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In September 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping first proposed the important concept of "new quality productivity" during his inspection in Heilongjiang; in December 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference included "developing new quality productivity" in the key tasks in 2024; In March 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping further emphasized the development of new quality productivity according to local conditions and the cultivation of new quality productivity during the National Two Sessions...

Starting today, the column "Starting from" New "and" Quality "Must Be Done" will be launched to show the positive changes and major changes made by the steel industry with practical actions in the face of the new era and new tasks of cultivating and developing new quality productivity. Innovation, and invite readers to witness how new quality productivity can give the traditional steel industry new vitality and vitality.

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At the residence of representatives of the National Two Sessions this year, there was a special set of postcards that were widely praised by the participants as soon as they appeared. This set of postcards features Hukou Waterfall and Magpie Climbing Plum Blossom as the main images. It is elegant and elegant, and ink and ink convey emotion. It vividly displays the majestic momentum of the motherland's great rivers and mountains, carries the beautiful hopes of the people, and implies that under the leadership of the party, the motherland will become more prosperous and prosperous, and people's lives will become happier and happier. This is a "2024 National Two Sessions Commemorative Postcard" made of "Cicada Wing Steel" issued by China Post.

The small postcard reflects the great development of Shougang products and Shougang manufacturing. The ultra-thin series of "Cicada Wing Steel" products belong to the steel series for high-end electronic products of Shougang tinplate. They are mainly used in 5G base station signal receivers, signal transmission filters, integrated circuit boards, etc. They are green and thinned-reducing products of Shougang Steel. One of the "masterpieces" of development.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the importance of independent innovation, encouraging enterprises to wait for no time, seize the day, have the courage to break through the "stuck neck" problem, and strive to firmly grasp key core technologies and core materials for equipment manufacturing. In your own hands. Guided by the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech, Shougang, based on its political consciousness and political responsibility as the "greatest person in the country", proposed the strategic deployment of "promoting technological innovation to become Shougang's number one competitiveness." Shougang insists on facing the country's major needs and actively carries out independent research and collaborative research on key problems that restrict national development and security. It has achieved breakthroughs one after another, effectively ensuring that major projects for the national economy and people's livelihood rely on independent material supply and independent technology to protect them and become "A vivid footnote and vivid practice of" First Competitiveness ".

Breakthroughs in process-use cutting-edge technology to promote quality improvement of production lines

Shougang's development history is actually a history of technological innovation. The reason why Shougang has continued to grow and develop over the past century, especially through relocation and adjustment, to realize the transformation and upgrading from long products to plate materials, and the continuous improvement of its competitiveness relies on the continuous consolidation of its technological innovation foundation and the continuous enhancement of its technological innovation capabilities. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", Shougang has adhered to forward-looking thinking, deeply grasped the development trend of the industry, focused on cutting-edge steel technology fields, and with the innovative spirit of daring to "eat crabs", continuously promoted the industrial chain and value chain to the high-end, consolidating and upgrading existing industries. On the basis of scale and industrial pattern, a number of new production lines using new steel processes from "0 to 1" have been built, which has effectively promoted efficient manufacturing, high-quality manufacturing, and green manufacturing, and achieved complementary and strong chain extension of the industrial chain. Competitiveness has been significantly improved.

On July 2, 2021, at Shougang Jingtang Iron and Steel Base, the world's first multi-mode fully continuous cast-rolling production line (MCCR) reached full production capacity. This production line integrates the world's leading cutting-edge technologies of thin slab continuous casting and hot continuous rolling; it takes only 25 minutes to produce from molten steel to steel coils, which saves nearly 3 hours compared with traditional hot continuous rolling processes; the thinnest specification strip produced reaches 0.8 mm; products can be sold directly through acid pickling without going through rolling processes.

