Casinos are the nightmare of countless outlaws. Some people get rich overnight, and some lose all their underwear. The only ones designated to make a lot of money from them are casino owners.

If you are a casino owner, how can you build a gold-sucking hell where gamblers can't stop and have no way to get in?

The first things you think of are low ceilings, dark rooms and crowded slot machines.

These casino impressions from the last century can be attributed to Bill Friedman's classic casino design theory. This man is a gambler himself, but he took advantage of his proximity to the city to study the designs of more than 80 casinos in Nevada, and even wrote a book-"Using Casino Design to dominate the competition"[1].

In this book, he proposed 13 golden rules for casino design, including [2]:

First, the casino should put gambling facilities at the door, so that you can start gambling as soon as you enter the door;

Second, there should be more partitions inside the casino and should not be too empty;

Third, the maze-like passage makes it easy for players to lose their way;

Fourth, the ceiling should be low to create the right sense of intimacy.

With this "instruction manual", you can already build a decent casino, but you chose another solution-"playground design".

In the 1990s, Roger Thomas broke the previous standard of design. In his eyes, these dogmas are not as good as "serving players comfortably." He once said [3]:"People feel charming in charming spaces and rich in rich spaces. Who doesn't want to feel rich?"

On the left is Friedman's design, with large card tables and narrow corridors making the room crowded. On the right is Thomas's playground style, with a looser layout and gamblers moving freely [4].

For example, Thomas designed the Parkway Casino in Las Vegas, where bright and expensive European decoration replaced the stuffy and restless small black room. The sports betting area has high ceilings and the poker area is transparent. It is not like a casino but like a lively bistro.

The same type of design appears in other famous casinos around the world. The Caesar Palace next door is a bright circular hall after entering the door. You can see the entire Santai area by standing at the door.

The Venetian Macao on the other side of the ocean is more slippery. The casino is located on the way back to the room. European chandeliers and bright light strips integrate the place with the hotel's decoration. Want to go back to your room and lie down? No, gamble first before leaving!

This kind of "playground design" confuses lavish decoration and more comfortable space to confuse gamblers, creating the illusion that no matter how long they gamble or how much they lose, they will still be rich, causing them to fall into the more they lose, the more they gamble, the more they gamble, the more they lose. Black hole...

No matter how different the designs are, these casinos all have one thing in common-the layout is fascinating, in the physical sense.

Why are there no 90-degree turns in casinos? In order to confuse everyone who comes to gamble, what traps are hidden in the design of casinos? In addition to interior design, what other aspects have casino owners put their thoughts into?

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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