Under the close attention of the public, follow-up progress has been made when CCTV reporters were prevented from interviewing the Yanjiao explosion site. First, the China Journalists Association spoke out on the night of the incident and emphasized that "proper interviews are journalists 'right." Then, Sanhe City, where the incident occurred, issued an apology in the name of the accident headquarters. Yesterday, the special meeting of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee specifically emphasized that "we must consciously accept supervision by public opinion, improve communication mechanisms with the media, and support and ensure proper interviews by media reporters."

previous reports:

[CCTV reporter Yanjiao encountered obstacles in his interview, and Hebei officials recently spoke out; authoritative experts talked about the causes of the explosion accident → ](

[Official early morning announcement! Apologize to CCTV reporters. The methods of frontline personnel were rough and simple... The number of casualties in explosion accidents increased → ](

[2 deaths and 26 injuries have been caused! Witnesses at the Yanjiao explosion scene:Only the frame remains in the four-story building, and the glass of the nearby primary school was shattered. Exclusive video → ](

At this point, this incident, which caused some complications, has roughly come to an end. However, the problems arising from this are worthy of further consideration. It is generally believed in the industry that although this incident is exaggerated, it is by no means new. Over the years, it has been common for media reporters to be obstructed or even violently treated in covering emergencies. If the underlying problems are not resolved, similar incidents will probably not be the last time.

"We cannot simply and rudely obstruct media reporters from performing their duties in order to control public opinion." 这是中国记协声明的结尾。此话一语中的。突发事件、危机事件发生后,如何处理与媒体监督的关系,是一个老生常谈的话题,过去不乏开诚布公坦然应对的成功案例,也有“防火防盗防记者”的奇谈怪论。如今,越来越多地方处理类似情况时,挥之不去一个词——“舆情”。

"Public opinion" is originally a neutral word. Public opinion is focused and powerful. It may be noise, fallacies, or good voices. Specific issues still need to be analyzed in detail. But for quite some time, in the eyes of a considerable number of cadres,"public opinion" has been a negative word, a bad thing, or even something that cannot be worse.

Some media have concluded that some officials seem to suffer from "public opinion phobia."** Some places regard "whether public opinion can be expressed" as an important criterion for evaluating officials 'political performance. In some places, public opinion arose after an accident, and the first to be held accountable were the cadres responsible for "public opinion control". ** Naturally, in order to avoid public opinion, such places need to adopt various measures, including minimizing the scope of awareness of public events as much as possible.

This is precisely why reporters are being obstructed from normal interviews. However, facts often show that the more we try to eliminate public opinion, the more we cannot eliminate public opinion, and even secondary public opinion will occur. This Yanjiao incident provides another proof.

In the Internet age,"everyone has a microphone", and there are different opinions on the public opinion field. Today, social media is extremely developed. As long as public events can arouse some resonance and empathy, they will soon spread exponentially. If there is something worthy of attention, there will be "public opinion" when it comes to public opinion. This is almost an iron law. Many times, the emergence of public opinion is both expected and unavoidable.

As mentioned earlier, public opinion itself can be good and bad, and it is not scientific to simply regard it as bad things. It is even more unrealistic to expect public opinion to disappear instantly, or even better never exist. Apply the once popular sentence pattern:Whether you want it or not, whether you want it or not, the public opinion is there.

既然躲不过去,大大方方面对、有的放矢引导,才是正确的解决之道。进一步说,Solving problems and advancing work under public opinion should increasingly become a habit for officials at all levels.

形成这样的习惯,无疑要靠干部自身的觉悟,靠不断提升的媒介素养——绝大多数时候,新闻媒体、公众舆论同政府部门的方向是一致的,关注和发声都是为了解决问题、推动工作, In the overall pattern of social governance, it should be regarded as a community, not a "spoiler", let alone a "flood and beast"

Facing the media and making good use of the media are also the basic qualities of cadres in the Internet era. After similar public incidents occur, it should become a principle that the departments involved and relevant officials should face the public directly as soon as possible and resolve doubts.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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