On August 31, 2022, the world's first professional production line for electrical steel for new energy vehicles was completed at Shougang Qian 'an Steel Base. Starting from process logic and relying on Shougang's profound technical accumulation in the development and production of electrical steel over the years, the world's first six-stand cold tandem mill "SUPER MILL" breaks the "myth" that cold tandem rolling cannot produce high-quality non-oriented electrical steel. Compared with the single-stand 20-roll organization method, rolling efficiency is increased by 8 times, product size control, sheet shape control, product performance, and operating efficiency are greatly improved, reaching the world's leading level. The ESW1230 product, one of the two products launched, empowers new energy vehicles with greater horsepower, higher efficiency and longer battery life.

On April 19, 2023, at Shougang Qian 'an Steel Base, the world's first professional production line with 100% thin specification and high magnetic induction oriented electrical steel was completed. The project adopts a number of pioneering technologies to provide strong support for the comprehensive manufacturing of core soft magnetic materials for transformers in China and the realization of the "double carbon" goal. Among the two new products launched in the world, 15SQF1250 product is the world's thinnest oriented electrical steel product representative, providing key core materials for new energy generation DC convergence technologies such as wind power and photovoltaic; 23SQGD085LS product meets the requirements of State Grid and China Southern Power Grid. High-quality transformers with low no-load loss and low reactive power.


Grasping innovation means grasping development, and seeking innovation means seeking the future. Through in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply understanding General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of new concepts, new ideas and new strategies on scientific and technological innovation, profoundly summarizing Shougang's innovation practices, analyzing the current competitive environment, and focusing on long-term development in the future, the Shougang Group Party Committee stands on the basis of long-term development of the enterprise. Plan Shougang's future from the perspective of long-term development. At the Shougang "Innovation, Excellence and Entrepreneurship" exchange meeting held in September 2023, the Shougang Group Party Committee further made the strategic deployment of "promoting technological innovation to become Shougang's first competitiveness and accelerating the creation of a Chinese-style modern Shougang scenario". Make good use of the key move of "promoting technological innovation to become Shougang's first competitiveness" has become the consensus of Shougang Group to promote its own high-quality development.

At the fourth plenary meeting of the first Committee of Shougang Group held in January this year, Zhao Mingge, party committee secretary and chairman of Shougang Group, pointed out that promoting technological innovation to become the first competitiveness of Shougang is a major strategy related to the overall situation. It is the only way to create a Chinese-style modern Shougang scene, and it is a complex system engineering, which is not only a battle to overcome difficulties, but also a protracted war. It is necessary to profoundly grasp the basic laws of technological innovation, actively adapt to the needs of national strategy and changes in market demand, always give top priority to technological innovation in the development of enterprises, speed up the cultivation of new momentum, stimulate new vitality, and shape new advantages. In Zhao Mingge's view, the development of new-quality productive forces brings new opportunities for enterprise transformation, and the "one-lead, two-integration" put forward by Shougang (led by technological innovation, promote the deep integration of technological innovation, management innovation and business model innovation) is the key to develop new productivity and promote technological innovation to become the first competitiveness. At present, Shougang is taking "one leading two integration" as the path to accelerate the transformation of enterprise development quality to more efficient, more resilient and more sustainable.


Product side efforts-adapt to demand-side changes with high-quality supply


Adhering to high-end, specialization and differentiation, defining high-end products in fierce market competition, and defining specialty products in demand-side supply is a vivid practice of Shougang to adapt to demand-side changes with high-quality supply. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", Shougang has achieved 19 domestic and international launches of new products. The domestic market share of its three major strategic products, automotive panels, electrical steel, and tinplate, has remained among the top 3. High-end strategic products have been widely recognized by market customers.

High magnetic induction, low iron loss, ultra-thin specification electrical steel-"Pearl in the crown".

