###Wang Shaohui, Party Secretary and Director of the Guizhou Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, and his party went to Wenjiaba No. 1 Mine in Zhijin County to supervise the "Double and Double Day" work

On April 9, Wang Shaohui, Party Secretary and Director of the Guizhou Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, and his party went to Wenjiaba No. 1 Mine in Zhijin County to supervise the "Double and Double Day" work. Xu Kaiyan, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Chen Tao, deputy county magistrate, and responsible comrades of relevant units directly under the county attended.

During supervision, Wang Shaohui inspected the coal mine monitoring room and went deep underground. Through on-site inspections and listening to reports, he learned in detail about the development of the coal mine's "full day" work, and put forward guiding opinions and suggestions on coal mine production safety work. He pointed out that the "dual-day" work is an effective means to force enterprises to do a good job in production safety and implement production safety responsibilities by comprehensively investigating system hidden dangers from the scene and the source, and by all employees to investigate "three violations" and oppose "three violations". Zhijin County must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety, fully implement the provincial and municipal decisions and arrangements on the work of "double day" in mines, always adhere to the two supremacy of "people first and life first", firmly establish the concept of "safety first", effectively play a leading role in demonstration, take the lead in doing a good job in production safety, properly handle the relationship between safety and development, and resolutely implement the work of "double day" well.

Wang Shaohui emphasized that all mining enterprises must deeply learn from recent production safety accidents, resolutely overcome paralysis and luck mentality, tighten the production safety responsibility system for all employees, and continuously improve the level of safety management. It is necessary to conduct in-depth investigations of hidden problems, comprehensively investigate the problems existing in every system, every tunnel, every equipment, every facility, every link, and every system, assign responsibility to everyone, and effectively promote the "full day" work of coal mines. Implement and achieve practical results. It is necessary to accurately formulate rectification measures, formulate practical and effective rectification measures and plans for hidden dangers from the aspects of people, machines, environment, and management, draw inferences from one example to do a good job in rectification of hidden dangers, and fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers of accidents and solve problems. It is necessary to do the basic work of detailed and practical "full day" work, comprehensively sort out and establish a production system list, equipment list, job list, and "three violations" list, and all employees check and oppose the "three violations", and effectively eliminate all types of safety hazards, continuously consolidate the foundation for safe production in coal mines, and make every effort to promote the high-quality development of coal mining enterprises.


近日,黑龙江省委副书记、省长梁惠玲到鸡西市和双鸭山市检查煤矿安全生产工作。她强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产重要指示精神,认真落实全国安全生产电视电话会议部署,坚持人民至上、生命至上,以“时时放心不下”的责任感, We will make every effort to rectify problems and hidden dangers found in the mine production safety supervision and inspection of the Office of the Security Committee of the State Council, resolutely prevent and contain major production safety accidents in the mining field, and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.

Liang Huiling went deep into Guilong Coal Mine in Mishan City, Jixi to learn about the safety production, construction and operation of the coal mine, and affirmed the company's earnest efforts to rectify problems found in supervision and inspection. She emphasized that the actual controller of the enterprise must strictly fulfill the responsibility of the person responsible for production safety, increase production investment, strictly appoint management teams, strictly standardize management, establish incentive and restraint mechanisms, and resolutely put an end to the "three violations". Relevant departments must strictly stop work and suspend production and acceptance of coal mines, adhere to the principle of "whoever accepts, who signs, who is responsible", and firmly control the acceptance barrier.

