The National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Emergency Management, State Administration for Market Regulation, National Energy Administration and State Mine Safety Administration jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Water Conservation and Utilization in Coal Mines (Development and Reform and Environmental Protection [2024] No. 226, hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"). A relevant official from the National Development and Reform Commission was interviewed to answer reporters' questions.

Translate the following Chinese text into English, ensuring fluency and grammatical correctness. Return the content directly.:Please introduce the background and significance of the "Guiding Opinions" issued?

An expert in translation is required, who can: 1. Translate the following Chinese into English. 2. Ensure the translation is fluent and grammatically correct. 3. Only return the content of the translation. OK:The per capita freshwater resources in China are far below the world average, and water shortage has become a major bottleneck restricting economic and social development. Mine water is a by-product of mineral resource mining and is also an important unconventional water source. Promoting the protection and utilization of mine water is of great significance for protecting groundwater, reducing environmental pollution caused by mine water discharge, increasing water supply, and optimizing the water supply structure. In recent years, China's mine water protection and utilization capacity has been continuously improved, and utilization has continued to grow, but it still faces problems such as unbalanced regional development, unclear statistical base, imperfect policy standards, incomplete technical equipment, and insufficient protection and utilization. In order to further promote the protection and utilization of mine water, alleviate water shortage, protect the ecological environment, and support the high-quality development of the energy resource industry, this guideline has been formulated. This guideline mainly targets coal mine water, and the protection and utilization of non-coal mine water should be implemented with reference to it.

Sure, here is the English translation: I am a translation expert, and the requirements are as follows: Translate the following Chinese into English. The sentences must be fluent and grammatically correct. Only return the content and directly.:What are the major goals outlined in the Guiding Opinions?

a:The "Guiding Opinions" propose that by 2025, the utilization of mine water across the country will continue to increase and the utilization rate will continue to increase. Among them, the Yellow River Basin will strive to reach more than 68%, and the policy system and market mechanism for mine water protection and utilization will be basically established. By 2030, the mine water management system, market adjustment mechanism and technical support capabilities will continue to be enhanced, and the efficiency and efficiency of mine water utilization will be further improved.

Please translate the following Chinese text into English, ensuring accuracy and fluency. Provide the English translation directly.:What arrangements are made in the Guidelines for strengthening the protection of water resources in mines?

a:The first is to implement source control. The overall planning and planning environmental assessment of the Kuangqu should clarify the aquifers that need to be protected in the area, fully demonstrate the impact of coal development on groundwater, and rationally plan the mining area. When designing new coal mines, water resource protection measures should be selected according to mining conditions and local conditions. Coal mines in production and waiting to be produced shall strictly implement the requirements of Kuangqu planning and planning environmental impact assessment, and shall not mine areas that may cause serious damage to groundwater resources without authorization.

Second, select the treatment process reasonably. Conduct in-depth feasibility analysis and environmental impact assessment. On the basis of ensuring that the technology process is scientifically effective, safe and reliable, and that the environmental impact is controllable and emissions meet the standards, consider the techno-economic characteristics and select the treatment process in a way that suits local conditions. Mines that are about to be closed should take precautionary measures before they are closed. The amount of mine water should be assessed and predicted. Measures such as reducing the supply and backfilling the mine should be taken to prevent and control the generation of acid mine water.

Thirdly, implement safety supervision. Strengthen the water "one mine, one plan" supervision measures of coal mines, carry out water hazard prevention special inspections, and focus on inspecting the construction of mine water inflow monitoring facilities, drainage facilities, and waterproof sealing facilities. Strengthen the construction of coal mine emergency response capabilities, establish an emergency response mechanism for coal mine safety, build a risk monitoring and early warning platform for coal mine safety production, and organize emergency drills regularly.

