国际能源网(微信公众号inencom)为您精选一周(4月7日-4月12日)能源央企发生了哪些大事?国投电力董事长朱基伟因何原因辞职?国家电网董事长张智刚走访了哪些能源发电集团? 新能源首超煤电,成为南方五省区第一大电源。Executive Moves

Guodian Power:Zhu Jiwei Will Resign as Chairman of the Company

On April 9, SDIC Power announced that Zhu Jiwei planned to resign as director, chairman, chairman of the strategy committee and legal representative of the company due to work adjustments; Zhu Jiwei confirmed that there was no disagreement with the company's board of directors and no need to bring it to the company's shareholders and creditors. Matters of concern. SDIC Power stated that in accordance with the "Company Law","Articles of Association","Stock Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange" and other relevant regulations, the company's controlling shareholder nominated Guo Xuyuan as a candidate for directors of the company, and the company will elect new directors and directors in accordance with legal procedures as soon as possible. Chairman, adjust members of special committees of the board of directors and other related work.

State Grid Corporation of China chairman Zhang Zhigang visits five power generation groups

Recently, Zhang Zhigang, chairman and secretary of the party group of State Grid Co., Ltd., successively visited China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., China Datang Group Co., Ltd., China Huadian Group Co., Ltd., SPIC, and State Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., to strengthen communication and exchanges, deepen practical cooperation, jointly shoulder the primary responsibility of power supply, and jointly promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. We will speed up the construction of a new power system and a new energy system, and promote the high-quality development of the energy and power industry. Zhang Zhigang and China Huaneng Party Group Secretary and Chairman Wen Shugang, General Manager and Deputy Party Secretary Deng Jianling, China Datang Chairman and Party Group Secretary Zou Lei, China Huadian Party Group Secretary and Chairman Jiang Yi, Party Group Deputy Secretary and General Manager Ye Xiangdong, State Electric Investment Party Group Secretary and Chairman Liu Mingsheng, General Manager and Deputy Party Secretary Li Baoqing, and State Energy Group Secretary and Chairman Liu Guoyue. Yu Bing, general manager and deputy secretary of the party leading group, held talks. Chen Guoping, deputy general manager and member of the party group of State Grid Corporation; Wang Wenzong, member and deputy general manager of China Huaneng; qu Bo and Zhang Chuanjiang, member and deputy general manager of Datang; Tao Yunpeng, member of the party group and chief accountant; Gou Wei, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China Huadian; Shao Guoyong, Wang Xuxiang, Wu Jingkai, deputy general manager of China Huadian; Xu Shubiao, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China Electric Power Co. Wang Min, deputy secretary of the party leading group of the State Energy Group, attended the relevant talks. Wang Lixiang, assistant to the general manager and director of the office, Wang Guochun, deputy chief engineer and director of the National Dispatch Center, Feng Kai, deputy chief engineer and director of the Development Department, and the person in charge of the Beijing Electric Power Trading Center attended the relevant talks.

Liu Guoyue Holds Working Meeting with Zhao Huan, Party Secretary and Chairman of the Board, National Development Bank

4月3日,国家能源集团党组书记、董事长刘国跃在集团总部与国家开发银行党委书记、董事长赵欢举行工作会谈,双方围绕深化银企战略合作、加快推进能源产业转型升级等事宜进行深入交流。国家能源集团党组成员、副总经理冯树臣,国家开发银行党委委员、副行长谢泰峰参加会谈 。

#National Energy Group's nine indicators exceeded expectations and achieved a "good start" in the first quarter

Recently, it was learned from the National Energy Group that in the first quarter, the National Energy Group strengthened the guidance of high standards, and a number of major indicators of coal and power transportation repeatedly reached new highs, with all nine major indicators exceeding 25% of the annual target, achieving a "good start" in the first quarter. Since 2024, the National Energy Group has focused on strengthening the brand of "coal output of 50 million tons per month, average monthly power generation of 100 billion kilowatt hours, and daily transportation capacity of 1 million tons in integrated areas", strengthen collaborative operation, strengthen overall planning and organization, and all units closely follow the changes in the market. optimize the mode of operation, grasp the production organization, and effectively deal with the attack of many rounds of cold wave To maintain the high production of self-produced coal, the stability and marketability of purchased coal, the incremental efficiency of roads, ports and shipping, and the power generation must be competed. In the first quarter, the State Energy Group set the first and repeated historical records for many indicators, such as outsourced coal volume, coal sales, railway transport volume, integrated out-of-area sales, total electricity generation, new energy generation and so on. The self-produced coal production has exceeded the 50 million-ton mark for 30 months in a row, and the amount of commercial coal resources has increased by 2.7% over the same period last year. The average annual tired day of transportation in the integrated area is 1.026 million tons, an increase of 7.9% over the same period last year. The total electricity generation averages 103.14 billion degrees per month, an increase of 7.4% over the same period last year. All the first-level indicators of production and operation have exceeded the schedule, and high standards have achieved a "good start" in the first quarter of production and operation.

