Many large central and state-owned enterprises have added new energy industries, and energy storage is the "highlight". Central state-owned enterprises will complement each other's advantages with private enterprises in the field of energy storage and jointly help the industry develop healthily and sustainably.

In recent years, driven by the "double carbon" goal, China's energy development has continued to move towards "green". The installed capacity and power generation capacity of renewable energy such as wind power and photovoltaics continue to grow, and the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption continues to increase. At the same time, the installed capacity of new energy storage has also continued to grow rapidly. Various technical route projects such as compressed air energy storage and flow battery energy storage have accelerated, and new energy storage has entered a period of large-scale development.

多家大型央国企加码新能源产业,储能更是“重头戏”。 So far, many central state-owned enterprises, including State Power Investment Corporation, Three Gorges Corporation, and China Electric Equipment, have deployed energy storage and battery manufacturing links, and have "joined hands" with private enterprises to reach a number of strategic cooperation agreements 。在业内人士看来,央国企将在储能领域与民营企业形成优势互补,共助行业健康可持续发展。

The "national team" actively arranges the field

In recent years, the energy storage "national team" has accelerated the layout. For example, in February this year, China Electrical Equipment Group Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. was officially registered and established with a registered capital of 2 billion yuan. The company is jointly held by eight companies including China Electrical Equipment Group Co., Ltd., Ningde Times New Energy Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Pinggao Group Co., Ltd., Xuji Group Co., Ltd., and Shandong Electric Electric Group Co., Ltd., and its business scope includes energy storage technology services, battery manufacturing, mechanical and electrical equipment manufacturing, centralized fast charging stations, etc.

In the same month, China Railway Investment Industry Co., Ltd. signed a contract with the Guangling District Government to invest 5 billion yuan to launch a new energy energy storage battery industrialization project and a new energy industry research institute in Guangling Economic Development Zone. It is understood that as a state-owned enterprise, China Railway Investment Industrial Co., Ltd. has a rich product line, core technologies and independent intellectual property rights in the field of energy storage. Its products are widely used in new energy power stations, distribution network stations and other fields.

In addition, in August last year, Ningde Times signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Power Construction of China. According to the agreement, the two parties will cooperate in new energy storage application research, energy storage products and industrial cooperation, energy storage equipment manufacturing bases, etc.; In October of the same year, Power Construction Equipment Company's first energy storage battery PACK production line was completed and put into operation, indicating that Power Construction Equipment Company has achieved independent production in this field and will meet the rapid development needs of China Power Construction and the external market's energy storage business.

央国企为何纷纷瞄准储能领域?厦门大学中国能源政策研究院副教授吴微对《中国能源报》记者表示:“储能是战略性新兴产业,有着较为稳定的增长预期,储能技术的应用对于促进新能源消纳、支撑新型电力系统的建设具有重要作用。目前,国内已有多个省份出台相关政策,要求风电与光伏发电项目按照一定比例配置储能,而目前央国企是新能源大基地的风电与光伏主要投资主体,其对于储能投资有着较大需求。因此 Central state-owned enterprises are involved in energy storage and battery manufacturing, which is of great significance for them to further deepen investment in new energy fields and seize the development opportunities of the energy industry.。”

Peng Peng, secretary-general of the China New Energy Power Investment and Financing Alliance, also mentioned:"From now on, there are also some central state-owned enterprises that cooperate in local areas. For example, when building projects such as scenery bases, local governments will have a need for these central state-owned enterprises to implement supporting energy storage industries. Therefore, in order to obtain energy storage power stations, central state-owned enterprises will enter the manufacturing industry through funds and other forms."

into full play their own advantages

In fact, on March 18, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council pointed out that it is necessary to promote the continuous optimization of the energy structure, give full play to the advantages of central enterprises, strengthen and optimize the main business, improve efficiency and efficiency, and accelerate the construction of large wind power and solar power generation bases as the main body, a new energy industry system led by centralized and distributed coordinated development, hydrogen energy, new energy storage support and regulation, and cutting-edge core technologies.

Talking about the advantages and common points of central state-owned enterprises in the field of energy storage, Wu Wei said that central state-owned enterprises not only participate in the construction and operation of energy storage projects, but also involve battery materials, battery manufacturing, system integration and other aspects, forming a relatively complete industrial chain. At the same time, in addition to the current mainstream lithium battery energy storage, the layout of central state-owned enterprises in the field of energy storage covers various technical routes such as flow batteries, compressed air energy storage, sodium-ion batteries, and flywheel energy storage.

Central state-owned enterprises usually have strong financial strength and technology research and development capabilities, and can invest large amounts of resources in the research and development and industrial layout of energy storage technology.。目前,央国企对储能产业的布局主要以大容量储能为主。

"Central state-owned enterprises themselves are purchasers of many energy storage equipment. If they can produce energy storage equipment themselves, they will have advantages in terms of self-production and sales. In contrast, it is difficult for private companies to invest in energy storage power stations, and sales pressure will be greater." Peng Peng believes.

"Central state-owned enterprises have rich experience in the implementation and management of large-scale projects, so they are more efficient and stable in the construction and operation of energy storage projects." Wu Wei believes that based on the original industry, central state-owned enterprises will have more new breakthroughs and highlights in the development of energy storage in the future. "Central state-owned enterprises can use their own technology accumulation in existing industries to promote the innovation and development of various new energy storage technologies with technical potential. At the same time, central state-owned enterprises can expand the energy storage industry chain and achieve synergy with existing new energy power generation businesses to accelerate the low-carbon transformation of the energy system."

Achieve mutual benefit and win-win results with private enterprises

In recent years, China's new energy storage industry has achieved rapid growth. Data from the National Energy Administration shows that as of the end of 2023, the cumulative installed capacity of new energy storage projects that have been completed and put into operation across the country has reached 31.39 million kilowatts/66.87 million kilowatt hours, with an average energy storage time of 2.1 hours. The newly added installed capacity in 2023 will be approximately 22.6 million kilowatts/48.7 million kilowatts, an increase of more than 260% compared with the end of 2022.

Some analysts believe that the rapid growth of the energy storage market has attracted a large influx of capital.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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