Dear would-be graduate students, the good news is here! Some professional fields of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences are receiving adjustments! Come and watch quickly! The specific information is shown below!!

Postgraduate education at the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Academy of Geosciences) began in the early 1960s. In 1981, it was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council as a scientific research institution with the right to award doctoral and master's degrees. In 1991, with the approval of the National Postdoctoral Management Committee, a mobile postdoctoral station for geology was established. It is the first batch of scientific research units approved by the state to grant doctoral and master's degrees. It is currently the only doctoral degree authorization unit and postdoctoral scientific research mobile station established by the China Geological Survey of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

The Academy of Geosciences has 2 first-level doctoral degree authorization points (Geology, Geological Resources and Geological Engineering), 1 first-level master's degree authorization point (Chemistry), and 2 second-level master's degree authorization points (Solid Geophysics, Mineral Processing Engineering), 1 master's degree authorization point (Resources and Environment). The degree authorization disciplines cover two major categories of science and engineering and 6 subject areas. There are 2 postdoctoral scientific research mobile stations in geology, geological resources and geological engineering.

The Academy of Geosciences has a strong academic team composed of nearly 2000 scientific and technological personnel, including 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 15 national-level candidates for the Million Talents Project, and 9 outstanding talents such as winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. After training and selection, a group of young and middle-aged academic leaders with high academic attainments and top academic levels in their disciplines at home and abroad have served as postgraduate guidance teachers. There are currently 209 doctoral supervisors and 599 master's supervisors.

欢迎国内各高校优秀本科毕业生攻读地科院全日制硕士学位研究生,Receive adjusted professional catalogs and admissions tutors 详见中国地质科学院研究生院网站,网址:

1. At this stage, receiving pre-adjustment majors

01 About 15 academic students, 接收调剂专业: ❶ 化学(无机化学,分析化学,有机化学); ❷ 固体地球物理学; ❸ 地质学(矿物学、岩石学、矿床学,地球化学,古生物学与地层学,构造地质学,第四纪地质学); ❹ 地质资源与地质工程(矿产普查与勘探,地球探测与信息技术,地质工程); ❺ 矿物加工工程。02

About 37 professional students, 接收调剂专业:Resources and Environment

专业方向:Geological engineering and geological disasters二、调入考生须符合以下条件

1.符合调入中国地质科学院调剂专业的Basic requirements for application conditions and preliminary test results.

2. 初试成绩须符合The first choice is to apply for a major在调入地区的全国初试成绩基本要求,and meet调入专业的报考条件。

3. 原则上,调剂考生第一志愿专业与调入专业same and close,或初试科目与调入专业初试科目Same and close.


070300 Chemistry:接收化学、地质学、地质资源与地质工程等专业或相近专业;

070801 Solid geophysics:接收地球物理学、地质学、地质资源与地质工程等专业或相近专业;

070900 Geology:接收地质学、地质资源与地质工程等专业或相近专业;

081800 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering:接收地质资源与地质工程、地质学等专业或相近专业;

081902 Mineral Processing Engineering:接收矿业工程、地质学、地质资源与地质工程等专业或相近专业;

085700 Resources and Environment:接收资源与环境、地质学、地质资源与地质工程等专业或相近专业。

3. Pre-adjustment application

请意向调剂考生登录学校网站选择Intended to apply for a tutor,导师信息查询网址:

**** 与导师沟通确认后,提交以下1-9项材料:

Status table for the first batch of pre-adjusted candidates in 2024

Admission ticket;

Front and back of the scanned copy of the original valid resident ID card;

A scanned copy of the student ID card and the original academic transcripts over the years provided by the academic affairs department of the school and stamped with the official seal;

Previous students are also required to submit a scanned copy of the original academic certificate (i.e. graduation certificate), academic transcripts over the past years provided by the personnel department of the work unit where the archives are located, and must be stamped with the official seal of the personnel department of the work unit where the archives are located; if there is no work unit, the archives storage management department must provide academic transcripts over the past years stored in the archives, and must be stamped with the official seal of the archives storage management department;

Electronic registration and filing form for academic certificate of the Ministry of Education and online verification report of the Ministry of Education (fresh graduates submit online verification report of the Ministry of Education);

Review form for the ideological and political performance of postgraduate students applying for a master's degree;

Personal statement (including ideological and political performance, foreign language level, academic research experience, business scientific research capabilities, social practice, research plans, etc.);

Other materials that can prove my scientific research ability (such as graduation thesis (design), graduation thesis abstract, graduation thesis progress report, scientific research results, etc.).

以上材料打包成a compressed packageBefore April 5, 2024发送至研究生院([email protected]),邮件主题为:** 硕士预调剂申请+考生姓名+导师姓名+导师单位**,压缩包命名为:Master's pre-adjustment application + candidate's name + mentor's name + mentor's unit.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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