Boiler equipment of Unit 2 of Datang Baoding Thermal Power Plant officially put into commercial operation

日前,哈电锅炉研制的大唐保定热电厂2号机组锅炉设备通过168小时满负荷试运行,正式投入商业运行。据了解,大唐保定热电厂是当地的重要民生工程。哈电锅炉为该电厂研制的1号锅炉设备已于2023年12月投入商业运营。如今,2号锅炉设备顺利投产,两台设备可有效满足当地供电和供热需求,进一步提高了当地居民的生活质量 。
Water and Electricity

Since its construction 55 years ago, the Longyangxia Hydropower Plant of State Grid Gansu has generated over 269.85 billion kWh of electricity

4月1日,国网甘肃刘家峡水电厂迎来投产发电55周年。作为新中国第一座百万千瓦级水电站、中国水电事业的标志性工程,55年来累计发电量超2698.5亿千瓦时,为甘肃乃至西北地区的经济发展作出了巨大贡献。55年来,刘家峡水电厂坚持科学规划,分步实施设备改造和技术革新,新建洮河口排沙洞及扩机工程,企业发展动力和后劲十足。1986年至2002年,厂引进世界先进设备与技术,联合国内科研单位和企业,历时17载,完成了全部5台机组的增容改造,净增出力19万千瓦,总装机容量达到135万千瓦,开创了国内大机组增容改造的先河。2007年8月,电厂建成投运甘肃省第一座330千伏GIS开关站;2011年2月,220千伏GIS开关站建成投运,彻底解决了全厂送出受阻的“瓶颈”。 new energy1.45亿千瓦装机!首超煤电!新能源成为南方五省区第一大电源!
南方电网公司4月11日宣布,广东、广西、云南、贵州、海南等南方五省区新能源装机容量达到1.45亿千瓦,占总装机的32%,首次超过煤电。风光等新能源成为南方五省区第一大电源类型,贡献了约三分之一的社会经济实际用电。 Nuclear Electricity

CGN's Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 4 successfully connected to the grid for the first time

2024年4月9日20时29分,中广核广西防城港核电站4号机组首次并网成功,标志着该机组具备发电能力,向着商业运行目标又迈出了关键一步。 并网过程中,防城港核电站4号机组各项参数正常稳定,机组状态良好。 后续将按计划执行一系列试验,进一步验证机组具备商业运行条件的各种性能,预计将于今年上半年实现高质量投产。 作为中国西部地区和少数民族地区的首座核电站,防城港核电站一期工程两台机组已于2016年投入商业运行; 二期工程3、4号机组为“华龙一号”示范工程,其中中国西部地区首台“华龙一号”——防城港核电站3号机组已于2023年3月25日投产发电,首循环安全可靠运行,2023年度能力因子达98.2%,创国内三代堆最优纪录。 Energy Storage

Successful reverse pull construction of No.1 Diversion Inlet Shaft of SGCC Xinyuan Tongcheng Pumped Storage Power Station in Anhui

On April 5, the construction of the first diversion vertical shaft intake guide shaft back-pulling of Guowang Xin yuan Anhui Tongcheng Pumped Storage Power Station commenced smoothly. Guide shaft back-pulling is an important part connecting guide hole construction and excavation construction process. In order to ensure safe construction of the first diversion vertical shaft, Tongcheng Project Department formulated targeted and feasible plans according to design, technical specifications, and construction operation standards, implementing comprehensive on-site and construction technology management measures. In addition, the project department set up various safety construction marks and signs in conspicuous locations on the vertical shaft back-pulling construction site so that workers can prevent and avoid risks in real time.

Hydrogen Energy

Sinopec Hydrogen Energy Equipment Manufacturing Base Officially Inaugurated

4月12日,由中国石化主办的氢能应用现代产业链高质量发展推进会暨专家咨询委员会第二届年会在湖北武汉召开。会议以“氢载未来 碳惠天下”为主题,围绕打造核心链环建设、完善产业链协同机制、把握绿氢绿氨发展趋势、防范产业链重大风险等方面,集聚全产业链智慧力量,助力中国氢能应用现代产业链高质量发展。会上,中国石化氢能装备制造基地正式揭牌。目前,中国石化石化机械已建成了4400平方米的氢能装备生产与试验车间(一期),具备氢能装备制造、系统集成和质量保证能力,拥有4个生产装配与测试单元,具备年产25套(100台)生产能力和最高测试压力达到105MPa的高压气体装备综合测试中心。项目二期将重点打造氢气压缩机装配厂、PEM电解槽装配厂、综合集成装配厂和制氢装备试验检测线、压缩机试验检测线、承压密封试验检测线,加快建成自主可控、具有竞争力的氢能装备制造基地,助力中国氢能装备高质量发展。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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