近日,共青团中央、应急管理部联合下发通知,Determine the fire control team of the coking operation room of the coking department of Angang Steel Co., Ltd. Bayuquan Steel Branch486 Each collective will serve as the 2023 national youth production safety demonstration post and launch the 2024 creation activity.

A total of 23 steel youth collectively passed全国钢铁行业共青团工作指导和推进委员会及其他省级团组织推荐,**获2023年度全国青年安全生产示范岗。 **

Fire control team of coking operation room of coking department of Bayuquan Iron and Steel Branch of Anshan Iron and Steel Company

Mining and production group of Xinbaima Company of Angang Group Panzhihua Mining Co., Ltd.

Repair Team of Passenger Transport Branch of Baotou Steel Xichuang Wankai Company

Raw and Fuel Sampling Post of Quality Measurement Department of Fujian Sangang

Hegang Group Tanggang Company Gaoqiang Automobile Plate Company Continuous plating operation area

No. 2 blast furnace section of Jinding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

Selection operation area of the concentrator of Jiugang Group Hongxing Co., Ltd.

2230 Galvanizing Class of Cold Rolling Operation Department of Shougang Jingtang Iron and Steel Joint Co., Ltd.

Wire Rod Group B, Steel Rolling Operation Area of Steel Rolling Division, Shougang Tonghua Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.

Technology Center of Xinyu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

Oil shift 1 in the production and operation workshop of the forging branch of Sinosteel Xingtai Mechanical Roll Co., Ltd.

Jiugang Group Western Heavy Industry Company Roll Branch

Hydraulic operation class in the rolling workshop of the plate and strip factory of Laiwu Branch of Shandong Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

The power operation area of Qidashan Concentrator of Angang Mining Company is broken and the electrical team is broken

Class A, Steel Rolling Operation Area, Steel Bar Factory, New Tiangang Group Tiangang Company

No. 1 Blast Furnace Operation Area of New Area Ironmaking Plant of Hangang Group Hangang Company

Youth safety supervision post in the round bar inspection section of the rolling station of Fujian Third Steel Engineering Department

High-wire Rolling Workshop of Yangchun New Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

Smelting Workshop No. 3 of Converter Steelmaking Plant of Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.

Continuous casting class in the steelmaking operation area of Yugang Company of Jiugang Group

Technical Group of Steel Rolling Operation Area of TISCO Stainless Wire Rod Division of China Baowu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.

Angang Group Panzhihua Xichang Steel and Vanadium Co., Ltd. Hot Rolling Automation Inspection Team of the Plate Factory of Angang Group Panzhihua Steel and Vanadium Co., Ltd.

Fire Rescue Brigade of Security Department of Baotou Steel (Group) Company

2023年度全国青年安全生产示范岗创建活动启动以来, 全钢团指委各委员单位团组织联合所在地区应急管理部门广泛组织动员基层青年集体,深入学习 贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要论述,聚焦Create content such as safety awareness education, safety skills improvement, safety team construction and safety management supervision, combined with "Safety Production Month" and "Fire Prevention Publicity Month" and other activities, 积极开展宣传教育、主题团日、知识培训、岗位练兵、隐患排查、应急演练、创新攻关等一系列针对性强、体现青年特点的安全生产主题活动,有效引领广大青年职工强化安全意识、苦练安全技能、规范生产作业、参与管理监督,为以高水平安全保障高质量发展贡献了青春力量。

The National Youth Production Safety Demonstration Post Creation Activity is a mass practical activity jointly organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Emergency Management for the purpose of ensuring production safety. In accordance with the "Notice on Identifying the 2023 National Youth Production Safety Demonstration Post and Carrying out the 2024 Creation Activities" Notice "(Zhongqing Mingdian [2024] No. 4) required that, according to the work arrangement and after research, the All-Steel Group Command Committee combined with the actual work of the industry to carry out the creation of the 2024 National Youth Safety Production Demonstration Post in the steel industry.

Establishment of the National Youth Safety Production Demonstration Post in 2024

**(1) Create a theme **

Young people take the lead in safe production

**(2) Objects of creation ** In steel enterprises and institutions, front-line production workshops, teams and other first-line production workshops with youth as the main body maintain a stable organizational structure, especially those with a large impact on production safety and a wide influence.

**(3) Creation conditions and content **

The creation group focuses on safety awareness education, safety skills improvement, safety team construction, safety management supervision, etc. to carry out creation activities. For specific creation conditions, activity content and requirements, see the "Management Measures for the Creation of Youth Production Safety Demonstration Posts"(China Youth Office Lianfa [2022] No. 2, hereinafter referred to as the "Management Measures").