A translation expert is required to translate the following Chinese into English. The translation should be fluent and grammatically correct. Only return the content.:How should the mine water be treated before it is reused?

iPhone and iPad apps may not be as private as people think:Firstly, promote the intelligent and large-scale treatment of mine water containing suspended solids. Encourage the construction of sewage diversion and separation devices in large-scale water-yielding mines, carry out source graded treatment and underground graded use, and hoist mine water containing suspended solids to the surface for large-scale centralized treatment. Encourage the use of automatic control systems such as information monitoring, automatic dosing, dreg discharging and early warning to enhance the intelligent level of mine water treatment.

Secondly, implement classified and green treatment of high saline mine water. Reasonable selection should be made for high saline mine water preprocessing and desalination technology according to the salt type, salt content and total solid content. Application of seawater desalination technology to mine water treatment is encouraged. In mines with corresponding conditions, geothermal energy, solar energy or other new energy can be utilized to implement thermal desalination such as photo-thermal evaporation and low-temperature multi-effect evaporation for green and energy-saving desalination. Strict norms should be applied for the disposal of high-salinity wastewater after treatment. Utilization of crystallized salt as chemical raw materials is encouraged.

Thirdly, to promote efficient directional treatment of acidic and special-ingredient mine water. For acidic mine water, the adoption of underground pretreatment and ground deep treatment technology shall be promoted to reduce long-distance transportation and pipe and equipment corrosion. For special-ingredient mine water, corresponding treatment technologies shall be selected in accordance with component types. The directional efficient treatment of high-fluorine mine water shall be promoted. Defluorination technologies such as adsorption method, sedimentation method and membrane method shall be used, and the distributed directional treatment equipment shall be promoted.

Translate the following Chinese text into English. The translation should be fluent and grammatically correct. Just return the content directly.:How to expand the application scenarios of mine water?

You are an expert translator and are required to: Translate the following Chinese into English. The translation must be fluent and grammatically correct. Only return the content. Answer:Firstly, strengthen the allocation of mine water. Include mine water in regional water resource planning and the unified configuration of water resources. The prefecture-level cities where the coal mines are located should formulate plans and annual programs for the treatment and comprehensive utilization of mine water and construct projects for the utilization of mine water. Accelerate the construction of the mine water transmission pipeline network, scientifically allocate water volume, and optimize the configuration of domestic production and ecological water sources. Strictly control water withdrawal permits. In key coal-producing areas such as Longdong, Ningdong, Mengxi, northern Shaanxi, and western Shanxi, mine water should be fully utilized to replace surface water in the construction of water use projects.

The second is to use mine water for production and daily life. After mine water reaches the target of treatment, it should be fully used for production and daily life in mining areas. Promote on-site reuse by treating water in mines with relatively good water quality. Promote tiered utilization and water supply by treating water on the ground, and after conventional treatment, it can be used for dust reduction in coal preparation plants, gangue mountains, coal washing and selecting. If it reaches the standard of greening water, it can be used for watering and greening. After deep treatment, mine water can be used as production water for industries such as coal chemical industry, and circulating cooling water for industries such as thermal power and steel. In mining areas with favorable conditions, mine water that meets the water quality standards for use can be transported to industrial parks, enterprises or surrounding towns as production water and municipal miscellaneous water.

The third is to use mine water for ecological and agricultural water. In resource-based water-scarce areas in the north, mine water is treated to meet the standards according to local conditions, and it is used for ecological water such as the restoration and management of coal mining subsidence areas. In water-deficient areas in the south, on the premise of ensuring stable discharge of mine water up to standard, natural water bodies and rivers and lakes can be replenished nearby, and sewage outlets of industrial and mining enterprises can be supervised and managed. In areas where groundwater is overexploited, for the remaining mine water after full utilization, after complying with laws and scientifically evaluating the mine safety impact and the regional water environment impact, explore the feasibility of groundwater recharge or storage after the mine water is deeply treated and the water quality reaches the standard. In areas with severe water shortages in the Yellow River Basin, mine water is encouraged to be used in pastoral areas after being treated to meet standards to replace groundwater and surface water.

We are committed to providing a seamless and tailored service for customers.:How to improve the water utilization system and mechanism in mines?

