国际能源网(微信公众号:inencom)为您精选一周(4月1日-4月5)能源央企发生了哪些大事?清明小长假,央国企又发生了哪些大事?国家电网和南方电网联手意味着什么?日本福岛再发生地震,核电站安全能否保障?央国企又有哪些项目取得重大进展? Executive Moves

China Energy Construction Corporation Chairman Song Hailliang Discusses Four Focal Points of 2024's Work Plan

On April 3, China Energy Construction held a 2023 annual results and cash dividend explanation meeting. Song Hailiang said at the meeting that in 2024, the company will focus on coordinating four aspects of work. The first is to focus on cultivating new productive forces and comprehensively promote the "four major transformations" of innovation-driven transformation, green and low-carbon transformation, digital intelligence transformation, and shared integration transformation; the second is to focus on building "three new" capabilities and continue to pragmatically advance reform tasks, create adaptive organizations, strengthen professional integration, and comprehensively deepen system reforms; the third is to focus on high-quality development, increase profits and create efficiency, strengthen resource allocation and overall coordination, and comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of operations; The fourth is to focus on the modernization of management capabilities, consolidate the foundation of market operation, project management, and risk prevention and control, and comprehensively build a solid management foundation.

Jiang Yi, Chairman of CHN Energy, Meets with Chairman of Shanghai Electric

4月1日下午,中国华电党组书记、董事长江毅与上海电气党委书记、董事长吴磊在上海举行会谈,并赴华电燃机公司调研。江毅指出,希望双方持续巩固合作成果、提升合作质效,加大新能源项目开发合作力度,推动沙戈荒大基地配套项目装备制造, Enhance cooperation in areas such as advanced combustion engine research, hydrogen production industry, digital transformation, carbon emission trading, and AI+ application scenarios 携手推进高质量发展,为助力构建新型电力系统、加快推动中国式现代化贡献央企力量。

President of State Grid Zhang Zhigang and President of Southern Grid Meng Zhenping signed a contract

On March 28, the National Development and Reform Commission held a signing ceremony for the Strategic Framework Cooperation Agreement on Inter-regional DC Transmission Project of the State Grid and the Southern Power Grid. Zhang Zhigang, Chairman of the State Grid Corporation, and Meng Zhenping, Chairman of the Southern Power Grid, jointly signed the strategic framework cooperation agreement. This is important for optimizing the allocation of electric power resources on a large scale, guaranteeing energy security, and promoting the clean and low-carbon transformation of energy. The State Grid and the Southern Power Grid will take advantage of this cooperation as an opportunity to further improve their political positions, establish and improve coordination mechanisms, and form a joint force. They will push forward the early-stage work of relevant projects as soon as possible to ensure that national strategies are implemented with high quality.


#All the large slab beams of No. 1 boiler of the 2×660MW project of Datang Douhe Thermal Power Branch were hoisted in place

The project 2×660MW unit 1 boiler main girder of Datang Dudao Thermal Power Branch has been hoisted to be in place recently. It has completed an important node of the boiler steel structure main body successfully, and marks that the project is going to enter the stage of boiler heating surface equipment assembly and construction. The main girder is the most important and symbolic component of the boiler steel structure, and it is used to bear the main weight of the boiler body. Completing the hoisting task with high quality has laid a better condition for hoisting the heating surface of the later boiler and provides a solid foundation for the generator’s on-schedule completion and commissioning.

#UK to end coal-fired power generation by October 2024

The UK has brought forward the date it will end coal-fired power generation to October 2024, a year earlier than planned, it has been announced. The move is part of a government commitment to decarbonise the electricity sector towards eliminating the UK's contribution to climate change by 2050. The announcement confirms the intention set out by the Prime Minister last year to bring forward the deadline to end unabated coal-fired power generation, the government said.