At the Dongrong Third Mine of Longmei Group Shuangyashan Mining Company, Liang Huiling walked into the production safety command center, listened to the report on the production safety operation of the coal mine, and affirmed the company's implementation of intelligent coal mine construction. She emphasized that it is necessary to deeply learn lessons from major coal mine accidents, draw inferences from one example, comprehensively rectify, plug loopholes and make up for shortcomings, improve and improve long-term mechanisms, strictly implement systems, and effectively prevent and resolve major safety risks. It is necessary to put coal mine production safety in a prominent position and resolutely prevent focusing only on efficiency rather than safety. It is necessary to implement main responsibilities and supervisory responsibilities, refine and implement the job responsibility system, improve and improve the responsibility system that connects the top and bottom, and resolutely prevent the lack of the responsibility chain. It is necessary to strictly supervise in accordance with the law, strengthen the construction and management of the team of safety supervisors stationed in mines, strictly prevent "loose and weak" supervision and law enforcement, enhance the strong willingness and ability to discover and solve problems, and ensure that early and small ones are caught.

During the inspection, Liang Huiling stressed that coal mine safety production is related to the safety of people's lives and property, as well as the overall situation of economic development and social stability. It is necessary to further strengthen the concept of safe development, strengthen the awareness of the red line, stick to the bottom line thinking, and ensure high-quality development with a high level of safety. It is necessary to consolidate the responsibility for coal mine safety production, strictly implement the post responsibility system for safety production for all employees in enterprises, establish and improve the supervision mechanism for the whole process of law enforcement by supervision and supervision departments, and refine the implementation of the responsibility system for ensuring coal mine safety production guaranteed by local government leaders. It is necessary to establish and improve the mechanism of joint law enforcement and work cooperation, form a joint force of work, strictly prevent leakage pipes from getting out of control, and initiate a reverse responsibility investigation mechanism for accidents caused by ineffective performance of duties, prevarication, bickering, and so on. We will promote the implementation of production safety measures at the grass-roots level, to work posts, and to specific operators. It is necessary to strengthen the pre-post education and training of underground staff, standardize the handover work, and improve the quality and ability of employees. It is necessary to promote the intelligent construction of coal mines and improve the essential safety level of coal mines. It is necessary to carry out regular self-investigation and self-correction of hidden risks, establish a reward mechanism for reporting hidden dangers, enhance the action consciousness of "everyone is a safety officer," and earnestly improve the quality of investigation and rectification of hidden risks. It is necessary to resolutely rectify and correct the problems found by supervision and inspection, make corrections while investigating, and carry out reform as soon as possible, so as to eliminate the hidden dangers of the problems as soon as possible. It is necessary to strictly implement the system of supervision and management of hidden dangers of major accidents and severely crack down on serious illegal production and construction in coal mines.

The Party Committee of the Yunnan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Safety held the second meeting in 2024

On April 9, the Party Committee of the Yunnan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration held the second meeting in 2024 to thoroughly study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Party Building Work Conference of the Central and State Organs, and convey and implement the "Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Party Building in Central and State Organs", and review matters related to the division of labor among party committee members in government agencies in 2024, targeted assistance for rural revitalization, and the development of party members.

The meeting pointed out that 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, a key year for realizing the objectives and tasks of the 14th five-year Plan, and also the fifth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party building work conference of the central and state organs. The party building work of the Yunnan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Safety should be guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building. we should deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance". It is necessary to persist in the implementation of work items, project lists, and lists, conscientiously implement the key points and responsibility lists, project lists, and evaluation lists of party building work in government organs in 2024, and promote the work of party building in government organs as a whole. It is necessary to conscientiously carry out General Secretary Xi Jinping's implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party building work conference of the central and state organs, pay attention to summary and review, and systematically sort out the experiences, practices and work results of implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech. It is necessary to conscientiously do a good job in the investigation of the contingent of cadres, the supervision and inspection of party building, discipline inspection, and the selection and employment of personnel, persist in supervising and promoting reform and construction, promote the rectification and reform of problems found by supervision, and comprehensively improve the quality of party building in government organs. It is necessary to further consolidate the responsibilities of the party committee members of the organs, strengthen contact and guidance, conscientiously sum up and refine the experiences and practices of party branch building in accordance with the requirements of "one branch, one brand," and strive to build party building brands with their own characteristics. we will actively strive to create model organs, "top four" party branches, and "serve high-quality development vanguard party branches."

