On the afternoon of April 11, the State Council Information Office held a regular press conference on government policies. Zhao Chenxin, Vice Minister of the National Development and Reform Commission, Shan Zhongde, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Fu Jinling, Director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance, Hu Zijian, Director of the Urban Construction Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Market Operation and Consumption Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce, and Liu Hongsheng, Director General of Standards Technology Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, introduced the Action Plan to Promote Mass Equipment Updates and Trade-ins for Consumer Goods, and answered questions from reporters. The following is a partial transcript including graphics and text.

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Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: 尊敬的各位记者朋友们,大家下午好。很高兴参加今天的政策例行吹风会。按照主持人的要求,我先向大家介绍一下《推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新行动方案》的相关情况。

Promoting large-scale equipment updates and trade-ins for consumer goods is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee from the perspective of China's high-quality development as a whole. This decision will greatly promote investment and consumption, both in the short and long term. On February 23 this year, President Xi Jinping chaired the fourth session of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs to investigate the issue of large-scale equipment updates and trade-ins for consumer goods. On March 1, Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to review and approve the action plan for large-scale equipment updates and trade-ins for consumer goods. The Action Plan has several characteristics, which we will now outline below.

Firstly, it is of great significance. 中国是机器设备、耐用消费品保有的大国。据有关机构测算,目前全社会设备存量资产净值大约是39.3万亿元,其中工业设备存量资产大概是28万亿元。这里面举几个例子,中国工业机器人的保有量占全世界1/3,风电光伏等新能源设备的装机量连续多年都是全球第一,家电的保有量超过30亿台,汽车的保有量超过3亿辆,这都是非常大的数字。相关机构测算,中国每年工农业等重点领域设备投资更新需求在5万亿元以上,汽车、家电换代需求也在万亿元以上级别。所以说,大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新市场空间是非常巨大的。这次的《行动方案》系统部署了这项工作,这个政策就像我刚才讲的,既能促进消费、拉动投资、切实增强经济活力,又能增加先进产能、促进节能降碳、减少安全隐患,实现高质量发展。这个政策既惠企又利民,为企业带来发展机遇的同时,满足人民群众日益增长的美好生活需要。

Second, the task of the program is very clear. 《行动方案》提出要实施设备更新、消费品以旧换新、回收循环利用、标准提升“四大行动”,每个行动方向都非常明确,重点也都非常突出。设备更新行动是以节能降碳、数字化转型等为重要方向,推动工业、农业、建筑、交通、教育、文旅、医疗这七个领域设备更新改造。消费品以旧换新行动聚焦汽车、家电、家居等耐用消费品,让更多高质量消费品通过这种方式进入老百姓的生活。回收循环利用行动则是要落实全面节约战略,健全回收利用体系,提升循环利用水平。还有最后一个行动——标准提升行动,就是要对标国际先进水平,加快完善节能降碳、环保、安全、循环利用等方面的标准。

Third characteristic, clear objectives. 《行动方案》在认真摸底测算的基础之上,提出了到2027年的一些具体目标。在设备更新方面,刚才我讲的七大领域,设备投资规模要较2023年增长25%以上,重点行业主要用能设备的能效要基本达到节能水平。在以旧换新和循环利用方面,提出的目标是报废汽车回收量要比2023年增加大约一倍,二手车交易量要比2023年增长45%,废旧家电回收量要比2023年增长30%。

The fourth feature is that the measures are very practical. 《行动方案》从加大财政支持、完善税收支持、优化金融支持、加强要素保障、强化创新支撑五个方面明确了强化政策保障的一些具体措施。比如,中央财政要设立专项资金,支持废弃电器电子产品回收处理工作,一会儿金陵司长还会说得更细一点。再比如,在资源回收企业向自然人回收报废产品的时候,推广这些企业向自然人出售者“反向开票”的做法。相信这些政策措施将有力保障《行动方案》各项目标任务落实落地。

These are the four key points that I use to introduce the core content of the action plan. I will now introduce a brief overview of these. Later, along with my colleagues from all departments and ministries, I will gladly answer the questions that concern you.

answered questions

People's Daily reporter:How can the government better play its role in promoting the upgrading of equipment and consumer products? How will the National Development and Reform Commission implement this work?

Zhao Chenxin

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Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: 《行动方案》确实涉及的领域很广,涉及经济社会发展的方方面面、多个环节,要推动落实好,我们认为既要充分发挥市场在资源配置方面的决定性作用,也要更好发挥政府作用,打好政策组合拳。可以说,按照国务院的要求,国家发展改革委正在会同有关方面,分工负责,积极推进这项工作。其实很多工作已经在有力有序开展了,各地和很多企业也都动起来了,我们相信,这项工作会取得越来越大的成效。这里我把相关情况给大家作一下介绍。

A promotion mechanism was established. 国家发展改革委会同有关部门建立推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新工作机制,加强统筹协调,做好部门间的协同,而且要强化央地联动,形成推动工作的强大合力。第一次工作机制推进会,前几天已由郑栅洁主任主持召开,这个会部署和推动了相关工作。

