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April 8, 2024: ROC Navy Chief of the General Staff Admiral Tang Hua at the National Harbor, Maryland, to attend the 2024 Sea-Air-Space Exposition of the Navy League of the United States. Photo: Courtesy of Joyce Qi for VOA

On April 8, 2024, Admiral Tang Hua, commander of the Taiwan Navy, attended the "Sea-Air- Space" annual meeting held by the Navy League near Washington, the capital of the United States, and said that his trip to Washington is to use the opportunity to communicate with naval personnel from the United States and other countries and seek more cooperation opportunities.

Regarding whether to visit the Pentagon or plan to hold talks with Adm. Lisa Franchetti, chief of naval operations, as previously reported by Reuters, Tang Hua said he must have reservations and not be fully disclosed to avoid Chinese protests and causing trouble to the United States.

Before arriving in Washington, Tang Hua first went to Hawaii to participate in the handover ceremony for the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. The new commander, Adm. Stephen Koehler, succeeded Adm. Samuel Paparo. The handover ceremony was presided over by Admiral Franchetti, Secretary of Naval Operations. Admiral Paparro is about to be promoted to commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command.

在与华盛顿仅隔着波多马克河的马里兰州国家港 (National Harbor) 举行的2024年“海空天”年会会场中,唐华与台湾驻美军事代表团团长魏中兴及访团一行人聆听了美国海军主将弗朗切蒂和美国海岸警卫队司令琳达·费根上将 (Adm. Linda Fagan) 及海军陆战队助理司令克里斯托弗·马奥尼上将 (Gen. Christopher Mohoney) 等高层将领的座谈讨论,在座谈之前唐华也和各国军方高层参加了由弗朗切蒂发表讲话的政策早餐会。
Experts who can read, understand, and translate the Chinese text into accurate English sentences. 唐华在座谈会后接受媒体采访时对自己在华盛顿地区的访问行程表示,由于年会将举行3天,所以他3天都会在附近停留,对于此行目的,他强调以交流与寻找与美方及国际间的合作为主,对于其他敏感议题他都有所保留。
“请问您是否已经跟海军(作战部)部长见过面了吗?会议、会谈?”美国之音 (VOA) 问。
PLA's Taiwan Affair Is a Global Issue 美国之音又问唐华,是否会与美方谈到中国人民解放军对台湾军事施压以及台湾如何应对的问题。
“我想这是一个全球的趋势,他们刚刚不是谈到rules-based international order(基于规则的国际秩序)?我想解放军对台湾的问题其实不只是对台湾,他可能不管是在东海、在南海,这是一个全球性的问题,不是专门针对台湾的问题。我想他们有更大的格局,那当然会跟我们台湾有关系,”他说。
面对解放军的行为,唐华说,这是为什么有一个基于规则的国际秩序是很重要的,以红海发生的问题为例,如果重要的民生物资在某一个地方遇到意外或问题,台湾要如何与国际寻求合作空间,“毕竟我是一个海军,要怎么去维持他们刚刚谈到的sea lane of communication,海上的交通线?”
The US and Taiwan continue to strengthen interoperability 此外,近年来一些美方人士都主张,美台需要多加强军队间的联合训练以改善彼此间的互操作性,美国2023财年《国防授权法》也有相关条文明列规范,美国之音问唐华


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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