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On March 22, the National Energy Administration issued the "2024 Guiding Opinions on Energy Work"(hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"). The "Guiding Opinions" clarify the main goals of national energy work in 2024, and provide guidance and work arrangements in consolidating the foundation of energy security, promoting high-quality development of non-fossil energy, and deepening changes in energy use methods.

New installed power generation capacity will be 250 million kilowatts in 2024

The Guiding Opinions propose the main goals for the development of the national energy industry in 2024, including:The country's total energy production has reached about 4.98 billion tons of standard coal. Coal has stabilized and increased production, crude oil output has stabilized at more than 200 million tons, and natural gas has maintained a rapid production trend. The installed capacity of power generation has reached about 3.17 billion kilowatts, and the power generation has reached about 9.96 trillion kilowatt hours. The transmission capacity of "West-to-East Power Transmission" has continued to improve.

非化石能源发电装机占比提高到55%左右。风电、太阳能发电量占全国发电量的比重达到17%以上。天然气消费稳中有增, The proportion of non-fossil energy in total energy consumption increased to about 18.9%,终端电力消费比重持续提高。

According to data previously released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the country's total primary energy production in 2023 will be 4.83 billion tons of standard coal, raw coal output will be 4.71 billion tons, crude oil output will be 209 million tons, and natural gas output will be 232.4 billion cubic meters. The country's cumulative installed power generation capacity is approximately 2.92 billion kilowatts, and the power generation capacity is 9.46 trillion kilowatt hours.

The "Guiding Opinions" do not propose specific target values for coal production and natural gas production, and propose a minimum red line of 200 million tons for crude oil production. 要实现2024年发电装机约达到31.7亿千瓦,意味着2024年全国要新增发电装机2.5亿千瓦。

At the end of 2023, China's renewable energy installed capacity will account for more than thermal power, and the proportion gap will continue to widen in 2024. It is worth noting that natural gas, as a fossil energy, will continue to account for a stable and increasing proportion in the energy consumption structure. In 2024, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption, mainly new energy, will continue to increase, and the consumption of new energy will be the key task in 2024.

Several energy policies will be introduced in 2024

The "Implementation Opinions" propose that in order to improve the stability and adjustment capabilities of the power system, relevant policies to guide the transformation and development of thermal power will be issued and implemented in 2024. Promote the integrated joint venture of coal and coal power, rationally deploy supporting regulatory coal power, accelerate the construction of regulated coal power projects in provinces with greater power supply pressure, and strive to put them into operation as soon as possible. Promote the conversion of retired units to emergency backup power supply in compliance with needs and regulations.

In 2024, the National Energy Administration will also prepare plans for water, wind, and light integrated bases in major river basins and formulate hydropower development and construction plans in the Yangtze River Basin; issue **** The weight of responsibilities for renewable energy power consumption in 2024 and implement them to enterprises in key industries; Revision and release distributed photovoltaic power generation project management methods, continue to carry out pilot work on improving the carrying capacity of distributed photovoltaic access power grids; study policies related to the upgrading, transformation and retirement of photovoltaic power plants; Formulate and implement interim measures for the development and construction of pumped storage power stations to promote the sustainable and healthy development of pumped storage power stations.

In terms of natural gas, the National Energy Administration will revise its natural gas utilization policy in 2024 to promote natural gas to play a greater role in the construction of a new energy system. The "Typical Case Collection of Energy Green and Low-Carbon Transformation" was released to drive transformation and development through typical demonstrations.

In terms of hydrogen energy development, the National Energy Administration will formulate relevant policies to accelerate the high-quality development of the hydrogen energy industry in 2024, promote hydrogen energy technology innovation and industrial development in an orderly manner, steadily carry out hydrogen energy pilot demonstrations, and focus on the development of renewable energy hydrogen production. Expand hydrogen energy application scenarios.

In terms of energy laws and regulations, the "Implementation Opinions" propose to promote the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to review and adopt the Energy Law and speed up the revision of the Renewable Energy Law, the Electricity Law, and the Coal Law. Promote the revision of rules and regulations such as the Power Grid Dispatch Management Regulations, the Natural Gas Infrastructure Construction and Operation Management Measures, the Fair and Open Supervision Measures for Oil and Gas Pipeline Network Facilities, and the Safety Protection Regulations for Power Monitoring Systems.

In 2024, the National Energy Administration will also issue opinions on deepening the reform of the power market and promoting the high-quality development of new energy, and formulate the "Basic Rules for the Power Auxiliary Service Market","Basic Rules for Information Disclosure of the Power Market" and "Basic Rules for Registration of the Power Market Access." Among them, the "Basic Rules for Information Disclosure in the Electricity Market" were released on January 31, 2024.

In terms of power security, the "Implementation Opinions" propose that policy documents on the safety management of new power systems and key requirements for preventing grid-connected safety accidents of new grid-connected entities such as new energy will be issued, and the "Measures for Power Grid Security Risk Management and Control (Trial)" will be revised to study and formulate safety supervision measures for deep peak shaving of coal-fired power units.

These major engineering projects will be promoted in 2024

In addition to planning to introduce corresponding energy policies, the Guiding Opinions also mention some specific key energy projects, which mainly include:

电网建设:重点推进陕北—安徽、甘肃—浙江、蒙西—京津冀、大同—天津南等特高压工程核准开工 ;加快开展西南、西北、东北、内蒙古等清洁能源基地送出通道前期工作。强化蒙东与东北主网联网,Promote the extension and strengthening of North China's UHV AC power grid to the western Mongolia region ,提升西北省间通道输电能力,建成华中特高压骨干网架。

oil and gas pipeline:Accelerate the construction of trunk pipelines such as the Fourth West-East Gas Pipeline Line, the Second Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline Line, the Southern Section of the China-Russia Eastern Line, and Hulin-Changchun.

nuclear power:Unit 1 of the "Guohe-1" Demonstration Project in Rongcheng, Shandong Province and Unit 4 of the "Hualong-1" Demonstration Project in Fangchenggang, Guangxi Province have been completed and put into operation.

Consolidating the high-quality leap of new energy is the key task. The "Implementation Opinions" propose to steadily promote the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases and promote the completion and commissioning of projects in an orderly manner. Coordinate and optimize the layout of offshore wind power, promote the construction of offshore wind power bases, and promote the development of offshore wind power to deep water and far shore in a steady and orderly manner. Make a good job in the national solar thermal power generation planning and layout and continue to promote the large-scale development of solar thermal power generation. Accelerate the development of decentralized wind power and distributed photovoltaic power generation according to local conditions.

原文链接: Notice on Printing and Issuing the "2024 Guiding Opinions on Energy Work" ** **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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