Electrical steel is an important indicator of a country's special steel manufacturing level. As the fourth company in the world to use low-temperature processes to produce oriented silicon steel, Shougang has "sharpened a sword in ten years". The electrical steel product cluster has grown from scratch and from existence to excellence, achieving full coverage of all fields of electrical steel. The ultra-thin specification products have ranked first in the domestic market for many consecutive years and have been widely used in "double millions"(With a capacity of 1 million kVA and a voltage class of 1 million volts), manufacturing ultra-high voltage transformers, high-efficiency energy-saving distribution transformers, etc., serving the national green power grid project, Shougang has also ranked among the world's number one transformer material suppliers; Shougang has become the main supplier of transformer materials for Baihetan Hydropower Station and Wudongde Hydropower Station, helping "the high gorges emerge from the Pinghu and the walls stand on thousands of feet"; New energy electrical steel solves the common technical problems of the industry such as low loss, high speed, and "impossible triangle" of torque. Shougang has become the world's major supplier of new energy vehicle companies such as Volkswagen. Four out of every 10 domestic new energy vehicles are equipped with "first steel core".

Ultra-thin steel for 5G-as thin as a cicada's wings and as light as a mirror.

The ultra-thin steel for 5G independently developed by Shougang is also called "cicada wing steel". It is mainly used for 5G base station signal receivers, signal transmission filters, integrated circuit boards, etc., and is named because it is as thin as cicada wings. Its thickness ranges from 0.07 mm to 0.15 mm, which is equivalent to the diameter of a hair. Due to its "thin" and "light" characteristics, its production process is very strict, involving more than 300 small processes and thousands of quality control points. After the launch of "Cicada Wing Steel", it has been favored by domestic and foreign new energy vehicle companies. Not only that, through secondary development, it has also become an Internet celebrity product, such as well-known Winter Olympics postcards, postcards of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China "Ode to the Great Wall", and 2023 undergraduate admission notice from University of Science and Technology Beijing. Creative products are made of Shougang's "Cicada Wing Steel".

9Ni steel-"steel diamond".

In order to improve China's oil and gas energy supply guarantee capabilities, thermal plate products in the steel industry have played an important role. 9Ni steel is known as the "Steel Diamond" in the field of medium and thick plate products. It is widely used in the construction of cryogenic containers in various aspects such as LNG storage, transportation, and application. Due to the special nature of the service environment, it controls impurity elements in molten steel extremely Strict, making it the most difficult and most technical product in the field of medium and thick plates. Shougang 9Ni steel is widely used in key parts of ultra-low temperature pressure vessels such as cryogenic transport ships and liquefied natural gas storage tanks. It can serve in ultra-low temperature environments as low as minus 196 degrees Celsius.

Pipeline steel for hydrogen transmission-to help launch hydrogen-doped spiral steel pipes in China.

As a zero-carbon energy source, hydrogen energy has become a new track for global competition. The hydrogen pipeline steel products developed by Shougang have a hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity index of less than 10% in a high-pressure hydrogen environment of 6.3 MPa. They have been successfully used in China's first high-pressure gas pipeline project with hydrogen doping function-Baotou, Inner Mongolia-Linhe Hydrogen Mixing Pipeline Project, Shougang has also become the first enterprise in China to achieve mass production of high-grade hydrogen pipeline steel, laying the foundation for the application of long-distance and high-pressure hydrogen pipeline projects in China. At present, Shougang is closely following pure hydrogen pipeline projects such as Ulanqab-Yanshan Petrochemical and Kangbao-Caofeidian to meet the needs of the national hydrogen energy strategy.


Service side upgrade-an important tool to help build a country with new materials


In recent years, the "Shenzhou" has flown into the sky, the "Beidou" guide, the "White Crane" has shone its wings, the "Blue Whale 1" seabed treasure hunt, and the "C919 plane" has soared into the sky... China's breakthrough achievements in scientific and technological innovation have erupted in a "blowout" manner. Behind this, there is the support of Shougang Steel Materials.

Magnetic shielding materials help Beidou satellites travel into space.