The meeting stressed that the "opinions on strengthening and improving Party Building in Central and State organs" issued by the CPC Central Committee is a guiding document for promoting the high-quality development of party building in central and state organs in the new era, and is of great and far-reaching significance. It is necessary to continuously strengthen the study, propaganda, and implementation of the "opinions," profoundly grasp the overall requirements, main principles, and task measures for strengthening and improving party building in government organs, and clearly define the direction and main objectives of attack. It is necessary to unremittingly promote the political construction of the party in the organs, implement the political standards and requirements in the whole process and all aspects of the work of the organs, and persist in the orientation of their duties around the center, building a team and serving the masses. We should grasp the "key minority" and manage the "vast majority" well, strictly enforce the organizational life of the party, strictly manage the education and management of party members, promote the standardized construction of party branches, and promote the deep integration of party building and professional work. Strive to strengthen in the course of improvement, develop in the course of innovation, and constantly improve the quality of party building in government organs. It is necessary to grasp the "bull's nose" of implementing the responsibility system for party building work in government organs, cooperate closely, perform their duties dutifully, and strive to make progress, guide and urge grass-roots party organizations at all levels to shoulder the main responsibility, grasp the main business, and play the leading role well, give better play to the role of full-time and part-time party cadres, truly grasp all the work of party building in government organs, and achieve results, and strive to create a new situation in the work of party building in Yunnan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Safety.

#Shanxi proposes 24 and 90 measures to tackle the root causes of mine safety

The Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government recently issued the "Shanxi Province Measures to Further Strengthen Mine Safety Production"(hereinafter referred to as the "Work Measures") to comprehensively improve mine safety capabilities.

为贯彻《中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅关于进一步加强矿山安全生产工作的意见》,着力解决当前山西矿山安全生产根本性系统性问题, The "Work Measures" put forward 24 and 90 fundamental solutions, focusing on the following aspects to optimize coordination, strengthen the foundation, and build momentum and empower.

Improve and improve the mine safety supervision responsibility system and clarify functional responsibilities. For the first time, it has been clarified that party and government leaders responsible for ensuring mine safety must go deep into the mine underground and the tailings pond site every two months to carry out supervision and inspections; the Shanxi Province Department of Natural Resources is the competent department of the non-coal mine industry and is responsible for the management of the province's non-coal mine industry. The natural resources department is responsible for land reclamation and geological disaster prevention and control after the tailings pond is closed and cancelled.

Strict access to the mining industry and strengthen source control. Stop approving the construction, expansion and expansion of rock-burst coal mines. After the construction, expansion and expansion, the coal mine production capacity shall not be less than 1.2 million tons/year, the production capacity of high-gas coal mines shall not be more than 5 million tons/year, and the production capacity of coal and gas outburst coal mines shall not be higher than 8 million tons/year.

Vigorously implement the "three batches" of non-coal mines and vigorously promote integration, closure and reorganization. The total amount of metal and non-metal mines and tailings ponds in the province will only decrease but not increase.

Standardize administrative licensing for mine safety and strictly approve and review. Strictly review the substantive content of safety facility design for mine construction projects, and must not only review procedures and forms. It is strictly prohibited to increase the production capacity of coal mines that do not meet the production capacity requirements, such as excessive number of mining faces and tight mining continuity.

Strictly implement the main responsibilities of mining enterprises for production safety and strengthen the performance of higher-level companies. Mining enterprises must be equipped with full-time safety directors, registered safety engineers and other safety management forces as required. Mines with serious disasters must be equipped with full-time disaster management leaders, specialized agencies, and professionals as required. To further strengthen the ability of the "key minority" to perform their duties safely, the "five-position" mine managers, safety directors, project leaders and technical personnel of non-coal mining and outsourcing units should have full-time degrees in mine-related majors or corresponding professional and technical titles. Hidden dangers of major accidents discovered by mining enterprises in self-inspection shall not be punished according to law if they are truthfully reported and actively rectified. The safety management level of mining enterprises shall not exceed 3 levels, and the person in charge of superiors shall visit the mine for safety inspections no less than 3 times a month.

