Sanshui in Foshan

Concerned citizens have discovered

'Fish' From 60 Million Years Ago

市民刘先生日前在三水发现洞庭鳜鱼化石,经专家鉴定,此为6000万年前三水湖盆中生活的鱼类,科研价值大。 地质古生物学家张显球介绍,这一鱼类为“洞庭鳜鱼”,它的年代距今6000万年。经过埋藏或者压实,最后就形成了化石。

The San Shui Basin in the geological sense is located in the northwest of the Pearl River Delta, and the San Shui District is exactly in the center of the basin with abundant and diversified paleontological fossils.

Sanshui Basin covers an area of about 3300 square kilometers. It was an inland lake basin during the Cretaceous and Paleocene to early Eocene epochs, from about 140 million to 47 million years ago. Various plants and animals, including aquatic and terrestrial species, lived there during different periods over about 100 million years.

Dinosaur egg fossils

Fossil of Sanshui Basin Softshell Turtle

三水发现了许多有代表性的恐龙蛋、鱼化石、鸟化石,如Sanshui Jianghan Fish, Sanshui Golden Arowana, Zhang's Sanshui Bird 等,由于是在三水首次发现,故而在化石名称中多加“三水”二字,此类化石也较为珍贵。其中生存于约5000万年前的张氏三水鸟于2009年发现,填补了中国南方过去一直没有发现鸟类化石的空白。 张氏三水鸟化石


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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