_ 1 _Top News 1. Inner Mongolia New Energy Company's power generation exceeded 314 million kilowatt-hours in March2、大唐印尼金光项目实现收购后首次分红 3. China Power International successfully issues the industry’s first green rural revitalization supply chain project4、云南全力保障能源电力供应 Inner Mongolia's new energy connected to the power grid exceeds 100 million kilowatts 6、贵州工信厅:探索风光储一体化等应用场景开发及商业落地 7. Advanced photovoltaics and new energy storage become key areas! Anhui Department of Industry and Information Technology conducts 2024 Anhui Provincial Enterprise Technology Center Certification Work 8、日本电力部门加速淘汰燃煤电 **9、韩国宣布电池续航突破4000公里 ** _ 2 _Corporate Trending

Inner Mongolia New Energy Company's March power generation exceeds 314 million kilowatt hours

As of 24:00 on March 31, 2024, Inner Mongolia New Energy Company's electricity generation in March exceeded 314 million kWh, hitting a record high in the same period in the history of Inner Mongolia New Energy Company and overfulfilling the monthly power generation task.

DAI Indonesia Jingguang Project Announces First Dividend Distribution after Acquisition

On March 28, the first cash dividend of PT Indonesia's Golden Energy reached shareholders, marking that the group has achieved a phase goal of giving back to shareholders in its overseas projects. Responding actively to the Belt and Road Initiative and the group's international development strategy, the PT Indonesia's Golden Energy project went into official operation in December 2020. It covers three islands in Indonesia, including three thermal power plants with a total installed capacity of 692 MW, being the first overseas joint venture project acquired and operated by the group.

3. China Power International successfully issues the industry’s first green rural revitalization supply chain project

On April 2, the first phase of Jinneng International Supply Chain Finance's special green asset-backed plan (rural revitalization) was successfully issued, with a priority size of RMB 301 million, a term of 2 years, a coupon rate of 2.70%, setting the lowest historical coupon rate for Jinneng International's publicly issued bond products, and an overall subscription multiple of 3.04 times. The manager of the special plan is CMB Fund Management and the sales agent is CMB Securities. This project is the first overseas entity supply chain project in the market led by a state-owned enterprise, and it is also the first breakthrough of such projects in the power industry and the field of green rural revitalization, marking Jinneng International's in-depth exploration and active practice in the direction of green finance and promoting the implementation of the national rural revitalization strategy.

_ 3 _Industry news 1. Yunnan makes every effort to ensure energy and power supply 今年以来,云南省能源部门积极应对春季干旱引发的水电减发及电力供需紧张形势。通过科学研判天气状况,不断优化运行调度,加快新能源项目投产并网,推动火电稳定发电并增加发电量,同时合理调整西电东送计划,确保全省能源电力供应稳定有序。今年一季度,全省发电量达到737.54亿千瓦时,同比增长15.3%,较去年同期增加97.87亿千瓦时。同期,全社会用电量达到570.12亿千瓦时,同比增长11.5%。在“西电东送”方面,共输送电量159.16亿千瓦时,实现了发电与用电的供需平衡。 Inner Mongolia grid-connected new energy installed capacity exceeds 100 million kilowatts 近日,内蒙古自治区能源局传来喜讯:随着内蒙古能源四子王旗风储项目、三峡乌兰察布新一代电网友好绿色电站示范项目以及赤峰市能源物联网零碳氢氨一体化示范项目等陆续并网发电,内蒙古新能源装机并网规模成功突破1亿千瓦。这一里程碑式的成就不仅标志着内蒙古在新能源领域取得了显著进展,更意味着地区能源结构转型升级迈出了坚实的一步。据了解,这1亿千瓦新能源装机每年将产生高达2300亿千瓦时的绿色电力,这一数字相当于节约了7000万吨标准煤,并减少了超过1.9亿吨的二氧化碳排放。这不仅有助于缓解中国能源供应紧张的局面,更是对环境保护和应对全球气候变化做出了积极贡献。同时,随着新能源装机规模的扩大,内蒙古地区的能源结构也将逐渐从传统的化石能源向清洁能源转变,实现绿色、低碳、可持续发展的目标。 3. Guizhou Department of Industry and Information Technology:Explore the application scenario development and commercial implementation of wind-storage integration. 日前,贵州省工业和信息化厅印发《关于加快发展先进制造业集群的指导意见》的通知。文件指出,积极引进发展核电零部件、光伏发电设备、风力发电及电化学储能等新能源装备制造,推动火力发电装备、水力发电装备、电网一次装备及二次装备等下游产业发展,引进耐高温、防短路、免维护、环保节能型的电缆和特种电线电缆,提升电力装备总装及市场服务水平。探索氢燃料电池、氢冶金、发电侧火储联合调频、风光储一体化、电网侧储能、用户侧储能等应用场景开发及商业落地。 4. Advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage as key areas! Anhui Department of Industry and Information Technology carries out the 2024 Anhui Provincial Enterprise Technology Center certification work 近日,安徽省工业和信息化厅发布关于组织开展2024年安徽省企业技术中心认定工作的通知。文件表示,申报条件要求,企业在安徽省行政区域内依法注册,具有独立法人资格,且上一年度主营业务收入不低于2亿元,企业重视技术创新,具有较好的技术创新基础条件和开展高水平技术创新活动的能力。其中,文件将,新能源汽车和智能网联汽车、先进光伏和新型储能、新一代信息技术、人工智能、新材料、节能环保、高端装备制造、智能家电(居)、生命健康、绿色食品、数字创意等新兴产业领域列入重点申报领域!
_ 4 _International Focus 1. Japan's power sector accelerates the elimination of coal-fired electricity 据悉,日本的电力部门正在加速逐步淘汰效率低下的燃煤电厂,以帮助减少该国的温室气体排放。但基于液化天然气的天然气发电能力预计至少在未来10年将会增加。根据全国输电系统运营商输电运营商跨区域协调组织的年度调查,2033年4月至2034财年燃煤产能的可用性将降至49.95GW,较2023-24财年下降4%,约2.26GW。与去年的调查相比,日本最新的前景更为积极。去年的调查显示,在截至2032-33年的10年里,燃煤发电量增加了290兆瓦,达到50.94GW。预计日本到2033-34年将不再安装新的燃煤电力机组。这表明,根据政府数据,日本对发电的煤炭需求将较2023年的1.02亿吨煤炭消费量进一步下降。 South Korea unveils battery breakthrough with 4,000km range 近日,韩国宣布在新能源电池领域取得重大突破,声称研发出以“硅”为基础的新材料,可将新能源电池续航里程提升至4000公里,且仅需5小时即可充满。与此同时,中国的新能源电池龙头企业宁德时代近期市值出现大幅下跌,引发了一些外企对其地位的挑战。韩媒更是借此机会宣称中国新能源已经失去竞争力。然而,事实并非如此简单。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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