The Yunnan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Work Safety went to Dehong Prefecture to carry out secret inspections on non-coal mine safety 近日,国家矿山安全监察局云南局党组书记、局长蔡建军率队,到德宏州开展非煤矿山安全暗查暗访,深入3处非煤矿山和1处尾矿库开展现场检查,听取地方非煤矿山安全生产工作情况汇报,检查两办《意见》、“八项硬措施”贯彻落实情况。强调各监管部门要深入学习领会习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要论述和重要指示精神,充分认识当前矿山安全生产面临的严峻复杂形势,认真贯彻落实全国两会精神和政府工作报告部署要求,坚决防范化解露天矿山高陡边坡和尾矿库“头顶库”安全风险,锚定重点工作,严防漏管失控,真正将“时时放心不下”的责任感转化为“事事心中有底”的行动力。各矿山企业要杜绝麻痹思想,树牢“事故可防可控”理念,坚持“四个看待”,常态化开展全员安全警示教育;要以治本攻坚三年行动为抓手,找准自身根本性、老大难问题,着力强化隐蔽致灾因素普查、重大灾害治理、重大风险管控、重大隐患整改、应急能力建设,持续在落实全员安全生产责任制、提升从业人员素质、加大安全投入、优化采掘工艺等方面下功夫,切实推动安全生产各项工作落实落地落细,坚决防范遏制生产安全事故。

Notice of the Energy Bureau of Shanxi Province on Further Improving the Work Related to Coal Consumption Replacement in Coal Use Projects

太原、吕梁、晋中、阳泉、长治、晋城、临汾、运城市能源局: 中央纪委国家监委大气污染防治工作明察暗访反馈意见指出,我省个别用煤项目煤炭消费减量替代整改中,仍不使用工业用煤作为替代指标,而是将“十三五”期间就已经实施的清洁取暖工程作为煤炭消费替代源,导致煤炭减量替代要求落空,项目实施将产生“十四五”期间新增煤炭消费量。近日,省局在抽查中也发现个别项目存在替代源选取不合理、替代方案不完善、审核把关不严格的问题。根据《落实中央纪委国家监委大气污染防治工作明察暗访反馈意见的整改方案》整改要求,现就有关事项通知如下,请认真抓好落实。 1. Strictly implement the coal reduction and substitution requirements for coal use projects 从通知下发之日起,“十三五”期间规模以上工业企业以外核算减少的煤炭消费量(主要包括清洁取暖改造工程,第一产业中的畜牧业、林业,第二产业中的规模以下工业,第三产业中规模以下交通运输、邮政业、教育、卫生和社会工作、公共管理、社会保障和社会组织及其他行业等)不作为新建、改建、扩建用煤项目煤炭消费替代源。 2. Strictly control the "access control" of coal-using projects 围绕实现煤炭消费负增长目标任务,严格替代标准和要求,坚决防止和杜绝“边减边增”“名减实不减”等情况,从源头控制煤炭消费增长。要组织“回头看”,对前期已出具煤炭消费替代审核意见的用煤项目重新筛查,对用煤项目建设单位以重复替代、提供虚假材料通过审核的,或替代源选取不符合要求的,应及时撤销原审核意见,待项目按要求实施替代后再重新进行审核。 3. Strengthen supervision during and after the event 加大存量用煤项目的监督管理,组织开展用煤项目特别是“两高”整改用煤项目煤炭替代落实情况检查,对发现的违法违规问题及时查处并予以曝光,坚决杜绝超计划量消费煤炭,确保煤炭消费总量控制措施落到实处。 山西省能源局 2024年3月25日
The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration reported back to the Hengyang City Government on the supervision and inspection of mine safety supervision work

On the morning of March 26, a feedback meeting was held on the supervision and inspection of Hengyang's mine safety work by Hunan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration. Wu Weilong, Party Secretary and Director of the Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, reported back to the Hengyang City government on the supervision and inspection of mine safety supervision work. Zhu Jian, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended and made a statement. Cai Longchun, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, presided over the meeting.

