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Southern Energy Watch


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Eo reporter Hong Jialin

Editor Jiang Li

Audit Feng Jie

In the first quarter of 2024, central energy enterprises such as Huadian Group, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, State Power Investment Corporation, and National Energy Group, as well as international energy companies such as ExxonMobil and BASF Group, actively interacted with Guangdong.

Energy supply guarantees, offshore wind power, hydrogen energy, new energy storage, petrochemicals, etc. are key areas for exchanges between Guangdong and enterprises. The development of new energy industries and green petrochemical industries has become an important starting point for Guangdong's energy security and green development and building a strong manufacturing province. Strengthening interaction with enterprises will help achieve investment promotion, promote industrial scientific and technological innovation, and promote the growth of new productive forces.

Huadian Group Southern Regional Headquarters

Will be settled in Guangdong

In March 2024, power generation groups such as National Energy Group and Huadian Group successively carried out work exchanges with the Guangdong Province government and relevant cities and cities to deepen strategic cooperation.

Nanfang Daily reported that on March 21, the People's Government of Guangdong Province and Huadian Group signed an agreement to deepen strategic cooperation. Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Wang Weizhong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, met with Jiang Yi, Chairman of Huadian Group, and Ye Xiangdong, General Manager, and jointly witnessed the signing of the contract.

Huang Kunming expressed the hope that Huadian Group will actively participate in Guangdong's modernization drive, strengthen fuel procurement and reserves and generator unit operation and maintenance, and effectively ensure the safe and reliable supply of electricity; increase the development of green and low-carbon energy such as offshore wind power and hydrogen energy; and actively fulfill the social responsibilities of central enterprises., closely integrate the project layout and construction with the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project" and the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong. Guangdong is willing to take the signing of this strategic cooperation agreement as an opportunity to focus on emerging cutting-edge areas such as power equipment, new energy storage, integrated development of offshore wind power and marine ranches, and work together to do a good job in research and development of key technologies and industrialization of innovative results.

According to the agreement, Huadian Group will establish a southern regional headquarters in Guangdong. The two sides will carry out more extensive and in-depth cooperation in various fields such as strengthening energy supply guarantees, promoting energy transformation, developing the marine economy, deepening the promotion and application of advanced technologies, and jointly promoting rural revitalization.

On March 14, Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Wang Weizhong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, met with Yang Changli, Chairman of China General Nuclear Power Group, and Gao Ligang, General Manager, and their party.

Huang Kunming expressed the hope that CGNPC will always put safety first, continue to increase its layout in Guangdong based on its main nuclear power business, seize favorable opportunities to vigorously promote the construction of projects under construction, promote the implementation and start of more projects, and actively develop offshore wind power and other new energy sources continue to provide Guangdong with a clean, stable and efficient power supply. On the basis of good cooperation with CGNPC, Guangdong is willing to carry out more application empowerment of nuclear technology in the fields of seed industry, life and health, environmental protection, etc., strengthen innovation collaboration around nuclear safety frontiers, new energy storage, marine pastures, etc., and make full use of Guangdong's rich application scenarios accelerate the implementation and transformation of results.

State Power Investment Corporation announced that on March 15, Liu Mingsheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of State Power Investment Corporation, met with Liu Hongbing, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Zhanjiang Municipal Party Committee. Liu Hongbing said that currently, Zhanjiang is focusing on the "four greens and one blue" pillar industries of green steel, green petrochemicals, green energy, green food and blue ocean economy. It is hoped that SPIC will solidly promote the development and construction of nuclear power projects, expand practical cooperation in offshore wind power, photovoltaics, hydrogen energy, marine pasture and other fields, promote common development, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

National Energy Group announced that on February 4, National Energy Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the People's Government of Zhuhai City. Liu Guoyue, Party Secretary and Chairman of the National Energy Group, and Huang Zhihao, Deputy Secretary of the Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended the signing ceremony and witnessed the signing.

Liu Guoyue expressed the hope that the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of integration of transportation resources, construction of offshore wind power bases, bulk bulk cargo trading, etc., and help the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area create a new integrated multimodal transport pattern of "coal, electricity, rail, port and shipping" and boost Zhuhai's high-quality economic and social development.

At the signing ceremony, State Energy Group Port Company signed an asset integration agreement with Zhuhai City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

In addition to domestic energy companies, Guangdong also communicated with two large international energy and chemical companies in the first quarter.

On March 23, Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Wang Weizhong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, met with Wu Delun, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil Corporation, and his party who were visiting Guangdong.

Huang Kunming said that he earnestly hopes that ExxonMobil will promote the construction of the first phase of the Huizhou project with high quality and efficiency, strive to put it into production as soon as possible, accelerate the preliminary work of the second phase of the project, achieve seamless connection between the first and second phases, and better promote product diversification and form scale effects. At the same time, Guangdong uses more green and low-carbon technologies, actively introduces supporting enterprises, and jointly strengthens and expands the petrochemical industry ecology of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It is hoped that ExxonMobil will play a good role as a bridge between multinational companies and China, attract more outstanding international partners to invest and start businesses in Guangdong, and show the United States and the world an objective and true China.