As a translation expert, you are asked to translate this Chinese text into English. Your translation should read fluently and have correct grammar. Just return the content.:Improve the statistical measurement and assessment system. Establish a sound and complete mine water statistics, measurement and monitoring system. Relevant provinces (regions, cities) involved in mining areas shall carry out a comprehensive survey of mine water statistics based on cities to consolidate the data foundation for mine water generation, disposal, utilization, etc. Improve mine water metering facilities and promote full coverage of drainage metering and monitoring and drainage water quality monitoring in productive mines. The cities where coal mines are located shall clarify the target and assessment requirements for mine water utilization and utilization rate, decompose the quantitative target tasks to coal mining enterprises, and establish a sound reward and punishment mechanism.

Second, improve policy standards. Further improve management requirements on water resources demonstration, groundwater control and utilization of unconventional water sources on mine water. Formulate and revise series of classified and qualitative grade standards and technical specifications on mine water used in various fields, and formulate standards on energy consumption for mine water treatment and underground water replenishment in mining areas, as appropriate. Encourage social organizations to issue group standards on innovative equipment, core technology products, and evaluation methods for large-scale mine water treatment and utilization projects. Promote coal production enterprises to disclose environmental information in accordance with the law, and build an environmental credit and supervision system for the coal industry.

Third, improve the price and tax mechanism. Establish a user-pays system, and encourage the water supply and demand of mines to negotiate prices independently in accordance with the principle of premium prices for premium quality. Explore the advancement of incorporating mine water into water rights trading. Steadily advance the pilot reform of water resource tax, and implement tax incentives such as the immediate collection and immediate refund of value-added tax on the incremental value of reclaimed water produced by enterprises using mine water in accordance with current regulations.

Fourth, improve financial policies. The central government will provide appropriate support to qualified projects through existing channels. Local governments are encouraged to design diversified capital investment security mechanisms. Expand financing channels, guide and regulate social capital participation in project construction and operation, and encourage enterprises to adopt green finance, green bonds and other financing methods. Explore and develop an ecological environment-oriented development (EOD) model.

Fifthly, enhance technological support. Promote research and development on key technologies for mine water protection and utilization, deploy related tasks to carry out technological innovations such as desalination, multiple disposal, and comprehensive utilization, and support the construction of technological innovation bases for mine water protection and utilization. Promote the construction of a number of key projects for the application of advanced mine water treatment technology and equipment in the coal industry. Encourage enterprises to break through the bottleneck in manufacturing key core equipment.

I am a specialist in translation. My requirements are that: the following Chinese is translated into English. The requirements are that the sentence should be fluent and the grammar correct. Just return the content. Question:How to better ensure effective implementation of the guiding principles?

A translation expert is required to translate the following text into English. The English translation should be grammatically correct and fluent. Return the translation only in your reply.:Firstly, enhance the organizational coordination. According to the principle of central planning, provincial overall responsibility, and municipal and county implementation, ensure the implementation of the Guidance Opinions. Relevant departments shall perform their respective duties, collaborate to form a joint force, and promote the implementation of various measures. The municipal and county governments where the mining areas are located shall formulate work plans, specify task objectives, and ensure the completion of all tasks.

Secondly, strengthen supervision and management. Strictly implement the requirements for the inclusion of mine water in the unified configuration of water resources and incorporate them into the assessment of the strictest water resource management system. Strengthen the supervision of discharging the mine water after reaching the standard, conduct long-term dynamic monitoring of mine water, mine water discharge water quality, groundwater level, groundwater ecological environment characteristic indexes, etc., improve the regular release mechanism of groundwater monitoring, and gradually establish a risk prevention and early warning system covering the whole process of mine water protection, treatment and utilization to ensure the safe treatment and utilization of mine water.

Third, intensify publicity efforts. Strengthen national conditions and water conditions education, and popularize basic knowledge of mine water. Conduct publicity and practice activities in various forms extensively and in-depth to improve the public's understanding and recognition of mine water utilization, and enhance their willingness to use it. Improve the public participation mechanism, give full play to the role of social supervision and industry self-discipline, and create a good atmosphere for the protection and utilization of mine water.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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