会上,我市汇报了矿山安全生产工作情况,检查组通报了对衡阳市矿山安全监管工作监督检查发现的主要问题。 吴卫龙充分肯定衡阳市矿山安全监管工作,他指出,衡阳市、县两级党委政府深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产重要指示批示精神和全国两会精神,有力统筹发展和安全,全市矿山安全生产形势总体平稳向好。 吴卫龙强调,要提始终保持如履薄冰、如临深渊的警觉,以更高站位、更硬举措、更实作风抓好矿山安全生产工作,严密管控重大安全风险。要压紧压实各级政府安全责任、矿山监管部门安全责任,深入开展矿山安全生产综合整治,按照“淘汰退出一批、整合重组一批和改造提升一批”的要求分类处置,制定矿山综合整治工作方案,明确任务和完成时限,实现减量提质。要巩固提升安全保障能力, Accelerate the development of new productivity in mining enterprises, further strengthen the construction of intelligent and informatization in mines, and further improve law enforcement efficiency 。要切实加强汛期矿山安全生产工作,督促矿山企业落实雨季“三防”措施,切实抓好尾矿库汛期安全,以万全准备确保万无一失。 朱健表示,将全面认真落实督查组反馈的意见,虚心接受、全部认领、照单全收,采取积极有效的措施、扎实做好整改工作,要坚持标本兼治、举一反三,对照国、省工作的要求和相关规定,进一步排查我市矿山安全工作上存在的短板,着力解决全市矿山领域存在的深层次矛盾问题,力争做到老问题得到整改、新问题得到预防。要恪尽职守,全面压实整改责任,细化工作措施,确保各级各部门知责明责尽责。要进一步强化整改督促检查,牢固树立矿山安全生产红线意识和底线思维,保持高压态势,严格执法检查,推动全市安全生产形势持续稳定向好。 市领导于新凡、赵胜平参加会议。
Notice of the Office of the Safety Committee of Jiangxi Province, the Office of the Disaster Reduction Committee of the Jiangxi Province on Strengthening Safety Prevention during the Qingming Festival各设区市、赣江新区安委会、减灾委,省安委会、省减灾委各成员单位:


First, accurately grasp the characteristics of the law and strengthen the management and control of key risks. It is necessary to comprehensively analyze, study and judge the laws and characteristics of disasters and accidents during the Qingming Festival holiday in this region and industry, and take targeted safety risk management and control measures to resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of major and serious accidents. It is necessary to highlight transportation risks such as roads, waterways, aviation and railways, especially rural road traffic, make overall arrangements and supervision and management of transport capacity, guide the public to make reasonable plans and avoid peak trips, and strictly investigate and deal with illegal passenger-carrying behaviors such as overspeed and overloading, unlicensed driving, drunk driving, fatigue driving and vans, agricultural vehicles, motorcycles, self-use boats and so on. Put an end to passengers illegally carrying flammable, explosive, highly toxic and other dangerous goods on passenger transport, strengthen the maintenance and inspection of passenger vehicles and safety education for drivers, and prevent operation with "disease". It is necessary to strengthen the safety of scenic spots in tourist attractions, strengthen the facility safety inspection of high-risk projects such as cableways, cable cars, suspension bridges, and glass trestles, and the investigation and management of potential disaster spots, and resolutely close down those who fail to meet the safety conditions, so as to prevent landslides, collapses and other disasters that threaten tourists' lives. We should pay attention to the inspection of fire-fighting facilities in restaurants, guesthouses and entertainment places, as well as boilers, pressure vessels, pressure pipes, circuits, elevators, and other safety conditions, and strictly prevent mass deaths and injuries caused by fire, explosion and other accidents. It is necessary to co-ordinate the management of cultural, tourist and commercial activities, and improve emergency measures such as personnel monitoring, traffic control, and evacuation and diversion, so as to prevent casualties caused by congestion and stampedes.

