The following article comes from Xiao Ying Comment, the author Xiao Ying Comment

Xiao Ying commentary.

Large ships, cannons, aircraft carriers, and parallel worlds 1143 planes sailing on the sea

Recently, many foreign media reported that the Rizwan electronic reconnaissance ship ordered by Pakistan from China's Mawei Shipyard was recently delivered to the Pakistan Navy. Pakistan has become the seventh country to have professional electronic reconnaissance ships after the United States, the Soviet Union, China, Britain, France and India. For India, which has just owned the DHRUV electronic reconnaissance ship for only two years, the excitement has not yet passed. Pakistan's first electronic reconnaissance ship arrived so unprepared. But if India continues to be a demon, whatever India has, Pakistan will have, which will become the most difficult reality for Indians to accept.

The specific performance of the mysterious Rizwan is unknown, but it may be related to Type 815A.

Electronic reconnaissance ships can be said to be the most mysterious surface ships in the world's naval combat sequence. Unlike combat ships with sharp teeth and claws, electronic reconnaissance ships often do not have any ship-borne weapons, but are equipped with a group of large and small spherical radome.


Just like not knowing what the mooncakes are filled with before taking a bite, the radars of the electronic reconnaissance ship all look the same except for their size. Therefore, before the operator voluntarily released relevant data, the outside world knew nothing about the rough performance of the equipment carried by the electronic reconnaissance ship. Even because the shipborne equipment of electronic reconnaissance ships is constantly updated, an electronic reconnaissance ship is often retired, and the outside world knows little about its performance.

▲ 乌拉尔号电子侦察

But the Rizwan was built by China's Mawei Shipyard, and no country would have any idea of developing from scratch when exporting weapons and equipment. Therefore, it is highly likely that the Rizwan electronic reconnaissance ship is composed of some subsystems of the existing hull + self-use reconnaissance ship.

The Type 815 electronic reconnaissance ship has five balls, large and small. The Rizwan has three balls, large and small. The electronic reconnaissance ship is extremely special, so even considering that the Rizwan radar equipment is very likely to be the reduced Type 815.

There are windows at the rear of the superstructure of the Rizwan, and the chimney is integrated into the superstructure. This shows that the Rizwan should have been designed on a mature body. If not for this, why would the electronic reconnaissance ship have a rear window? The Navy obviously has no habit of opening back windows, but the Coast Guard has.

After comprehensive comparison, it was found that the hull of the Rizwan was relatively close to that of the Coast Guard 2401. The location of the chimney, the location of the superstructure, and the location of the dinghy are all very close, so the hull of the Rizwan may be derived from the Coast Guard 2401. However, the coast guard ship is a coast guard ship, and the electronic reconnaissance ship is an electronic reconnaissance ship. In order to accommodate more crew members and electronic equipment, the superstructure has become fuller, and in order to slow roll, the hull has also been widened.

▲ DHRUV号电子侦察舰

In 2021, it will be incorporated into the Indian Navy, the DHRUV electronic reconnaissance ship, with a length of 175 meters. The USS Rizwan electronic reconnaissance ship, 87 meters long and 19 meters wide, is relatively small compared to the DHRUV. But electronic reconnaissance ships are not battleships, and heroes are judged by their size. Judging from the appearance, we can see that the Rizwan, like the DHRUV, has three spherical radome, large and small. Since the radar configuration is roughly the same, it means that the Rizwan can do whatever the DHRUV can do.

▲ 大家都是三个大球

And because the DHRUV is made in India and China, and the level of radars made in India and China can only be said to be well known. It is not one generation or two generations behind China and the United States. Even whether the technical level of the DHRUV reaches the technical level of the Ural electronic reconnaissance ship is a difficult question to answer. The reason why DHRUV is a 10,000-ton electronic reconnaissance ship is most likely because India's miniaturization level is not up to standard.

The Rizwan is an electronic reconnaissance ship exported by China to Pakistan. China and Pakistan have a high degree of strategic mutual trust, so the radar system equipped with the Rizwan will not be bad. Consider that China's equipment for catching wild boars uses phased array radars. So what is certain is that what the DHRUV can do, the Rizwan can not only do it, but also do better.

The small size of the Rizwan will also objectively lead to the weak endurance of the Rizwan. However, Pakistan is an imaginary enemy with India as its core. It has no need to operate in the Asia-Pacific, North Atlantic, and near the U.S. mainland. It is completely worth sacrificing endurance in exchange for stronger electronic reconnaissance capabilities.

Electronic reconnaissance ships are mysterious, and the specific performance of the Rizwan is unknown. However, the purposes of electronic reconnaissance ships are similar. India's DHRUV can do everything the Rizwan can do. The Rizwan should be equipped with the ability to track India's nuclear weapons, collect various electronic intelligence of the Indian Navy, and collect maritime data in the Indian Ocean.

For Pakistan, the Pakistan navy has been further modernized after the service of the Rizwan, equipped with the most advanced reconnaissance equipment. Pakistan is able to collect various data more comprehensively, formulate combat plans more comprehensively, and enhance its ability to respond to maritime threats.

But for India, it is not good news that Pakistan has its own electronic reconnaissance ship. India may not be as quick as Pakistan to grasp the ballistic characteristics of its own ballistic missiles. India, which has the ability to produce its own electronic reconnaissance ships, may choose to build more Dhruv electronic reconnaissance ships, or a scaled-down version of Dhruv to counter the Rizwan.

Pakistan's next choice is likely to continue to order similar ships of the Rizwan and introduce technology to produce Rizwan in Pakistan. However, the existence of electronic reconnaissance ships does help Pakistan obtain more ballistic data on the Agni series of ballistic missiles, thereby formulating a more accurate interception strategy. The problem is, is the trajectory of India's Agni series changing a little big every time? This interception strategy is not easy to formulate.

▲ 印媒相关报道


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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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