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**[Author's note] Qingming Festival is also a day to remember the martyrs. The author's article is an excerpt from participating in the demonstration training class for outstanding branch secretaries on September 9, 2013. The original title is "Following the footsteps of the martyrs, adhering to the purpose and ideals, and striving to realize the Chinese Dream!" The Qingming Festival is approaching, and I would like to use this article to commemorate the countless revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. **

In the golden autumn of September 2013, the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the Beijing Municipal Social Work Committee and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice held a demonstration training class for outstanding party branch secretaries of grassroots party organizations in the lawyer industry.:After three days of training, it was successfully concluded.
In this training class, we invited Teacher Zhao Jiajia of the Second Generation Lecturer Group of the Red Army, Professor Zuo Fengrong of the Central Party School, and Director Zhao Jigui of the Municipal Social Work Committee to give special lectures. I myself also made a special speech entitled "One Party Member, One Seed, One Branch, One Flag"-The Key to the Party's Mass Line Education and Practice Activities Is Pragmatism ".
Teacher Zhao Jiajia, as a descendant of General Zhao Erlu, the founding father of the people's Republic of China, introduced the touching deeds of several founding fathers and revolutionary martyrs with deep feeling and passion. This is the second time that I have listened to teacher Zhao Jiajia's lecture, and I am still very excited. There are two wonderful works of Chinese civilization in the history of world civilization. the first one is the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture, which is represented by the Confucian culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The second wonderful work is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the realization of Chinese Dream's red traditional culture written by countless revolutionary martyrs with their lives and blood since modern China. In particular, the long March epic is the pride of the Chinese nation, which is enough to make the Chinese nation stand on its own among the best nations in the world. All the outstanding nations in the world have their own epics, such as the Homer epic, the Indian epic and the Chinese Tibetan biography of King Gesar. However, the most magnificent and magnificent, reaching the pinnacle of human truth, goodness and beauty, is indeed our long March epic. However, sadly, our nation has almost forgotten the most precious red cultural heritage left to us by our revolutionary ancestors for many years. Therefore, using red culture to lead and improve our lawyer culture is a problem worthy of study and consideration in our legal profession.
I recorded a few such stories.
When Comrade Yang Dezhi joined the Party, the person introducing the Party said:"There are no benefits to being a member of the Communist Party. Will you still join the Party?" Yang Dezhi joined the Communist Party without hesitation. I couldn't help but think that the Communist Party is a party that seeks the welfare of the Chinese nation and has no own interests. The ancients long had the mind of "correcting friendship without seeking profit, clarifying the way without counting on merit"("Han Shu Biography"). We Communists must have the mind to serve the Chinese people and strive for the Chinese nation to realize the Chinese dream, and cannot seek personal gain for ourselves.
Commander Chen Shuxiang, a revolutionary martyr during the Jinggangshan period, was injured and unconscious during the Battle of Xiangjiang River and was captured by the enemy. When he woke up, he found lying on a stretcher and being taken away by the Kuomintang. He used his hands to penetrate into his perforated intestines and wrenched his own intestines., bleeding to death, preferring to die than to be a prisoner. (Data addendum:In October 1934, the Central Red Army began its Long March. Chen Shuxiang led the 34th Red Division to serve as the guard of the entire army, covering the main forces of the entire army and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission, and frequently fighting against enemy pursuers. In the tragic Battle of Xiangjiang River, he led his entire division to fight a desperate battle against enemies more than ten times his own for four days and five nights, and later fell into heavy encirclement by the enemy. He was shot in the abdomen and seriously injured while leading his troops to break through. In the end, the troops ran out of ammunition and Chen Shuxiang was seriously injured and captured. During the escort, he sacrificed his life and fulfilled his oath to "shed the last drop of blood for Soviet New China." He was only 29 years old.)
Martyr Liu Zhen was a county party secretary during the Jinggangshan period. When his father visited him, he was mistakenly shot dead as an enemy detective. His wife, who was also working in the county party committee, was also mistakenly killed as a traitor. Martyr Liu Zhen endured such huge injustice and inner grief, but he still worked for the Party without regrets until he was arrested and subjected to torture. He resolutely refused to give up the Communist Party's organization. The enemy stabbed him in both eyes with a steel drill needle. Finally, he placed it on a steamer and was steamed to death alive. He died without a painful groan, and he did not name a single name from the Communist Party organization. Martyr Liu Zhen used his short life to interpret the deepest meaning of following the Communist Party and "no regrets". (Data Editor Addendum:Liu Zhen (1906-1929), also known as Liu Zhen, is a native of Zhutang Village, Yongxiu Xixiang. He joined the Party in 1926, participated in the Nanchang uprising, and was appointed Secretary of the Yongxin County CPC Committee in 1928. In order to avoid the arrest of the reactionaries, Liu Zhen's father went to the Red District of Gaokeng and went to Shuiche long, where he was mistakenly killed by the Red Guards as enemy detectives. Subsequently, long Jiaheng, Zhen's wife, who worked in the county party committee, was arrested on suspicion of "collaborating with the enemy" and was executed without solid evidence. When Liu Zhen fell ill and was admitted to Xiaojiangshan Red Hospital, she changed her name to "Zhen". Although her father and wife were mistakenly killed, Liu Zhen always endured humiliation, adhered to her faith and worked actively for the party. In early 1929, the Hunan-Jiangxi Border Special Committee was dispersed during the fall of Jinggangshan. In mid-February, a temporary Special Committee was established, with Liu Zhen as a member of the standing Committee of the temporary Special Committee. On May 10, Liu Zhen was added as an executive member of