"Adapt measures to local conditions"

The National Two Sessions concluded successfully, promoting the implementation of various deployments, and all localities seized the day. Cultivating and developing new productive forces has become the top priority.

On the morning of March 12, the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee held an expanded meeting to convey and study the spirit of the National Two Sessions. Chen Jining, secretary of the municipal party committee, emphasized at the meeting that "we must carry out new explorations and make new contributions in cultivating and developing new productive forces." "Increase efforts to cultivate new productive forces according to local conditions to create a steady stream of driving force for high-quality development."

On the afternoon of the same day, Chen Jining went to Shanghai Baoxin Software Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Fanuc Robot Co., Ltd. in Baoshan to conduct on-site work around the implementation of the spirit of the National Two Sessions.

Both companies have been deeply involved in the industrial field for many years. The former focuses on the industrial Internet and has made technological breakthroughs in key core areas, while the latter is a Sino-foreign joint venture leading industrial intelligent manufacturing enterprise. From the support services provided to enterprises, we can see Shanghai's focus.

陈吉宁在调研中表示,要Seize digital, intelligent and green opportunities ,充分发挥链主企业引领带动作用,加快建立高标准绿色低碳供应链,更好赋能上下游企业数字化转型。

机器人产业是上海推进新型工业化的重点领域之一,“事关培育发展新质生产力”。上海将支持企业用好上海的科技和人才优势、应用场景优势、产业链供应链优势,更好贴近市场、贴近用户、贴近场景开展研发创新,提升企业核心竞争力, Drive upstream and downstream enterprises to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and achieve win-win development

On the morning of that day, when conveying the spirit of the National Two Sessions, Shanghai clearly emphasized the need to strengthen cutting-edge areas and future industrial layout; seize high-end, intelligent, and green opportunities to accelerate the promotion of new industrialization; accelerate the large-scale application of the industrial Internet, and accelerate the development of industrial services. Industry, etc.

从调研中可见,Under the premise of clear positioning, opening up upstream and downstream, strengthening the industrial chain, building a good industrial ecology, and then forming competitive industrial clusters are important paths to develop new productive forces. 相应的企业服务,亦应围绕这样的目标,有针对性地优化提升。

At the city-wide level, cultivate new productive forces and emphasize "adapting measures to local conditions". This was a particularly prominent keyword in General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on new productive forces during the National Two Sessions.

On March 7, the Shanghai delegation conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he participated in the review of the Jiangsu delegation and reviewed the government work report. Chen Jining pointed out that Shanghai should lead industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, focus on the three leading industries of integrated circuits, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence, strengthen research on key core technologies, accelerate the transformation of innovation results, and create a world-class industrial cluster.

To further promote new industrialization, we must adhere to the principle of establishing first and then destroying, encourage enterprises to invest in equipment renewal and technological transformation, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, make emerging industries bigger and stronger, accelerate the layout of future industries, and promote the large-scale and intensive development of science and technology parks and industrial parks.

For all districts and departments, cultivating and developing new productive forces according to local conditions also requires accelerated optimization and adjustment of planning layout and policy services.

根据市委要求,各区要发挥自身优势,Deepen and refine the track, improve the ability to deeply cultivate sub-fields and cultivate industrial ecology 。针对相关领域企业,相关部门和区加强高效对接,常态化听取企业意见建议,统筹做好产业发展、场景应用、人才服务等各项支持配套工作,助力企业高质量发展。

Creating a first-class business environment is the fundamental guarantee. During the National Two Sessions, city leaders stated that they must make every effort to create a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment, improve the "service package" system for key enterprises, and improve the clarity, pertinence and effectiveness of policies.

During the expanded meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the visits and surveys of relevant enterprises, Shanghai's determination to optimize the business environment was also conveyed. During discussions and exchanges with relevant companies, Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to use the clarity and pertinence of policy implementation and the accuracy and convenience of service guarantee to help companies strengthen their confidence, deepen their efforts in Shanghai, and achieve greater and better development.

Improving the clarity and pertinence of policy implementation has been repeatedly emphasized since the beginning of the year. At the national level, emphasizing the pertinence and effectiveness of policies is also an important orientation conveyed in this year's government work report. It is related to the effect of policies, the perception of business entities, and the improvement of market expectations and the boost of development confidence. Implementing the spirit of the National Two Sessions is undoubtedly particularly critical.

市委常委会扩大会议上指出,Various policies and measures must be implemented on enterprises and projects, and reflected in the construction progress and physical workload. 要结合重点企业“服务包”制度,及时发现、反映和解决企业发展中遇到的困难和问题。

At the same time, municipal functional departments should improve the accuracy and effectiveness of policy supply, provide good services to grassroots and enterprises, and drive the solution of "a batch of things" by solving "one thing".

On the first day of the opening of the National People's Congress, Chen Jining said when the Shanghai delegation reviewed the government work report that Shanghai should consistently be a good "construction team leader", keep pace with the times and improve its "construction capabilities", set its goals, work hard, and work hard. Jump in and hand over new answers that satisfy the party and the people.

Cultivating and developing new productive forces is undoubtedly a crucial "construction ability". The accuracy, effectiveness and pertinence of policies are related to the level of ability.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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