Yesterday (April 14th)

Shanghai's Jiading, Minhang release notices

Cracking down on illegal subletting of shared ownership affordable housing

impose penalties on the individuals and entities involved

Jiading District

Recently, Jiading District has been actively promoting law enforcement in shared property rights-guaranteed housing, and has carried out severe punishment according to the law for the 3 types of illegal entities.

南翔镇对“二房东”吴某、孙某进行立案查处。依据《上海市住房租赁条例》相关规定,对吴某、孙某出租住房不符合相关规定的行为 Fined RMB 34,000 and RMB 46,000 respectively.

南翔镇对共有产权房小区涉及的三家物业服务企业Investigate and punish separately。对捌都、山东信莱和嘉伊等三家物业服务企业因违反《上海市住宅物业管理规定》相关规定, fined RMB 29,000 respectively

嘉定区城管执法局对本区涉及2家房地产经纪机构(上海耀房产经纪有限公司、上海觅网房地产经纪有限公司)进行查处。对2家房地产经纪机构未按照要求备案的行为,依据《上海市住房租赁条例》 Fined RMB 4,900 and RMB 19,000 respectively;对房地产经纪机构为禁止出租、转租的住房提供经纪服务的行为,依据《上海市住房租赁条例》 49,000 yuan or 99,000 yuan

Minhang District

Starting from April 10, the Minhang District Housing Management Bureau, in conjunction with the District Public Security Bureau, the District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, and the District Market Supervision Bureau, carried out a major investigation and rectification of shared property rights protection housing in four streets and towns: Pujiang Town, Maqiao Town, Zhuanqiao Town and Meilong Town.

经查,闵行区浦江镇瑞和城共有产权房小区业主董某等4户业主涉嫌违规出租其共有产权保障住房,浦江镇城管执法中队已对3户开具《整改告知书》《责令改正通知书》, Limit-time rectification 。如逾期未整改的,区房管局将根据《上海市共有产权保障住房管理办法》第五十一条的规定,责令其腾退住房,并禁止5年内申请本市各类保障性住房;其违法行为将被纳入个人信用报告。

“二房东”蔡某(男,56岁)违反《上海市住房租赁条例》第十五条,浦江镇城管执法中队对其出租住房不符合相关规定的行为作出《行政处罚决定书》, Be fined RMB 25,000 and the information will be included in personal credit report

上海拾光房地产经纪事务所第八分所从业人员李某(女,19岁)及其所在经纪事务所违反《房地产经纪管理办法》第十四条,已被区城管执法局作出《行政处罚决定书》, Mr. Li, the practitioner, was fined 10,000 yuan, and his brokerage firm was fined 19,900 yuan, and both will be included in their respective credit reports.

上海城建物业有限公司涉嫌违反《上海市住宅物业管理规定》第五十九条的规定,浦江镇城管执法中队对其开具《行政处罚事先告知书》,A fine of 3000 RMB shall be imposed 。区房管局根据《上海市物业服务企业和项目经理失信行为记分规则》第六条第一款第二项的规定,Deduct 3 points for this property service enterprise

另,针对闵行区银春路、富岩路口一中介机构(上海康*房地产经纪有限公司),Illegal actions include providing brokerage services for the rental of housing with shared ownership guarantee ,区房管局已将违法线索和相关材料移送至区城管执法局进行立案查处,并在全区中介行业内对该机构违规行为予以通报。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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