the Hunan-Jiangxi Border Special Committee and was elected as a member of the standing Committee. By June, the base areas in the border areas of Hunan and Jiangxi were unprecedentedly strong, but they had not been instructed by their superiors for half a year, and Liu Zhen took the initiative to undertake the important task of finding the Jiangxi Provincial CPC Committee. In mid-July, he sneaked into the White area and went to Nanchang, where he went through all the hardships and dangers and finally completed the task. On the morning of the 24th, the passenger ship Dengjiang Qing set off for south return. Long Qinglou, head of Litian security in Shiyong Xinbai District, saw the guests on board, recognized Liu Zhen and called the police. Liu Zhen punched the dragon off the ship, then plunged into the surging rapids and dived to destroy the documents he was carrying. After his arrest, Wang Junzu, member of the Jiangxi provincial government and commander of the Nanchang garrison, came to persuade him to surrender and seduced a high official and generous salary, which Liu Zhen refused with a smile; Liu Zhen said nothing with torture; and at the end of August, he was killed. Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China announced the memory of martyr Liu Zhen.
When Comrade Li Jukui, the founding general, was eighty years old, he wrote a few words in his little diary.:"No matter how great power is given to me, I will never use it for personal gain. No matter how much money I am given, I will never lose my hard work and plain living style. Even if I had to live another eighty years old, I would never stop moving forward." After Comrade Li Jukui passed away, his family saw these words he wrote in his small diary. Comrade Li Jukui encouraged himself when he was eighty years old.
There is a "widow village" in Shanxi. There are stories of people risking their lives to cover the Eighth Route Army's grain depot. During the Anti-Japanese War, when the Communist Party fought on a mobile basis, it could only hide the collected public grain in several villages with a good mass base, which was the Communist Party's grain warehouse. The Japanese devils learned from traitors that there was a Communist grain depot here. They escorted the whole village to an empty field, separated adult men and women, and asked all the women who could tell the location of the Communist grain depot and bring back their men. Otherwise, they would kill a man. Japanese devil asked, kill a man. In the end, all the adult men in the village were killed, but none of the women in the village told us where the Communist Party's grain depot was hidden.
Teacher Zhao Jiajia said,"The blood and tears of the Eighth Route Army and the people flow together, living together and dying together. Therefore, our military and our party can only win the people's support with heart and blood if they wholeheartedly serve the interests of the people." Teacher Zhao Jiajia said,"The Communist Party and the people, who supports whom? This question cannot be ambiguous."
There is another story. When General Liu Xianyi, the founding father of the country, served as the Logistics Minister of the People's Liberation Army, his daughter was almost three years old because of calcium deficiency. Many comrades advised General Liu Xianyi that our warehouse is full of American milk powder seized on the front line. As long as we get a bucket or two for the children, we can replenish calcium. But Admiral Liu Xianyi said that I have the responsibility to keep these milk powder, but I have no power to use a bottle of milk powder for myself. As a result, General Liu Xianyi's daughter couldn't walk until she was four years old due to calcium deficiency.
I can't help but think that in the war years, ordinary people would rather sacrifice their lives to support the Communist Party because the Communist Party is a party that sincerely seeks liberation and welfare for the people. Since ancient times,"water can carry a boat or overturn it";"Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world." Mao Zedong's warning of "going to Beijing to rush for the exam" and Huang Yanpei and Mao Zedong's "Cave Theory of Ancient and Modern Times" will always be a problem-solving lesson for our Communist Party to "take regular exams and always innovate". This question is the question of serving the people wholeheartedly, maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the people, working hard and abandoning luxury, and establishing a socialist democratic system. It is the question of the Communist Party's long-term governance and maintaining its advanced nature and purity forever.
This reminds me of the soul of every student in the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Traditional Education and Training Class of the Beijing Lawyers 'Amateur Party School.
In the six counties and one mountain of Jinggangshan, in just two years and four months of struggle, 48,000 people, including more than 15,700 famous martyrs, died. Among them, a martyr named Liu Renkan denounced the enemy chieftain at the execution ground. The enemy cut off his tongue and his mouth was full of blood. He wrote "Long Live the Communist Party" with his feet stained with blood, and died generously and calmly.
Ruijin has a population of only 240,000. A total of 110,000 people joined the army and participated in the war, and more than 50,000 people died for the revolution. Among them, 18,000 died during the Red Army's Long March. There are more than 17,100 named martyrs in Ruijin.
During the Long March of the Red Army, the First, Second and Fourth Front Armies totaled 300,000 people, and they reached northern Shaanxi with 30,000 people, less than 10.
Touching revolutionary stories like this happen to every one of our veterans. It was they who used their life's words and deeds to compose the upright Jinggangshan Spirit, Ruijin Spirit, Long March Spirit, Yan 'an Spirit, and Xibaipo Spirit, and composed a magnificent red epic. The soul of the revolutionary spirit is two words-"people".
At this point, I couldn't help but feel excited and almost unable to control myself. We must not forget our own red culture. We must cherish the red culture written by our revolutionary predecessors with their lives and blood. Red culture should be a gem of the cultural construction of Beijing's lawyer industry.
To be honest, I personally feel that our party has two obstacles on its road to long-term governance. One is corruption, baiting its teeth and standing in the open; the other is to be divorced from the masses, hidden from time to time, and hidden in the dark. These two tigers have different manifestations and different methods of handling, but they are both related to the life and death of the Communist Party. Without Wu Song's courage and determination to fight tigers, whether the Communist Party will be in power for a long time will have a worrying future.
Therefore, in my special speech, I have two paragraphs reproduced as follows.