The magnetic shielding alloys and products developed by Shougang are used in the atomic clock of the Beidou Navigation Hydrogen System, the ion collider of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Northern Huachuang ion etching machine, etc., meeting the magnetic shielding needs of China's key areas, major equipment and infrastructure. It ensures the safe, efficient and precise operation of China's national defense, major science and technology infrastructure, and civil high-end fields.

Superalloy materials forge "two machines" hard core support.

Aero-engines and heavy-duty gas turbines (hereinafter referred to as "two engines") represent the overall level of a country's manufacturing industry and are recognized as an important symbol of manufacturing power in the world. Since the launch of the "two engines" major project, focusing on the heavy gas turbine material project, Shougang Beiye Co., Ltd. has completed more than 20 key projects, conquered more than 50 key technologies, such as ultra-pure superalloy smelting, wide plate preparation, and ultra-fine wire preparation, and successively developed four series of products of various specifications, including ultra-high purity cast superalloy master alloy, to help China's heavy gas turbine manufacturing in China. On February 28 this year, China's first self-developed 300 MW F-class heavy gas turbine with the maximum power and the highest technical grade went off the assembly line, including the significant contribution of Shougang. Centering on the Chinese manufacturing substitution of 244 dependent imported materials issued by the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2019, Shougang Beiye independently developed key deformed superalloys such as GH5605, GH3536, SG37A, SG37B, etc., and realized the intergenerational upgrade of aero-engine brush seal, W-shaped seal and honeycomb seal and Chinese manufacturing substitution, which contributed to the accelerated development of Chinese aero-engine.

High-performance iron-chromium-aluminum fiber wire breaks the monopoly position of foreign imported materials.

In order to solve the key technical bottleneck problems of basic materials in China's burner industry, Shougang tailor-made high-performance iron-chromium aluminum fiber wire for this purpose, with a diameter of only 0.01 mm. It integrates light, thin and soft, and is vividly called "Silk Steel". This product still has high oxidation resistance and toughness above 1000 degrees Celsius. It not only ensures uniform temperature distribution under combustion conditions, but also has good effects on suppressing nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions and promoting adequate combustion. It has been awarded the Ministry of Science and Technology The "National Key New Products" certificate has enhanced the international competitiveness of domestic iron-chromium-aluminum fibers and burner products, and broke the monopoly position of imported foreign materials. In 2023, Shougang's domestic market share of high-end electric heating alloy materials will reach more than 80%, ranking first in the country and second in the world.

Industrial tail gas (carbon monoxide) biosynthesis of ethanol and microbial protein achieved large-scale industrial production for the first time.

Shougang Langze biosynthesizes ethanol and microbial protein from industrial tail gas (carbon monoxide) from a steel plant, achieving large-scale industrial production for the first time in the world. Through leading microbial fermentation processes, carbon-containing industrial exhaust gas is converted into automotive and aviation fuel ethanol, ethanol clostridium protein and other products. Every 1 ton of ethanol fuel produced can reduce carbon emissions by about 1.8 tons, winning the first carbon in the domestic ethanol industry. The label is of great significance for the country to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality; It pioneered the invention of bacterial protein separation technology, broke the traditional protein production model, and gave birth to a new feed raw material-Clostridium ethanol protein products. It opened up a new track for industrial production of high-quality protein, and won the title of new feed raw materials in agriculture and rural areas. Product certificate is of great significance to ensuring national food security and energy security. Microbial protein products are collected by the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China.

Currently, China is on the verge of moving from a "manufacturing power" to a "manufacturing power". As a century-old steel company, Shougang will face the urgent and long-term needs of national development, take serving the national strategy as its own responsibility, bravely be the source of original innovation and the "vanguard" to overcome key problems, and use the confidence, ambition and backbone of steel people., straighten up the "innovation backbone" of steel people and continue to write a new chapter of "promoting technological innovation to become Shougang's number one competitiveness."



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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