Water and Electricity

First unit of largest hydropower station under construction in upper reaches of Yellow River connected to the grid

On the morning of April 1, at the underground workshop operation site of the National Energy Group Qinghai Mardang Hydropower Station, after various inspections and defect elimination work, the first No. 5 unit of the power station successfully achieved grid-connected power generation. This marks a key step towards full commissioning of the core project of the first 10 million-kilowatt "aquatic, wind and light storage" multi-energy complementary clean energy integrated project in the Qinghai section of the upper Yellow River.

#Grouting work of the curtain wall of the Shuangjiangkou Hydropower Station, the world's highest dam, is more than half finished

Recently, the Three Gorges Corporation, the constructor of Shuangjiangkou Hydropower Station, the world's highest dam of its type, has completed 208,400 meters of curtain grouting, marking the completion of more than half of the project's construction tasks, laying a solid foundation for achieving the station's overall goal of "impounding in 2024 and generating electricity with the first unit in 2025". It is reported that Shuangjiangkou Hydropower Station is a key water conservancy project in the upstream of Dadu River Basin. The dam of the station is a pebble-core rockfill dam, 315 meters high, becoming the world's highest dam of its type. After the station is completed, it can regulate a reservoir capacity of 1.917 billion cubic meters, and can increase the average output of 24 cascade hydropower stations in the downstream Dadu River by 1.914 million kilowatts in dry years, and generate about 6.678 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity during dry periods, saving about 2.96 million tons of standard coal and reducing total carbon emissions by 7.18 million tons each year, which is of great significance to optimizing the power supply structure of Sichuan's power grid and improving the flood control standards of towns in the basin.

New Energy, the largest tonnage wind power crane made in China, settled in Yangzhou Port 4月3日,江苏省港口集团与徐工集团战略合作签约暨首批中国制造最大吨位风电正面吊交付仪式举行,首批中国制造最大吨位风电正面吊“落户”扬州港。本次交付的中国制造最大吨位风电正面吊XCS70KS,是由扬州港和徐工联合研发,打破了国外对大吨位正面吊的垄断,将助力扬州港建设风电设备综合出口基地,服务大型风电塔筒的吊装和转运,以及各类件杂货装卸搬运。

China Energy Investment Wins Photovoltaic Project in Indonesia

Recently, PLN NP, a subsidiary of Indonesian State Power Company (PLN), officially announced that Guodian Power, a subsidiary of National Energy Group, won the bid for the Indonesian Kalangades 100,000-kilowatt floating photovoltaic power station project. This winning bid is the first overseas photovoltaic power station investment project of National Energy Group, and it is also the first time that a Chinese-funded company has won the bid for an Indonesian centralized photovoltaic IPP project.

Nuclear Electricity

Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant loses power line

According to news released by the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, at 10:06 local time on April 4, a high-voltage transmission line of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant lost power, and the reason for the power failure is currently being investigated.

No impact to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station from offshore earthquake

4月4日,日本福岛县近海发生6.0级地震,最大震感为震度4,震源深度40千米。日本原子能规制厅于当地时间4日下午12时50分发布消息,截至目前,位于福岛县的福岛第一核电站和福岛第二核电站,以及位于宫城县的女川核电站没有发现异常情况。三座核电站周边的辐射水平监测数值没有变化。 Energy Storage

National Power Energy New Project Settles in Pei Village in Huixian with a Total Investment of 12 Billion!

4月2日,国家电投下属吉电股份全资子公司安徽吉电新能源有限公司党委书记、董事长王浩带领公司相关负责人一行,深入辉县市张村乡裴寨村,就国电投河南区域新型独立储能示范项目实地考察调研,标志着该公司总投资约120亿元的储能项目正式落地裴寨产业园。 Hydrogen Energy

Haofeng Hydrogen Energy and China Energy Northeast Electric Power Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement

On April 2, 2024, HaoFengGuang Hydrogen Energy and China National Energy Power Group Northeast Electric Power Co. Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties reached a consensus on matters such as expanding and replicating wind-hydrogen-ethanol/ammonia integrated projects and scaling up new energy + hydrogen energy storage peak-regulating power stations.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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