化解风险隐患、推动经济转型升级的基础上取得的。今年中国经济继续保持回升向好势头,有信心实现全年增长目标。

中方强调,Reform and opening up is China's national policy. China's reform will not stop and opening up will not stop. A series of major measures to comprehensively deepen reform are being planned and implemented ,大力破解妨碍构建新发展格局的卡点堵点,坚持深化供给侧结构性改革和着力扩大有效需求协同发力,加快国内统一大市场建设,持续构建市场化、法治化、国际化的一流营商环境,将为美国企业在内的各国企业提供更加广阔的发展空间。美方在会谈中就美国的宏观经济形势,包括劳动力市场、通胀、金融体系以及财政货币政策等情况进行了介绍。

■ About responding to global challenges

The two sides exchanged in-depth views on global challenges such as debt processing of developing countries, World Bank reform, International Monetary Fund governance reform, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing, and agreed to continue to maintain communication and cooperation on relevant issues under multilateral channels.

■ Regarding concerns of both sides

Both sides believe that every country has a reasonable need to safeguard national security, but China emphasizes that the concept of "national security" should not be generalized and the so-called "diversification" should be used to impact normal trade and investment exchanges between the two countries and the world and stability of the production and supply chain.

China has clearly expressed its serious concern about U.S. measures such as imposing sanctions on Chinese companies, imposing tariffs on China, and restricting investment in China, pointing out that these measures harm the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies and the public, and are not conducive to the well-being of American companies and the public. 。中方欢迎美方关于无意寻求对华脱钩的表态,希望美方采取切实行动,停止制裁限制中国企业。

In response to the issues raised by the United States such as overcapacity, China has fully responded.

■ About consensus results

The two sides reiterated the three-point consensus reached at the San Francisco talks in November on "strengthening communication","preventing decoupling" and "responding to common challenges", and reached the following new consensus results:

·First, the ministries of finance of the two countries will take the lead in conducting exchanges on issues related to balanced economic growth between the two countries and the world under the framework of the China-US Economic Working Group.

·Second, the People's Bank of China and the U.S. Department of the Treasury take the lead in continuing exchanges on issues such as financial stability, sustainable finance, and anti-money laundering under the framework of the Financial Working Group.

■ About the next step

遵照双方牵头人指示,双方工作层将在经济、金融工作组项下持续推进落实上述共识。 The fourth meetings of the two working groups are scheduled to be held during the World Bank/International Monetary Fund spring meeting in Washington, DC, USA in mid-April.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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