Adhere to science and technology to strengthen safety and accelerate the construction of intelligent mines. A total of 200 intelligent coal mines will be built in 2024. In 2025, the intelligent construction of large-scale and severely disaster-stricken coal mines and other qualified production coal mines will be completed. In 2027, the province's coal mines will basically be intelligent.

Keep a close eye on the management of major disasters and promote the transformation of the mine safety management model to pre-emptive prevention. Blind-contracted enterprises have improved and improved the "six mechanisms" for safety risk identification, research and judgment, early warning, prevention, disposal and responsibility. They organize and carry out monthly inspections of hidden hazards covering all employees, organize and carry out annual surveys and management of hidden disaster-causing factors, and implement regional management, advanced management, engineering management, and comprehensive management of major disasters such as fire, roof, and rock burst. Coal and gas outburst mines are not allowed to use only bedding boreholes to pre-drain gas from strip coal seams of working faces. County-level governments organize and carry out regional surveys and management of hidden disaster-causing factors.

Strengthen basic management of mine safety and improve safety assurance capabilities. Mining enterprises have established and improved the production safety responsibility system, job responsibility system and production safety management system for all employees, formulated and implemented training plans for all employees, and strengthened the improvement of the quality of special operations personnel. Mines that have been ordered to suspend production and construction for rectification must implement the "four measures" of temporarily suspending production safety licenses in accordance with the law, stationing and guarding the mines, stopping the approval of blasting supplies, and stopping the supply of electricity for production and construction.

Strictly supervise mine safety and promote the management of mine safety in accordance with the law. Further clarify and clarify the safety supervision responsibilities of relevant departments, and comprehensively promote the implementation of the "three management and three musts" responsibilities for production safety. Improve and strictly implement the mechanism for the transfer of mine production safety cases, administrative law enforcement and criminal judicial connection. The proportion of supervision and law enforcement personnel for blind contract safety professionals shall not be less than 75% of the on-the-job personnel. Organize and carry out centralized rotation training for supervision and law enforcement personnel and ensure full coverage for three years.

Strengthen organizational implementation and strictly assess and pursue accountability. Incorporate the implementation of the "Work Measures" into the important contents of the assessment and inspection of production safety and fire protection work of governments at all levels and member units of the Safety Committee, organize personnel departments to incorporate production safety and fire protection work assessments into special work assessments, and use the assessment results as leadership and An important reference for the comprehensive assessment and evaluation of leading cadres. Those who fail to fulfill their production safety responsibilities will be held accountable in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws.

#The Guangxi Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Safety formulated measures to continuously promote the rectification of formalism and reduce the burden on the grassroots

Recently, the Party Group of the Guangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration formulated and issued measures to continuously promote the rectification of formalism to reduce the burden at the grassroots level, from promoting the establishment and practice of a correct view of political performance, strictly implementing various measures to reduce the burden at the grassroots level, and vigorously rectifying the field of mine safety production. Specific requirements have been put forward for implementation in four aspects: the issue of formalism strongly reflected at the grassroots level and the encouragement of cadres to take responsibility. The measures emphasize the need to effectively reduce the number of documents and meetings, strictly control the requirements for grassroots to fill in and report numbers, and clarify that data that can be collected and counted through information platforms must not be repeatedly filled in at the grassroots level. Bureau agencies and institutions (excluding technical services) make explicit and secret inspections. A county can only go to at most once a month. When it is necessary to dispatch multiple working groups at the same time, a joint inspection team should be formed. It is necessary to further improve and improve the quantitative assessment methods and content covering all cadres and workers. Seize the key points of assessment, optimize and simplify the assessment process, reduce unrealistic assessment indicators, and strictly prevent formalism and egalitarianism in assessment and evaluation work.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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