Secondly, issuing specific implementation plans. 这项工作部署了“1+N”政策体系,“1”就是刚才提到的《行动方案》,《行动方案》已在3月1日由李强总理主持召开的国务院常务会议审议通过,3月7日正式印发,已经向社会公开。“N”是各领域的具体实施方案,目前,市场监管总局牵头制定的标准提升行动方案已出台,工信部牵头制定的工业领域设备更新文件也已经正式推出了,住建部牵头的建筑和市政领域设备更新实施方案也已经印发实施了,商务部牵头的消费品以旧换新文件已印好,可能未来几天就会正式出台。除了这几个之外,还有重点行业节能降碳行动计划,还有交通运输、教育、文旅、医疗等领域的实施方案,牵头单位分别是国家发展改革委、交通运输部、教育部、文旅部、卫健委,这些文件也都在制定印发的过程当中,很快会跟大家见面,重点任务将进一步细化明确。

Thirdly, increase policy support efforts. 会安排中央投资等各类资金,支持符合条件的设备更新和回收循环利用项目。鼓励有条件的地方结合实际加大投入,落实节能节水等税收优惠政策,完善再贷款等金融支持。

Fourthly, create a good environment. 我们会坚持节能降碳、环保、安全、循环利用等标准,用这些标准来牵引,有序推动标准落地实施,强化执法监管,从而杜绝重点设备超期服役、不符合能效和安全要求服役等行为,保障产品质量和安全,营造公平有序的市场环境。

Each department will give full play to its due role, promoting better implementation and enhanced effect of this policy.

Bloomberg News reporter: 我们有两个问题。第一个问题,今年预计将安排多少预算资金支持大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新?第二个问题,预计大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新每年对GDP增长的贡献会有多大?

Zhao Chenxin

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Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: 前一段时间,国家发展改革委郑栅洁主任专门召开了一次消费品以旧换新领域的民营企业座谈会,在座谈会上,有几个大企业反映,更关心能够陆续推出一些强制性的标准,可能这些标准对这项政策落地推动作用会更大。当然,资金是大家比较关注的问题,借这个机会,我可以非常明确地告诉大家,后续从政策实施的进程也都会看到,中央投资、中央财政资金等对大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新肯定有资金支持,而且支持会有力度。同时,我们也了解到,当前各地政府也都在认真研究,会结合各自财力的实际情况,拿出一定的资金给予支持。

The contribution of policy implementation to GDP growth was mentioned in my opening remarks. According to research conducted by relevant agencies, the annual demand for equipment updates in key areas such as China's industrial and agricultural sectors exceeds 5 trillion yuan. Moreover, the demand for automobile and home appliance replacements is also at the trillion-yuan level. Combined with recycling and reuse, this market offers tremendous space and its contribution to economic growth is self-evident. This policy will not only promote consumption and drive investment but also save energy, reduce carbon emissions, eliminate safety hazards, and drive the upgrading and transformation of economic and social development, thereby contributing to high-quality development. What we value most is to promote high-quality development and meet the growing needs of the people for a better life.

Yicai Global:Social concern is high, large-scale equipment updates and the replacement of current consumer goods will result in a large amount of waste products and equipment being discarded, so how can we ensure that these discarded materials are effectively recycled and utilized in the future?

Zhao Chenxin

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Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: 大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新必然会带来废旧设备、消费品如何处理的问题,我刚才介绍的时候讲了,政策提出了“四大行动”,其中回收循环利用行动就是要解决这样的问题。其实所谓的废旧物资“浑身是宝”,进行有效的回收利用相当于开启了“第二矿山”。大家知道,今年2月份国务院办公厅印发了《关于加快构建废弃物循环利用体系的意见》。下一步,国家发展改革委将会同有关部门,聚焦重点领域和重点产品,认认真真做好回收循环的大文章,提升循环利用水平。你肯定会问了,到底怎么去循环回收利用呢?我们有这么几个具体的做法:

Firstly, open up smooth recycling channels. 我们会加快发展“换新+回收”物流体系和新模式,鼓励电商平台、生产企业落实生产者责任延伸制,上门回收废旧消费品。而且会进一步完善再生资源回收网络,力争全年推动全国大中城市新增标准化规范化回收站点2000个、其中供销系统1000个,而且要建设绿色分拣中心200个,这都是非常具体的行动。

Support trading of second-hand goods. 我们会持续优化二手车交易登记管理,促进便利交易。推动二手电子产品交易规范化。推动二手商品交易平台企业建立健全平台内经销企业、用户的评价机制,加强对信用记录、违法失信行为等信息共享。

Thirdly, improving resource utilization 鼓励对具备条件的废旧生产设备实施再制造,有序推进产品设备及关键部件梯次利用。提升废有色金属利用、稀贵金属提取等技术水平。推动再生资源加工利用企业集聚化、规模化发展,建设一批废钢铁、废有色金属等再生资源精深加工产业集群,今年资源循环利用产业产值有望突破4万亿元。

We have also conducted some research, and the relevant organizations and enterprises are very positive about the work of making recycling channels smooth, supporting the circulation and trading of second-hand commodities, and improving the level of resource utilization. In the next step, we will give full play to the role of government, better mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, make joint efforts, use the market-oriented approach to make the recycling chain truly smooth, and turn these waste materials into treasures.

Photography Gao Hongjie


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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