"in the next 30 years, the transformation of the economic system will inevitably bring about the transformation of the superstructure and all aspects of society. It should be said that the task in the next three decades will be even more arduous. We are faced with great opportunities and arduous challenges that have never been seen before in history. As the vanguard of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party must first of all constantly improve its advanced nature. You have to be hard first to strike iron. At this great and grim moment, the Communist Party is faced with two major obstacles and two major challenges on the way forward. These two obstacles, the two major challenges, come from the Communist Party itself as the ruling party. The first is the increasingly serious corruption, and the second is the growing tendency to alienate from the masses. These two obstacles are different in nature, but the consequences are the same. If corruption and corruption are not eradicated, the Communist Party will not have the support of the people; if the tendency to separate itself from the masses is not corrected, the Communist Party will gradually drift away from the people and eventually lose the support of the people. Those who win the will of the people win the world, and those who lose the will of the people lose the world. In leading the Chinese nation to create a new form of human society, and facing the great historical task of all-round social transformation and the establishment of a brand-new social system in the next 30 years, the Communist Party can seize the opportunity only by overcoming challenges. So, in the past two years, I have repeatedly called for:'Official governance is a big article'."

"In my speech on" Struggle "in the July 1st Party Class, I focused on three major topics.:First, how do we understand the Communist Party?:Second, how do we know Mao Zedong? Third, how do we understand the Chinese Dream? I have particularly reviewed the tragic history of the Chinese nation as a century-long semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and being wantonly slaughtered by imperialist powers. Over the past century, countless people with lofty ideals and ideals have sacrificed their lives and blood to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. History of struggle. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese nation has finally found the right path for the great rejuvenation of the nation. After thirty years of reform and opening up, a solid foundation has been laid for realizing the "Chinese Dream" of national rejuvenation. It should be said that historically, we are already at the best time away from the realization of the "Chinese Dream" of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, we also face the most serious challenges. (For details, see "Uphold the Party's Leadership and Working Hard to Realize the Chinese Dream of the Centenary Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" 2013-07-01)

We lawyers must also have a "lawyer dream", which is:Create a team of lawyers that have comprehensively improved their political, ideological, moral and professional qualities, enjoy a high reputation in society, make important contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, are highly trusted by the party and the people, and enjoy international reputation. In our legal profession, a group of jurists, politicians and social activists must emerge, as well as a group of Chinese barristers who "care about the people, shoulder morality","have the courage to take responsibility for national rejuvenation, and work tirelessly for democracy and justice." Our "lawyer dream" will become the brightest brilliance of the "Chinese Dream".
Every lawyer and party member must have a sense of crisis of "being far away from the Jianghu and worrying about the worries of the temple", a sense of responsibility of "the rise and fall of the country, every man is responsible", and a sense of purpose of "serving the people wholeheartedly". We must work hard to realize the ideal of the "Chinese Dream" of the century-old great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."
[Note:This article is an excerpt of the first part of "Thoughts on the Demonstration Training Class"]
(The author is the chief lawyer of Zhao Xiaolu Law Firm in Beijing City and the chief legal adviser of Kunlun Policy Research Institute;


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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