Wood Delun said that he will do his best to promote the construction of the Huizhou project safely and efficiently. At the same time, we will use the construction of R & D centers as a carrier to bring more new petrochemical products and new technologies such as carbon capture and carbon sequestration to China and Guangdong.

The People's Government of Guangdong Province announced that on February 29, the Guangdong Province Government and BASF Group held a high-level consultation meeting on the BASF (Guangdong) Integrated Base Project in Zhanjiang. Governor Wang Weizhong and Chairman of the Executive Board of BASF Group Bo Mule attended the meeting. Both sides also participated in the opening ceremony of the Base Integrated Technology Center.

Wang Weizhong expressed the hope that BASF will deeply explore the market, take the opening of the integrated technology center as an opportunity, and make greater efforts to promote the construction of integrated base projects, develop more new technologies, new processes, and new products, lay out more high-end product production lines, and cultivate More professional talents, introduce more downstream high-end fine chemical cooperative enterprises to invest in Guangdong and develop in Zhanjiang, and work together to create a world-class green petrochemical industry cluster.

According to reports, the BASF (Guangdong) Integrated Base project has a total investment of approximately 10 billion euros, making it a major national foreign-funded project and the largest single project invested by German companies in China. In January 2024, all the first phase of the project will be completed and put into operation.

Attach importance to new energy and technological innovation

Energy supply guarantees, offshore wind power, hydrogen energy, nuclear power, new energy storage, and marine economy were key areas for exchanges between Guangdong and energy central enterprises in the first quarter, which also reflects Guangdong's resource endowment, energy supply and demand situation and industrial development strategy overview.

Guangdong is relatively scarce in primary energy resources, and its external dependence on energy supply in 2020 will reach 74%. At the same time, high-quality economic and social development has driven Guangdong's electricity demand to continue to increase. Data from the Energy Bureau of Guangdong Province shows that in 2023, Guangdong's total social electricity consumption will reach 850.2 billion kilowatt-hours, a year-on-year increase of 8.0%. It is the first province in the country to have electricity consumption exceeding 800 billion kilowatt-hours. It is estimated that in 2025, Guangdong's entire society's electricity consumption will reach approximately 880 billion kilowatt hours.

In this context, the development and utilization of new energy with greater efforts has become an important starting point for Guangdong to ensure energy security and promote energy transformation.

The Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee held on March 25 pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen overall planning, promote the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient new energy system, put the development of new energy in a more important position, vigorously develop offshore wind power, and actively develop safely and orderly develop nuclear power, accelerate the development and utilization of distributed photovoltaics, etc., and at the same time give full play to the role of traditional fossil energy to ensure the safety and stability of energy supply.

Developing new energy industries is also an important strategy for Guangdong to build a strong manufacturing province and promote the development of new quality productivity. The "Guangdong Province Action Plan for Cultivating New Energy Strategic Emerging Industrial Clusters (2023-2025)" issued on December 29, 2023 proposed that by 2025, the operating income of the province's new energy industry will exceed 1 trillion yuan and the added value will exceed 200 billion yuan; The installed power generation capacity of the new energy industry cluster is approximately 144.3 million kilowatts, the natural gas supply capacity exceeds 80 billion cubic meters, and the hydrogen supply capacity exceeds 100,000 tons.

Exxon and cooperation with ExxonMobil and BASF Group is another measure taken by Guangdong to promote the construction of a strong manufacturing province-accelerating the development of green petrochemical strategic pillar industry clusters.

Guangdong is one of China's important petrochemical bases. According to statistics, in 2022, there will be 9213 enterprises above designated size in Guangdong's petrochemical industry cluster, with an industrial added value of 424.9 billion yuan, accounting for about 10.7% of the added value of industries above designated size that year. At present, Guangdong has formed five major refining and chemical integrated bases, including Guangzhou, Huizhou Daya Bay, Zhanjiang East Island, Maoming, and Jieyang Dananhai, Zhuhai Gaolan Port Fine Chemical Base and several chemical parks.

The "Guangdong Province Action Plan for Developing Green Petrochemical Strategic Pillar Industry Clusters (2023-2025)" issued on December 29, 2023 proposes that by 2025, Guangdong will basically form a world-class green petrochemical industry cluster, enter the ranks of world-class green petrochemical industry clusters, and strive to exceed 2 trillion yuan and 480 billion yuan in industrial scale and industrial added value.

In addition to deepening cooperation in the energy field, investment, promotion of industrial scientific and technological innovation, and promotion of new productivity were high-frequency words in exchanges between Guangdong and enterprises in the first quarter. Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, said at the Guangdong Provincial High-Quality Development Conference held on February 18,"Focusing on industrial science and technology to talk about innovation and seek the future is to continuously consolidate the foundation of the real economy and the manufacturing industry as the leader, and continue to promote high-quality development.". In 2024, Guangdong proposes a goal of GDP growth of 5%, total import and export growth of 1%, and industrial added value above designated size growth of 5%.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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