The following article comes from Santiangge, written by Du Chenwei Shu Tang Ye


Shanghai Life Observer

近日,中办国办印发了《关于加强社区工作者队伍建设的意见》(以下简称《意见》),This is the first central document specifically on strengthening the construction of community workers.

The "Opinions" have 6 parts and 17 measures. Efforts are made to improve the professional system, strengthen capacity building, improve management systems, strengthen incentives and guarantees, and create a team of community workers with firm political determination, excellent quality, dedication, reasonable structure, and satisfaction to the masses. Team, providing solid talent support for strengthening and improving community governance. The "Opinion" clarifies that it will take about five years to achieve the goals of "basically establishing the professional system for community workers, continuously strengthening capacity building, more scientific management systems, more complete incentive and guarantee mechanisms, continuous optimization of team structure, and reasonable guarantee of income and benefits."
In terms of improving the occupational system, the "Opinions" require all localities to have a standard of 18 community workers per 10,000 urban permanent population, and implement total control at the city, prefecture or county level, and make regular and dynamic adjustments. At the same time, it is necessary to promote government agencies and institutions to select cadres to take up temporary posts or posts in communities, and explore the establishment of a mechanism for newly recruited civil servants to exercise in communities.
The "Opinion" pointed out that it is necessary to study and formulate national professional standards for community workers, scientifically evaluate the ability level of community workers, and support community workers to participate in the national social worker vocational qualification examination and review. Job categories should be divided according to the actual situation of community work. Each type of position should be divided into several levels based on job responsibilities, community service years, professional level, academic level, etc.
In terms of strengthening capacity building, the "Opinions" require community workers to focus on strengthening capacity training in mass work, organization and mobilization, handling affairs in accordance with the law, conflict mediation, emergency response, coordination and communication, and information technology application, and implement the "all-job access" working mechanism., cultivate community work talents with "one specialty and multiple abilities".
It is necessary to adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, promote community workers to resolve conflicts and disputes with heart and soul, strive to rectify the "lying down" behavior, and prevent perfunctory and shirking things for the residents. The "Opinion" pointed out that it is necessary to study and formulate a national education and training work plan for community workers, and improve the training system consisting of initial training, on-the-job training, special work training, and practical training.
In terms of improving the management system, the "Opinions" clarify aspects such as team management, assessment, rewards and punishments, supervision and constraints, and require the establishment and improvement of work systems such as grid service management, door-to-door visits, paired assistance, agency services, and first-inquiry responsibility, and improve The exit mechanisms such as the removal and dismissal of community workers will establish a clear orientation of enabling entry and exit, and providing excellent entry and exit. The "Opinions" clarify that we must do a good job in fault tolerance and error correction, encourage them to take responsibility, and give community workers who want to do things, can do things, and get things done an opportunity to have a stage.
In terms of strengthening incentives and guarantees, the "Opinions" pointed out that we must focus on developing party members and selecting talents from community workers, and increase efforts to recruit (hire) civil servants and staff of public institutions from outstanding community workers. For community party organization secretaries who have worked continuously in the community for more than 10 years, served as community party organization secretaries for one term, and performed well, they can be hired as public institution staff on the basis of the public recruitment regulations of public institutions. Those who are particularly outstanding can be further transferred through merit, general election, etc. Selection into the street (township) leadership team.
In terms of strengthening organizational leadership, the "Opinions" require that the construction of community workers be incorporated into the work arrangements of party committees and governments at all levels to strengthen the modernization of grassroots governance systems and governance capabilities, guide social forces to participate in the capacity building of community workers, and coordinate the development of community workers. Professional standards and other work.
The "Opinions" pointed out that party committees and governments at all levels should continue to deepen and expand the work of reducing burdens at the grassroots level, so that community workers have more time and energy to serve the residents. It is necessary to establish and improve the access mechanism and dynamic adjustment mechanism for community work matters, and standardize the work affairs, mechanism brands and certification matters of community organizations. Community organizations shall not be used as the responsible subject for administrative law enforcement, demolition and demolition, environmental improvement, urban management, production safety and other matters. In addition, it is necessary to coordinate and promote the construction of smart communities and grassroots governance platforms, realize the one-time collection and multi-use of grassroots data and information, strengthen the standardized management of government applications, government public accounts, and work groups, and correct "formalism at the fingertips".
The "Opinions" also pointed out that government agencies and institutions at or above the county level are not allowed to secondment community workers; if streets (townships) really need secondment, they will be reported to the social work department of the county-level party committee for approval according to procedures. Community workers should enhance their enthusiasm and initiative to perform their duties and responsibilities, and effectively transform the effect of reducing burdens into the service effectiveness of doing practical things and solving problems.

