Spring outing season is here!

**为了让大家“装备齐全”地过完接下来这段左手小零食,右手小甜水的日子,所长为大家找来了几支好喝且性价比高的小甜酒,Sweet dregs! Go! ** 所长大手一挥,把所有任选酒款福利都给大家开启了~ 尤其最近上了一些新的酒款,非常适合春天的氛围,大家来尝个鲜吧! There are more sweet wines ~
Choose 3 bottles for 238 yuan, or choose 3 bottles for 368 yuan, and let them fill your refrigerator! Hurry up and poke the next picture

01 甜酒上新!
/Good opportunity to hoard wine!/
德国传统家族式酒庄Schittler & Becker


**目前酒庄的庄主是Julia Schittler,This talented female owner is a leader of the new generation of winemakers, andGeneration Riesling联盟成员之一,其酿造的以她名字命名的系列葡萄酒在莱茵黑森产区以及全德多次获得奖项。
** ·2022 施德乐贝克尔琼瑶浆晚收甜白白葡萄酒下单一瓶到手两瓶!

alcohol quality:10% vol residual sugar:58.1g/L grape varieties:Qiongyao pulp

** ** **这是一款Qmp级的甜葡萄酒,**拥有琼瑶浆葡萄典型的荔枝、玫瑰的香气,细品甚至有一丝焦糖味。

serving suggestions

陈年潜力:58年 适饮温度:610℃ 配餐:海鲜、芝士、甜品

** Buy one more bottle and get one more瓶**!德国施德乐酒庄 贝克尔琼瑶浆晚收甜白葡萄酒750ml 10%vol 冰荔枝的芳香 甜美清新 日常价:¥258/瓶限时优惠:¥258两瓶 !_ 优惠活动2024.4.14截止_👇🏻 戳下图购买👇🏻 ·2022 Stedelbecker Summer Chilling Semi-Dry Sparkling White Wine

alcohol quality:11.5% vol residual sugar:16g/L grape variety:Scheiber 25%, Sauvignon Blanc 25%, Riesling 50%

** ** 有着桃子、柑橘、青苹果香气,香甜且轻盈爽口,回味无穷,喝之前能闻到杯子里浓浓的水果香气。

serving suggestions

陈年潜力:510年 适饮温度:68℃ 配餐:海鲜、鸡肉、辛辣菜品

German Château Schindler Becker Summer Chilling Semi-Dry Sparkling White Wine 750ml 11.5%vol青柠苹果花 爽口微起泡 日常价:¥178/瓶 限时优惠:¥168/瓶 !优惠活动2024.4.14截止 👇🏻戳下图购买👇🏻 除了Schittler & Becker的甜酒,所长这里还有Werther Windisch酒庄的雷司令~ · 2022 Wilt Windy Schriesling Sweet White Wine

alcohol quality:11% vol residual sugar:25.1g/L grape varieties:Riesling


serving suggestions

陈年潜力:515年 适饮温度:810℃ 配餐:海鲜、鸡肉

** 威尔特温迪施酒庄 雷司令半甜白葡萄酒750ml 11%vol**小甜梨果香 新锐酒庄 日常价:¥158/瓶** 限时优惠:¥149/瓶 !优惠活动2024.4.14截止** 👇🏻戳下图购买👇🏻 02 不甜的也有!
/Pinot Noir/ 所长今天还找来了 城堡花园酒庄的黑皮诺干红, 城堡花园酒庄是阿尔河谷的名庄之一,His family's Pinot Noir not only won the first place in the German Red Wine Award in 2013, but also won the title of "German Pinot Noir Winery of the Year" at the 2016 Berlin International Wine Competition. ·2018 城堡花园经典黑皮诺干红葡萄酒

alcohol quality:13.5% vol residual sugar:6.5g/L grape varieties:Pinot

** 新鲜、顺口、醇净,这款干红入口可以感受到浓郁的浆果风味,整体风格比较清新,拥有突出的果味和酸度,After waking up, the tannins are as smooth as cream, and a light aftertaste surrounds the mouth ~
是一瓶非常轻松易饮、搭配自如的酒。 饮用建议**

陈年潜力:510年 适饮温度:610℃ 配餐:牛、羊、猪、重口菜品

Germany VDP Alliance Certified Castle Garden Winery Pinot Noir Dry Red Wine 750ml 13.5%vol草莓黑巧香浓 细腻优雅 日常价:¥298/瓶of last minute:¥238/Bottle!_ Promotional activities expire on 2024.4.14 _👇🏻戳下图购买👇🏻 再给大家搜罗了好喝且性价比高小酒的道路上,所长一直很努力,现在所长这里无论家宴、聚会、送礼……总之你想要的酒水都都有!
品种多、类型全、性价比高,旨在为大家奉上更多新意和味觉感受!There are also optional activities to take home three bottles of wine for 238 yuan and 368 yuan! Choose 3 bottles for 238 yuan, or choose 3 bottles for 368 yuan, and let them fill your refrigerator! Hurry up and poke the next picture
tips 1. Don't drink when driving, don't drink when driving, drink in moderation! 2. Minors, pregnant women, and people with alcohol allergies should not drink alcohol! 3.因受天气影响,部分地区不发货,给您带来的不便敬请谅解。-果壳电商广告-


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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