二、全面排查风险隐患,持续抓好安全监管检查。要纵深推进全省安全生产治本攻坚三年行动,巩固拓展全省安全生产风险隐患大排查大整治、消防安全集中除患攻坚大整治等行动成效,持续加强安全生产工作,严查密防各类风险隐患,落实各项安全管控措施。 We must pay close attention to key industry areas such as construction, gas, fire protection and mining, hazardous chemicals, fireworks, and industry and trade ,坚持眼睛向下看,深入基层一线,做到力量下沉、重心下移,综合采取联合执法、交叉执法、异地执法和“四不两直”、明查暗访等方式,深化“打非治违”行动,加大监管执法和警示通报力度,严厉打击各类违法违规生产经营建设行为,集中公布、曝光、处理一批重大事故隐患和查处典型案例,严格落实监管执法“四个一律”“五个一批”等硬措施,严防各类生产安全事故发生,确保人民生命财产安全和经济社会大局稳定。

3. Strengthen the control of wild fire sources and highlight the scientific disposal of forest fires. In view of the increase in people entering the mountains and the use of fire in production and sacrifices during the Qingming Festival, various measures should be continued to be implemented during the key period of forest fire prevention. All wild fire use in forest areas is strictly prohibited, and the carrying of kindling into the mountains and forests is prohibited. Smoking in the wild is prohibited. It is prohibited to burn wasteland, field ridges, and weeds. It is prohibited to burn paper and set off firecrackers in graves in forest areas. The approval of "mountain refining" will be completely suspended from April 1 to 7. It is necessary to give full play to the role of the grassroots forest chief system of "one chief and two members", organize rangers, mountain patrols and rural cadres to carry out patrol responsibilities, arrange special personnel to guard and keep an eye on important parts such as grave concentration areas and mountain crossings, and severely investigate and crack down on illegal use of fire. It is necessary to strengthen real-time monitoring and verification of forest fire hotspots. Once a forest fire occurs, formulate a scientific and safe fire fighting plan, deploy sufficient force, and promptly apply for support to provinces and cities if there is insufficient force, so as to "fight early, fight small, and fight early". We must not miss the opportunity and resolutely prevent major forest fires and casualties.

Fourth, closely monitor weather changes and actively prevent and deal with extreme disasters. It is necessary to realize that the main flood season is about to enter, thunderstorm, hail, short-term heavy rainfall and other severe convective weather activities will increase, especially it is expected that there will be three consecutive rainstorm weather processes in our province from March 27 to April 3, with the local maximum accumulated rainfall reaching 180 mm. We should closely monitor the changes of rainfall, water conditions, working conditions and disaster conditions, and strengthen real-time forecasting, rolling forecasting and joint departmental meetings. Analyze and judge the development trend and affected areas of disasters in advance, and arrange preventive measures. It is necessary to highlight the key points such as the prevention of mountain torrents and geological disasters, the safe flood management of water-related projects, and the prevention of waterlogging in urban and rural areas, actively organize grass-roots forces to carry out regular disaster investigation, adhere to the "631" early warning response mechanism, and issue early warning information in a timely manner. pay attention to foreign tourists, returnees, vulnerable groups and construction sites and traffic trunk lines near the waterfront, so as to achieve full coverage, zero dead angle and no blind area Remind the public to take the initiative to prevent and avoid disasters, especially to urge "wake up" all kinds of responsible personnel, organize the dangerous areas and threatened people to avoid danger, transfer and properly resettle, and strive to achieve the goal of "not dying and hurting less." It is necessary to make overall efforts to do a good job in disaster statistics and disaster relief, prepare relief materials at disaster-prone and disaster-prone points, timely check and submit disaster reports and allocate relief materials, effectively ensure the basic livelihood of the people affected by disasters, and maintain normal order in disaster-affected areas. minimize the loss and impact of disasters.

