Facing the CEOs of Weilai, Xiaopeng, Ideal, Great Wall, and BAIC who came to support the audience, Lei Jun held his trump cards and saved them for the end of the press conference.

The "Dream Car" Xiaomi SU7 starts at 215,900 yuan. It also provides new personalized colors in standard version, Pro version, and Max version.

** **

· 小米 SU7 标准版采用 73.6kWh 电池,CLTC 续航也可达到 700km,400V 平台,5.28s 零百加速,The selling price is 215,900 yuan

· 小米 SU7 Pro 版,采用 94.3kWh 电池,CLTC 续航可达 830km,激光雷达与 508TOPs 的算力,The selling price is 245,900 yuan

· 小米 SU7 Max 版“性能猛兽”采用 101kWh 超大电池,CLTC 续航可达 800km,800V 高压平台,The selling price is 299,900 yuan

Before tonight,"guessing the price" had once become the key word of Xiaomi Automobile's continued popularity. Perhaps no car can receive such enthusiastic demand for "price cuts" from fans and consumers.

但相比价格,也许粉丝们更期待看到像小米手机首次亮相时的“震撼场景”,看到一个改变行业的新玩家出现——Can it bring an impact to the industry, just like the 1999 sword?

Lei Jun said that in terms of product performance, we must benchmark against the Porsche Taycan Turbo and Tesla Model S, but in terms of price, they are a "dimensional-reduction blow" and came face-to-face with the Model 3.

那么,Does the price of Xiaomi SU7 bring you a surprise or disappointment?

Is it worth buying?

小米 SU7 给自己的Positioning it as a C-class high-performance eco-technology sedan,"SU" is the abbreviation of Speed Ultra ,“7”是按照国内对车型定位的通常认知习惯确定的系列定位,车型大小大概跟宝马 5 系差不多。

According to the press conference, the Xiaomi SU7 is known as the "fastest production car within 500,000"**. It has achieved a 100-kilometer acceleration of 2.78s and 673ps horsepower, which can already be compared with the Taycan.

在续航上,临时改进标配了低滚阻轮胎,将续航从起步的 668 km (CLTC 工况)The battery life started at 700 kilometers ,确保了一周一冲的日常使用体验。甚至还优化了全国充电桩的充电 Bug ,Claiming to be able to "not pick piles"

软件上,基于小米澎湃 OS,小米 SU7 可以做到The contactless connection of the mobile phone and the contactless connection with the central control panel when the Pad enters the car ,自动完成识别、安全认证、连接等一系列复杂步骤,直接在融合设备中心里实现跨设备互控。

例如,中控屏上能直接调用手机镜像,实现一屏多用。用户还能将手机应用以窗口卡片的形式,一键PIN 到中控屏上,这给了车机使用手机全部生态应用的潜力。 Even the iPhone and iPad have been optimized for the intelligent experience,拓展屏 app 能够轻松的实现后排控车。

此外,小米 SU7 还有"Xiaoai Classmates" supported by large models get on the bus。车主不仅能用小爱同学深度控车,还能用它控手机、控 CarIoT、甚至控家,等等。

硬件上,基于小米澎湃 OS 打造的小米智能座舱系统,目前能让超 1000 款小米智能生态硬件设备无感上车。 The car retains the professional interface reserved for the mobile phone holder, and can also be connected to a sports camera

发布会上,雷军特意展示了十几款硬件产品,堪称“配件之王”,Including the multi-function flashlight, parasol, magnetic physical buttons, atmosphere lights, and storage box on the car等等。

最后,在智能驾驶方面,雷军承诺在 2024 年底进入行业第一梯队,并In August this year, the most important urban NOA function will be launched

Is this price expensive?

Today's smart electric vehicles are slowly disrupting the automotive industry's past pricing strategies.

最简单的例子,电动汽车凭借天然的优势——加速性能好,已经Many low-priced models can also have the acceleration performance that only happened to millions of luxury cars in the past

还有,原来按照汽车轴距、车型大小、车内空间等级来进行价格分类的方式,也在一定程度上被新能源车改变了。Various "leapfrog" products emerge one after another. 很多成功的产品已经靠大空间来赢得了价位优势。在新能源车领域,价格定位早已经处于混战阶段。

The products in the fuel truck market are highly mature and the pricing logic is fixed. In comparison, players in the field of new energy vehicles can also use their own product barriers and competitive advantages to re-negotiate prices.

So how does Xiaomi Automobile define itself through price?

雷军也在发布会上也拿保时捷 Taycan Turbo、特斯拉 Model S 来做了包括设计、性能、续航、整车安全等多项对比;另一方面, Xiaomi's internal sales expectations must be higher than the sales levels of Taycan and Model S

以价格和性能方向的横向对比,What Xiaomi SU7 really faces is actually Gekrypton 007, Zhijie S7, Gekrypton 001, Galaxy E8, Xiaopeng P7, BYD Han, Nilai ET5, and Model 3等一系列非典型的竞争对手——It is a Red Sea market that has experienced "product wars" and "price wars" and is red-eyed

从第一款试水车能够看到小米在价格上的“退让”,更多的是A name is not a profit

不过劣势也很明显。小米进入汽车产品相对较晚,It's difficult to "redefine" right away。这时候,先“跟住”才有机会伺机超越。

Faced with this market, Xiaomi needs not only a product with no shortcomings, but also strengths.

As for the real killer and hit models, they must not be the first one at the moment.

author:Lu Tai

edit:Shen Zhihan

Cover and text diagram


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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