(4) Creation steps and requirements

1. Create a filing

** **

创建活动坚持“重创建、严考核”原则,各单位于Complete the creation of collective filing by April 20 ,并将2024年度全国青年安全生产示范岗创建备案表(见附件2)电子版及盖章扫描版发送至电子邮箱,Those who fail to report within the time limit shall be deemed to have automatically waived

2. carry out the creation

** **

League organizations at all levels should guide the creation collectives to refine the creation plan according to the characteristics and job responsibilities of the unit, innovate form carriers, and carry out creation activities in accordance with the requirements of the "Management Measures". Seize important nodes such as "Production Safety Month","Fire Prevention Publicity Month", and "Traffic Safety Day", focus on organically combining creation activities with business work, and focus on completing the "Six Ones" tasks during the creation cycle, that is, carry out at least one safety production theme group day activity, a production safety warning education activity, a safety hazard investigation and rectification activity, a production safety knowledge training activity, a safety skills job training activity, and a production safety innovation research activity.

3. Preliminary evaluation of application

** **

Each unit shall organize the creation collective to apply against the creation standards in the "Management Measures", focusing on evaluating the basic conditions, production safety, and the implementation of creation activities such as the "Six Ones" of the application collective. ** After less than 5 working days of publicity in the unit where the collective belongs, the electronic version of the application materials and the scanned copy stamped with the official seal will be packaged and sent to the e-mail box before November 10. Stamp ** A paper version will be mailed to the Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the All-Steel League **. Application materials include:Recommendation form (Attachment 3), recommendation summary table (Attachment 4), summary of recommended group creation activities (with activity photos) and publicity materials of the unit. Failure to submit materials according to the requirements and time points will be deemed to be automatically waived. ** The All-Steel League Command Committee will conduct a strict review of the application collectives, conduct the review through on-site verification, expert review, conference research, etc., and select the best to report to the Central Committee of the League.

4. recommended requirements

** **

(1)推荐集体须从本年度已向全钢团指委备案的创建集体中产生,且在2024年1月1日前5年内获得过全国钢铁行业青年安全生产示范岗或者相应级别的先进集体称号。 The same collective prohibits repeated filings and declarations from multiple channels in provinces and industry systems

(2) In principle, the age of the collective leader or the main leader of the corresponding league organization is under 40 years old (born after January 1, 1984).

(3) League organizations at all levels shall strengthen liaison and docking with the emergency management department in the place where the unit is located, and verify the production safety situation of the recommended collective. For those who conceal accidents, forge deeds, and fail to strictly follow the recommendation conditions and prescribed procedures, the collective application qualification shall be revoked after verification, and the recommended unit will no longer make up the report.

5. examination and verification

** **

The All-Steel League Steering Committee will conduct a strict review of the recommended groups, determine the application form based on the ratio of 1.2: 1, and report it to the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League after publicity. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Emergency Management will review and publicize the selection of collectives that push reports, and identify collectives that have no objection to the publicity and issue plaques.

** **

6. relevant requirements

** **

As an important carrier for the Communist Youth League to lead and organize young people to participate in production safety work, the creation of national youth production safety demonstration posts has been included in the "Work Points of the State Council Security Committee in 2024". Youth League organizations at all levels should attach great importance to it and regard the creation of youth production safety demonstration posts as a powerful starting point for studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on production safety, and effectively implement the work arrangements of the State Council's Safety Committee., fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of grassroots collectives, highlight industry characteristics and pertinence, and extensively participate in creation activities; It is necessary to strengthen daily management, strengthen supervision and inspection, and promptly delist collectives that have strong reactions from the masses and do not meet the identification conditions to ensure the advanced nature and representativeness of youth production safety demonstration posts; it is necessary to strengthen the publicity of typical tree selection and give full play to the role of youth production safety demonstration posts. Practical education, peer education and other roles to promote the creation activities to achieve solid results.

contact person:Li Leilei


fax:010- 65135278

e-mail:[email protected]

mailing address: Room 302, Main Building, No. 46 Dongsi West Street, Dongcheng Area, Beijing City

zip code:100711

Annex: (For the electronic version, you can contact the Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the All-Steel Group)

1. Collective list of national youth production safety demonstration posts in 2023

3. 2024 National Youth Safety Production Demonstration Post Creation Record Form

3. Recommendation Form for 2024 National Youth Production Safety Demonstration Post

4. Summary of recommendations for national youth production safety demonstration posts in 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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