On March 22, Zijin Mining released its 2023 performance report showing that,公司十年发展规划持续有力推进: Its main mineral products continue to grow in volume, especially mineral copper reaching 1.01 million tons, becoming the only company in Asia to exceed the million mineral copper mark.

在全球经济增速放缓,矿业行业利润萎缩的背景下, Zijin Mining achieved annual revenue of 293.4 billion yuan, net profit attributable to the parent company of 21.1 billion yuan, and net operating cash flow of 36.9 billion yuan, year-on-year increases of 9%, 5%, and 29%, respectively.

高成长性和战略目标的有力执行落地,让市场对紫金矿业的价值有了新的定义。数据显示,公司2023年年末A股、H股股价较上年同期末分别上涨27%和23% 。Since the beginning of this year, the company's total market value has further increased, exceeding 400 billion yuan, ranking 22nd among A-share listed companies and 6th among global mining companies.


Copper and gold cooperate with global high-quality assets to provide sustained growth momentum


"Zijin Mining's mineral copper output exceeded one million tons, achieving the development goal that the industry has dreamed of for many years." The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association said at a press conference on the operation of the industry in 2023.

据有色协会数据显示,In 2023, China will produce 1.619 million tons of copper from mines, and Zijin Mining's copper production is equivalent to about 60% of China's total output.

Zijin Mining adheres to the general policy of "improving quality, controlling costs, and increasing efficiency". Major mineral products such as copper and gold continue to grow. Since 2020, the average annual compound growth rate of mineral copper output has been about 30%, making it the largest growth in copper output in the world., the fastest company, ranks among the top five in the world.

According to the annual report, Zijin Mining's three world-class large-scale copper production bases in Congo (DRC), Serbia and Xizang, China are implementing large-scale expansion and technological transformation plans, and will continue to significantly increase the increase in copper. In the next 3-5 years, the new production capacity of existing projects alone is expected to exceed 500,000 tons.

由于经济的不确定性、以及地缘政治的紧张局势,黄金作为主要避险资产受到追捧。 Zijin Mining seizes the market opportunity to accelerate the increase in gold production capacity. In 2023, the proportion of gold production will increase by 20% to 68 tons, ranking first among major listed mining companies in China and the top ten in the world. 2020年以来年均复合增速超过15%,是全球金企产能增长最快的公司。

Entering 2024, the Bogla gold mine, one of the world's top ten gold mines, has resumed production. World-class gold mines such as the Rosebell gold mine in Suriname continue to expand production capacity. Coupled with the construction of a number of medium-sized gold mines, the company's gold output will Achieve sustained rapid growth.

Industry insiders believe that although metal output is growing rapidly every year, mineral resources are also growing simultaneously, which is the cornerstone of Zijin Mining's sustainable development.

** It is understood that Zijin Mining has formed a certain advantage in mineral resources, retaining equity resources of about 75 million tons of copper, about 3000 tons of gold, more than 10 million tons of zinc (lead), more than 13 million tons of equivalent lithium carbonate, and about 3 million tons of molybdenum., about 15,000 tons of silver. **

In 2024, many leading mining companies around the world will reduce their production plans, and Zijin Mining plans to increase its mineral product output significantly. According to the annual report, the company plans to achieve 1.11 million tons of mineral copper, 73.5 tons of mineral gold, 470,000 tons of mineral zinc (lead), 25,000 tons of equivalent lithium carbonate, 420 tons of mineral silver, and 9,000 tons of mineral molybdenum.

Develop together to build a popular mining development model

全球知名评级公司之一路孚特于2024年1月更新了最新ESG评分,Zijin Mining ranks first among the 671 metals and mining industry companies in the world.

According to reporters, in the past year, Zijin Mining's S & P CSA rating, Morningstar rating and other global mainstream ESG ratings have been comprehensively improved, and ESG performance has entered the first echelon of the industry.

Chen Jinghe, chairman of Zijin Mining, said that we take common development as our value and never sacrifice the interests of others in exchange for our own development. We have achieved a win-win situation such as efficient project development, improvement of residents 'lives, and improvement of the ecological environment. This is the company's "going out" valuable experience in achieving long-term stability and long-term development.