Will the number of additions increase? Will the threshold for social worker recruitment be raised? Will the assessment method of social workers change? 尽管这是一份高层级的、统领性的文件,进一步落实落细还需要依靠各级政府再制定出台实施办法。但从大家的热切反响中,还是能够窥见这项改革工作重大的社会意义。一些基层干部也纷纷表达了自己对于文件落地的期许、建议。
社工,正在成为一份光荣的职业 不少基层干部认为,这份文件规格之高前所未有,它就是要向社会释放一个信号:Community workers are a professional social profession like teachers, doctors, police officers, etc. 浦东新区浦兴路街道长岛路居民区党总支书记李秀勤告诉记者:“这两年,我们越来越多的社工从外企来、国企来,应届学生来应聘的学历也越来越高。 接下来马上要进入今年的社工招聘季,现在报名人数已经扑扑满,人才队伍的优化会进一步带动社工的职业化。”
黄浦区五里桥街道桥二居民区党总支书记朱虹告诉记者, In Huangpu District, social workers who have met a certain number of years of service can be improved by one level if they are continuously evaluated twice in the annual assessment; social workers who hold social work qualification certificates can receive monthly subsidies according to the junior high level of the qualification certificate. 而在浦东新区张江镇党委副书记汪仕敏看来,《意见》的下发,不仅是在强化“外驱力”,更是在激活 “内驱力”。“我们一直说基层工作是没有情怀干不了,没有方法干不好。如果大家觉得这份工作还是‘阿姨妈妈’的专属,是一堆‘鸡毛蒜皮’,那就不可能做好。只有真正认同,才会甘于奉献、勇于担当、乐于提升。”
“这份文件下发后,我们身边的社工都说感到很振奋,很大原因是The value of his work has been recognized and he has a sense of professional honor and pride. ”浦东新区周家渡街道党工委副书记姚屹佳表示,《意见》是自上而下的,给社工队伍职业化发展一个明确的信号。“当大家有了职业属性,才能真正认同自己的专业身份,才能够吸引更多优秀的人才加入到这个队伍当中来。这份文件实际上是一种正向的价值观的传递。”
If you do well, go up; if you don't do well, go down 如果说社会地位、收入待遇是基础保障,那么完善的职业生涯规划、畅通的晋升体系,恐怕就是一份职业对于优秀人才的“最强”吸引力了。
静安区临汾路街道汾西路261弄居民区党总支书记施菊丽今年46岁了。2022年,她进入了事业编制。“原先大部分老书记都是干到这个程度,但按照中央这次下发的文件, Those who are particularly outstanding community party organization secretaries can be further selected into the street (township) leadership team through merit transfer, general election, etc.,说明我们还能更进一步。”
长宁区虹桥街道虹储居民区党总支书记张逸庭告诉记者, Since 2015, Shanghai has implemented a system of three posts and 18 levels for community worker positions. Each position has a corresponding level of 1-18 according to the working years and education level of community workers, with full-time and deputy positions. “可能以前只是地区试点,现在中央发文,全国一盘棋做职业规划,社区工作连续做满10年、书记干满一届,特别优秀的就能有相应的晋升,职业晋升通道更明确。”
“当然,每份工作都有它的职业天花板,在拉伸它纵向的‘晋升尺度’的同时,能不能丰富它的横向内涵,也应该是我们各级党委政府考虑到的。”汪仕敏说, If horizontally, we can further increase the fullness, excitement, and clarity of everyone's career, and let more and more social workers feel that on this career platform, you can export your values, trial and error, and find like-minded people and do things that are conducive to social development. 一旦在基层建立起这种干事创业的氛围环境,它带给人的吸引力是不亚于一个“编制”的。
不少社区干部还“点赞”了《意见》里提及的“流动机制”。长宁区仙霞新村街道虹旭居民区党总支书记吴红萍说,以前就遇到过“大家觉得这个人干不好工作,却无法解聘”的情况。“ Now that there is an exit mechanism, if you do a good job, you can be promoted. If you do a bad job, you have to leave. Only then can social workers feel fair and more enthusiastic.
让老百姓考核社工,怎么考? 以往,干社工最“糟心”的时刻,莫过于什么事情都得干,什么责任都得揽,什么考核都得接受。
李秀勤则说,她特别希望借着这次文件下发的契机,进一步理顺考核机制。“The assessment must reflect the orientation of social workers revolving around the masses, rather than revolving around various government apps or meetings.
“的确,体制内考核,几乎是天下第一大难题。”汪仕敏说,它难就难在不好量化。“比如我们抽样,让老百姓来评价,但样本怎么选择。样本选得不合理,也有可能会失真,这也是这两年我们工作过程中比较困惑的地方。我们也希望,在中央文件进一步落实的过程中, Through a comprehensive assessment method that combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, the rationality and scientificity of the assessment can be increased, so as to satisfy the people and prevent social workers from being wronged.
一些社区干部认为,考核的目标不应该是为难社工,更合理的考核,应该不光能够激发大家的工作动力,也要激发出条线的合力。“It is recommended to strengthen the assessment of functional departments ,实现更高效率的条块联动。”余美香说。
Social workers look forward to strengthening the cultivation of their own abilities “以前我们一直说,村居是党委政府工作抵达村居的最后一公里。其实,村居也是老百姓感知党委政府的最后一公里。社区工作干得好,老百姓会说党委政府好。如果基层干部懒政懈怠,老百姓也会抱怨:这届党委政府究竟在做什么。所以执政党的群众形象,其实跟社工能力息息相关。”一位基层干部这样说。
在这次中央下发的文件里,There is a lot of space to improve "social worker capabilities"。吴红萍说,现在基层减负已经有了很大改观,“减证明”的清单上有44项,基层 “敲章”的活儿少了很多。“不过,增能还是要继续体现,希望通过加强系统化、专业化培训等方式,让我们变得更全能。”
姚屹佳建议,减负应该一直在路上,Functional departments at all levels that have authority, budget, and resources should also provide solutions to problems at the grassroots level as much as possible ,这才有利于找到社区治理问题的最优解。“我们迫切希望借力这次中央文件的下发,为基层营造更好的共治自治环境。”

