cases 23:Administrative penalty case against an energy company by the Northeast Supervision Bureau of the National Energy Administration

In July 2023, the Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau received a report reflecting that a wind turbine collapse accident had occurred at a certain wind farm. After confirmation by the Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau, it was found that a wind turbine at a wind farm of a certain energy company had collapsed in June 2023, and the unit concerned had failed to report the accident information to the Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau in time. After verifying the accident information, the Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau established an accident investigation team to carry out the accident investigation work in accordance with the provisions of the "Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on Emergency Response and Investigation and Handling of Power Safety Accidents". Due to the late reporting of the accident, it was impossible to carry out the accident investigation at the first time. During the accident investigation process, the unit concerned failed to provide the accident investigation team with important physical evidence such as blade wreckage, accident nacelle, lightning arrester, and lightning protection grounding lead-in line as required. In September, the Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau officially filed a case against the unit concerned. In October, the Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau issued an "Administrative Penalty Decision" to the company concerned and its principal person in charge.

Investigations have concluded that this company failed to report the accident to the supervisory authorities responsible for safety supervision within the specified timeframe after the accident occurred and concealed important parts of the accident during the investigation of the accident. Also, it failed to provide accident-related materials in a timely manner. The above-mentioned behaviors violate provisions in Article 36 Paragraph 2 of the "Regulations on Reporting and Handling Production Safety Accidents" and Article 83 Paragraph 2 of the "PRC Law on Safety Production." Based on provisions in Article 110 and Article 115 of the "PRC Law on Safety Production," the company's primary person in charge shall be fined 76% of his or her previous year's income, which amounts to 268,000 yuan. Based on Article 36 Paragraph 2 of the "Regulations on Reporting and Handling Production Safety Accidents" and the "Benchmark of Administrative Penalty Discretion of the National Energy Administration," the Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau imposed a fine of 2.8 million yuan on the unit involved. At the same time, according to the National Energy Administration's "List of Creditable Behaviors of Entities in the Energy Industry (2022 Version)," it is recommended to the National Energy Administration's "Credit Energy" platform in accordance with procedures to implement credit classification supervision for the unit involved.

Case 24:Administrative penalty case against an engineering company by the Central China Supervision Bureau of the National Energy Administration

In May-June 2023, when the Central China Energy Regulatory Bureau conducted an on-site inspection of the power safety production work of a power plant in Wuhan, it found that the construction unit, a certain engineering company, had the following problems:1. The company's project department failed to erect the scaffolding properly during operation, and no acceptance mark was seen at the site. No isolation zone was set up beneath the high-altitude work area, no obvious warning signs were displayed, and no measures were taken to eliminate potential safety hazards. 2. The ammonia water reforming project carried out by the company's project department had an unsealed manhole door on the water tank and no warning signs were displayed. In August 2023, the Central China Energy Regulatory Bureau launched an official investigation into the company, and issued a "Notice of Administrative Penalty" in October 2023.

After investigation, it was found that the enterprise’s above-mentioned behaviors violated Article 40, Paragraph 2 and Article 35 of the Safety Production Law. After taking into account the proactive cooperation of the project manager of the engineering company during the investigation and timely completion of the rectification of the problems found during the inspection, in accordance with Article 102 and Article 99, Paragraph 1 of the Safety Production Law, and Article 12, Paragraph 3 of the National Energy Administration’s Administrative Penalty Discretion Standards, the company was fined 30,000 yuan for failing to take measures to eliminate potential safety hazards, and fined 30,000 yuan for failing to set up safety warning signs. The above two penalties shall be executed simultaneously, and the company shall be fined 60,000 yuan in accordance with the law.

Case 25:Administrative penalty case against a new energy power generation company by the Gansu Supervision Office of the National Energy Administration

In June 2023, during an on-site inspection of power safety production conducted by the Gansu Energy Regulatory Office on a certain new energy power generation company, it was found that the person in charge of the work left the work site for a long time without authorization during the high-altitude operation of the inspection and repair of the wind turbine generator, and did not designate a temporary person in charge or safety supervisor. In July 2023, the Gansu Energy Regulatory Office filed a case against the company in accordance with the law. In September 2023, the Gansu Energy Regulatory Office issued the “Administrative Penalty Decision” to the company.

It was found that the company failed to implement a safety risk grading control measure, such as having a dedicated person on-site to supervise high-risk operations, in violation of the first paragraph of Article 41 of the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.:Production and operation units should establish a safety risk grading and control system, and take corresponding control measures according to the safety risk grading as stipulated. The company failed to learn deeply from the lessons of the electric shock accident at this company, and the safety management loopholes exposed by the accident were not completely blocked, so it was punished more severely in accordance with the law. Gansu Energy Regulatory Office, in accordance with Article 101, Item 4 of the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, imposed a fine of 90,000 yuan on the company.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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