As an important participant in the global mining market, Zijin Mining regards ESG as a "compulsory course" for global development, and proposes to achieve carbon peak by 2029 and basically achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This is the company's solemn commitment.

It is understood that over the past year, the company has comprehensively strengthened the management of carbon emissions throughout the life cycle of mines, incorporated the completion of dual carbon indicators into the assessment of the economic responsibility system, and issued the company's "Dual Carbon Work Guidelines" to guide the decarbonization of mines throughout the life cycle. The annual carbon emissions intensity was 1.53 tons/10,000 yuan of industrial added value, achieving a year-on-year decline of 1.46%.

以全球最高标准推进绿色生态矿山建设,Zijin Mining has formed many high-value green mine reconstruction cases around the world. 公司全球项目均已配套建成下游在线监测系统,全年投入环保资金投入13.7亿元,种植花木386万株,恢复土地面积622万平方米,国家级绿色矿山增至12家、国家级绿色工厂增至7家。公司全球生态环保理念获得所在国家和地区高度赞赏。

"Developing mining industry to benefit society" is Zijin Mining's purpose and original intention. 公司坚持与股东、投资者、项目东道国及所在社区、员工及协作者、其他关联方共享发展成果。

According to statistics, in 2023, the company's global direct economic contribution will be 324.7 billion yuan, including 56.2 billion yuan in social contribution, and 827 million yuan will be implemented in community investment around the world, including 10 million yuan donated to the Jishishan earthquake-stricken area in Gansu. In September 2023, the company was awarded the "China Charity Award" for the fourth time.

In 2023, Zijin Mining also launched a new round of employee stock ownership plans and stock option incentive plans, and the benefit sharing mechanism for core talents will be more improved.

According to the announcement, the company plans to distribute a profit of 5.265 billion yuan in 2023, and the cumulative profit distribution in the past three years will reach 17.1 billion yuan; at the same time, the company's board of directors will further request the shareholders 'meeting to authorize the formulation of a mid-term profit distribution plan for 2024, so that investors can continue to share the dividends of corporate development.

Moving towards "new" ignites a new engine for high-quality development

面对良好的增长态势,Zijin Mining proposes to strive to achieve the strategic goal of "green high-tech first-class international mining group" two years ahead of schedule, that is, by 2028. Its main mineral products and main operating indicators have basically entered the top three in the world.

为实现这一宏伟目标, In 2024, Zijin Mining will be guided by the development of new productivity, stimulate the core competitiveness of scientific and technological innovation, use cost control as the starting point, improve total factor productivity, and maximize economic and social benefits.

Green and low-carbon are not only necessary for the sustainable development of mining, but also new industrial opportunities. Chen Jinghe said that Zijin Mining will fulfill its "double carbon" commitment and create a global benchmark for green ecological mines; develop carbon asset reserve projects and accelerate the construction of clean energy substitution and carbon neutrality demonstration bases; and do a good job in restoring greening, increasing greening, and biodiversity. Protect, incorporate ecological friendliness into the trajectory of the supply chain, and enrich the connotation of the green and low-carbon value chain.

The company's new energy industry is accelerating the layout and construction. Currently, the "two lakes and two mines" lithium sector has strong development momentum, which will help the company be promoted to one of the most important lithium producers in the world within five years.

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element in developing new productive forces. In order to accelerate the creation of this global competitive comparative advantage, Zijin Mining recently established the "Central Research Institute", which will coordinate and direct the company's research and development resources and strive to solve a number of issues related to "natural caving mining" for ultra-deep large-scale copper mines. Key issues for sustainable development. Zijin Mining also actively promotes mechanization, automation, intelligence and digital informatization empowerment, increases the construction of smart mines, and improves business transparency and production and operation efficiency.

Facing the future, Zijin Mining Chairman Chen Jinghe said that the company will continue to adhere to the work policy of "improving quality, controlling costs, and increasing efficiency", plan development in advance in the next five years, cultivate and shape new momentum and new advantages for the development of new quality productivity in the mining industry, and achieve further improvement in resources, production capacity and efficiency scale, strive to move towards world-class goals, create greater value for society and investors, and contribute "Zijin power" to global economic growth and green development. __


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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