** The "second half of the article" to do a good job in reducing the burden at the grassroots level is a test question. ** In the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of the Team of Community Workers", there is a lot of space on reducing the burden at the grassroots level. The document also points out that "community workers must Strengthen the enthusiasm and initiative of fulfilling their duties and taking on responsibilities, and effectively transform the effect of reducing the burden into the service effectiveness of doing practical things and solving problems."
The reporter heard from some residents that some community cadres, especially some young community cadres, like to sit in the office and face the computer. They are very skilled in writing materials and making forms. However, if they want to visit residents, they don't know how to knock on people's doors. When encountering conflicts, I feel even more scared. In some communities, resident representatives have formed WeChat groups, and community cadres are among them, but they have been "diving" and do not know how to "speak out" when encountering problems.

Linfen Lu neighbourhood 通过数字赋能,让“施菊丽们”可以将减下来的时间,更高效地用在为民服务上。施菊丽所服务的居民区近年加装了不少电梯。加梯后每年都要年检。“居民不一定记得住年检时间,但我们社区干部不能忘。”
Puxing Road Street, Pudong New District 长岛路居民区党总支书记李秀勤说,从书记、主任到社工,我们各梯队都有不同类型的岗位培训。形式上,有传统的“老带新”“理论课”,也有实操课、法律实务、舆情研判和处置、心理建设培训等。
Pengpu Xincun Street, Jing 'an District 创设了“全岗通”工作标准化流程,居委干部通过一定时间的培训,就能掌握几十个协助行政事务的标准流程。临汾路894弄居民区党总支书记陈奉涛说,通过系统性学习,社工们对协办社区事务有了相对统一的办理手势,提升了居民到居委办事的感受度。
很多年轻社工不知道如何走近居民,也担心真的走近了只能“尬聊”。Wuliqiao Street, Huangpu District 用实打实的政策服务包为他们赋能。桥二居民区党总支书记朱虹说,街道制作了“服务包”,里面有一张“养老地图”、一张印着网格长、户籍警联系电话的服务卡,让社工们可以很顺利地走进居民家中,打开话题、送上服务。最近,街道又针对高龄老人制作了“安享包”,包括高龄老人可享受的服务清单和政策,一对一的联系人,通过街道干部、社区干部,发到了老人手中,实现了政策、服务精准的配送。
普陀体育局为各个居委提供体育指导员培训,邀请专业机构与居委干部一起巡查公共体育设施的安全性。这些配送服务项目原先没有,而是在普陀民政局向社区干部“问计”之后才设置的。普陀区民政局请居委干部填写:委办局下派任务中,哪些是居委会真正需要赋能的? The commission and office bureau empowers the grassroots level based on the actual needs of community cadres. Jiading Town Subdistrict, Jiading District 安排领导班子与17个下辖社区一一结对,日常不定期沟通,每月至少现场指导一次。街道领导时常直插社区,帮助社区干部解决困难,形成了固定的赋能机制。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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