Editor's note:

The lives of migrant workers in investment banks have also undergone earth-shaking changes. Even the slightest disturbance can cause panic. Some people are experiencing layoffs, some people are working hard to survive, even if their pay is reduced, some people work overtime day and night. Some people are transforming and looking for other business opportunities. Some people have already laid down. Every industry has its own cycles of ups and downs.

The following article comes from the forefront of investment banks, and the author has a very small head.

Frontline of Investment Banking.

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来源: 投行最前线 作者:头很小的萝卜头

High fidelity rendering for automotive interiors

自从IPO政策收紧,整个行业经历了一番暴风骤雨: 从年初到现在撤材料100多家 沪深交易所0受理 春节后0上会 现场检查开启新篇章
谁也不知道这场暴风雨会持续到什么时候 谁也不知道行业的未来会是什么样子
与之对应的是投行民工的生活也发生了翻天覆地的变化 一点点风吹草动都能人心惶惶 一部分人正在经历裁员 一部分人努力苟住,哪怕降薪 一部分人没日没夜挑灯加班 一部分人在转型找别的业务机会 还有一部分人已经躺平
每个行业都有周期 潮起潮落 来来往往 我们在行业的浪潮里渺小如斯 既然无力改变 就好好选择 走出一条自己的路

对于投行民工,您怎么看? 期待您在留言区理性发布高见。Join private members of the investment banking circle to get more professional dry goods and information within the circle Investment Bank Jun recently established an asset management business exchange group, which is only open to asset management colleagues in the industry such as asset management companies, banks, trusts, securities firms, and public offerings. Join the group for free with your real name. Those who are interested can scan the QR code at the end of the article to add Touyinjun on WeChat. 《投行圈子-私密交流圈》已正式上线,将打造投行圈最靠谱的实名人脉拓展平台。加入后还可以进入业内人士云集的私域交流群,Get a wealth of helpful and practical professional information 。目前有超过5000位同仁加入,各位老铁速来扫码集合。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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