5. Strengthen emergency duty and organize emergency rescue in an orderly manner. It is necessary to strictly implement the system of 24-hour special personnel on duty, leading cadres on duty and reporting on duty, fully equip and strengthen the on-duty force, and further implement emergency preparations such as emergency plans, personnel teams, equipment and materials, and comprehensive support. It is necessary to strengthen the standardized collection, submission and real-time sharing and intercommunication of information between superiors, subordinates and departments. In case of important situations and emergencies, we must grasp it as soon as possible, report it as soon as possible, and handle it as soon as possible. We must resolutely put an end to late reporting, underreporting, false reporting, concealment and other phenomena. Horizontally, we must strengthen coordination and linkage to prevent mutual ignorance and mutual concealment. It is necessary to urge all types of emergency rescue teams to maintain an emergency state at all times, optimize force pre-positioning and equipment organization, and station key parts forward to ensure that once disasters and accidents occur, they can respond in a timely manner, quickly dispatch teams, and handle them scientifically and efficiently., firmly guard the "last line of defense" to protect the safety of people's lives.

All relevant departments in various places must improve their political stance, strengthen organizational leadership, consolidate responsibilities, refine measures, make careful arrangements, and pay close attention to various safety precautions during the Qingming Festival to ensure that the spirit of this notice is implemented and effective.

Office of Jiangxi Province Safety Committee Office of Jiangxi Province Disaster Reduction Committee

27 March 2024

#Wang Shibin, Party Secretary and Director of the Guangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to supervise and inspect the mine safety supervision work in Cenxi City

From March 19 to 22, Wang Shibin, Party Secretary and Director of the Guangxi Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to supervise and inspect the mine safety supervision work in Cenxi City, a key non-coal mine county (city) in the autonomous region.

The inspection team listened to the report on the mine safety supervision work of the People's Government of Cenxi City, inspected the implementation of local supervision by the local government and emergency management, natural resources, public security, and forestry departments, and conducted an extended inspection of two mines, Longwan Mining and Fozi Mining. The inspection team selected safety management personnel and technical personnel of mining enterprises to conduct examinations in accordance with the requirement of "taking exams for every inspection"; went deep into the mine's underground production line to conduct on-site spot checks on the use of self-rescuers, and inspected roof management and ventilation of underground excavation operation sites. Equipment, facilities, and six major safety avoidance systems were inspected, and 38 hidden dangers of various types were found, including 2 major hidden dangers.

At the inspection feedback meeting, Wang Shibin emphasized that we must pay close attention to the implementation of the "Opinions","Hard Measures" and the "Three-Year Action Plan for Mining Safety Production". The Municipal Security Committee must come up with specific implementation measures, refine measures one by one, and implement responsibilities. The county party committee and county government and the mine safety supervision department implement territorial supervision responsibilities, strengthen the organization and leadership of mine safety production work, urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety, consolidate the responsibility of the main person in charge of mining enterprises and the first person responsible for production safety, and resolutely prevent and contain the occurrence of major accidents; improve the quality of investigation and rectification of hidden risks, regularly carry out self-examination and self-correction of "three violations", and strictly control risk management and control in key links of production operations; Vigorously improve the quality of mine employees, strictly control the qualifications and quality of "five-position" mine managers and "five-position" technical personnel, and strictly enforce the education and training of employees. Employees must be familiar with disaster avoidance routes, safe evacuation routes and self-rescue and escape methods.

During the supervision and inspection, Comrade Wang Shibin exchanged opinions with Comrade Zhao Chunlei, Secretary of the Cenxi Municipal Party Committee, and reached a working consensus on Cenxi City's promotion of the "three batches" of non-coal mines, promoting the intelligent construction of mines, and promoting high-quality development of mining industry. Comrade Tang Weidong, Executive Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Cenxi City, and relevant persons in charge of Wuzhou City Management Bureau and Cenxi City Emergency Management Bureau accompanied him to participate in the inspection.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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