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Yesterday morning, Comrade Chen Xianyi sent another of his masterpieces on WeChat,"A Extremely Shocking Recruitment Advertisement"(Kunlun The author was shocked but not shocked after reading it.

所谓震惊,就是没有想到堂堂中国共产党领导的基层政府部门竟然用这种貌似旧中国国民党政府的招兵广告贴在大街上动员青年参军。 据说,这则广告是前些年发生 的事 ,后 已 被撤销,但这并不影响我们分析这一现象 。 大家经常从电视上可以看到旧社会那个年代旧军队打仗的状况。大把大把的银元撒在阵地前,以此激励前线将士。那个反映国民党抗战的电影《台儿庄战役》中一些镜头就是如此。因为旧军队参军打仗的目的就是升官发财。《古田军号》电影里一红军团长随意打骂士兵,受到朱德的严厉训斥,竟大发牢骚,以红军薪酬太少为己辩护,最后叛变投敌。在与红军交战时,他高喊:“我投降了何健,当了团长,大洋太多了……”。也正是红军内部某些人不懂得“为谁打仗”的问题,才有了古田会议的召开和毛泽东政治建军、思想领先的原则。由此,也才有了我们党领导的真正的人民军队,有了人民军队从胜利走向胜利的光荣历史。没有想到古田会议90多年了,那种旧军队的参军打仗谋取金钱地位的腐朽思想又出现在社会主义国家的基层政府征兵广告上,难道不震惊吗?正如陈先义同志文章上说:“这是中国吗?这是我们伟大的社会主义国家吗?这还是我们从建军以来就倡导‘一人参军 全家光荣’的伟大历史传统吗?是的,这是在中国。但是这个征兵广告的口号,一下子让我们非常吃惊,它让我们一下子感觉当兵不再是保家卫国,而是一种诱人的生意,是充满铜臭味的买卖。”
同时,我又不震惊。这种以金钱名利引导人们参与各种活动和从事各种工作是自“改革开放”以来激发人们积极主动性的最主要的手段和方法。特别是在某些经济学家的竭力鼓噪下,亚当·斯密的“看不见的手”即“人本性自私论”冠冕堂皇地登上主流媒体和领导人讲话中,也成为“社会主义市场经济”理论与实践的最重要的理论依据。前不久赵大顶同志的文章《 [ 是谁酿成了“一切向钱看”的社会坏风气? ]( 》就已经指出:“当今社会风气败坏的最典型表现,就是‘一切向钱看’。相信这是绝大多数国人的共识。”而这股风气的重要表现之一就是上世纪80年代初“改革开放”的典型人物天津大邱庄禹作敏的“抬头向前看,低头向钱看,只有向钱看,才能向前看”,主流媒体还为此论证说,“‘向前看’与‘向钱看’的一致性”。自此,中国的所有改革不仅是国有企业、农村,甚至包含文化、教育、体育、宣传部门的改革的指导思想几乎都是“一切向钱看”。这个歪风邪气也直接间接影响到军队内部。中国上世纪80年代国内最猖狂的走私活动就首先是从当时的军队开始的。这则铜臭味十足的“征兵广告”也是“金钱政治”的产物。

The author has written many articles criticizing Liu Dingxin and published them in official journals and red websites. (See "Hao Guisheng:Typical works that distort and deny our party's ideological and political work--Comment on Liu Dingxin's "Man, Man, What Are You?"]()
Marxist philosophy requires us to look at problems not only on the phenomenon, but also on the essence through the phenomenon. Lenin said that Marxism has pointed out to us a guiding clue to see the essence in numerous and complicated social phenomena, which is the method of class and class analysis. The essence of the above phenomenon is the manifestation of the sharp and fierce struggle between the two classes, two roads and two routes in today's society. During his lifetime, Chairman Mao repeatedly pointed out that there has always been class and class struggle in the historical stage of socialism, the danger of the restoration of capitalism, and the existence of capitalist groups within the party. Class struggle should be talked about year after year, month after month, and every day. The proletariat should transform the world with its own world outlook, and the bourgeoisie should also transform the world with its own world outlook. The essence of class struggle is that a small number of people make use of their possession of the means of production and power to encroach upon, exploit and oppress the majority of workers. Class struggle is manifested in economic, political, cultural and other fields. Carrying out privatization and market-oriented reform is a class struggle in the economic field, which leads to the emergence of contemporary big capitalists like Xu Jiayin who are extravagant, erosive, corrupt and colluded with government and business more than any exploiters in Chinese history. The corruption of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of corrupt officials is a manifestation of class struggle in both the economic and political fields. China still has 600 million people with a monthly income of less than 1000 yuan, which in a sense is the result of this system of exploitation and oppression. Mo Yan phenomenon and Liu Dingxin phenomenon are the theories that defend the system of exploitation and oppression in the field of culture and ideology. Since the complete negation of Mao Zedong's theory and practice in his later years, the view of class struggle has become a scourge in the eyes of some powerful and intellectuals. As soon as they see the word "class struggle", they criticize it, lash it, and delete it. The mainstream media have published a large number of articles and works that negate and attack the Marxist view of class struggle. Major General Liu Dingxin's works are also the product of this unhealthy and erroneous trend of thought, and also reflect the ideological roots of this "conscription advertisement." On the one hand, they attack the views of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought; on the other hand, they consciously peddle various bourgeois theories of human nature and decadent ideas, and transform socialist China with their bourgeois world outlook. And this erroneous trend of thought is also reflected in some of the masses. The author often sees on Baidu that some netizens attack the theory of class struggle as the theory of "whole people". To put it lightly, it is a fool, but they are muddy and ignorant in the midst of exploitation and oppression. if you say too much, you may have ulterior motives or be taken advantage of, whether you will consciously act as a defense nurse, a trumpeter and a pawn for the restoration of capitalism in China.
Chairman Mao repeatedly emphasized in his works such as "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People" and "Speech at the National Propaganda Conference of the Communist Party of China" that the question of "who wins and who loses" in the struggle between the two paths of socialism and capitalism has not yet been fundamentally solved. The author hopes that those Communist Party members who have read the oath of joining the party and the people who are determined to devote themselves to the cause of communism will bravely devote themselves to the practice of this great struggle without any smoke of smoke!
(The author is a senior researcher at Kunlun Policy Research Institute;


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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