###Wang Shaohui of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau led a team to Qianxinan Prefecture to supervise and investigate the "Double Day" work of coal mines

From April 2 to 4, Wang Shaohui, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Bureau, led a team to Qianxinan Prefecture to supervise and investigate the "Double and Double Day" work of coal mines. Huang Xingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Qianxinan Prefecture Committee and Governor, and Huang Hua, Deputy Governor, participated.

On April 3, Wang Shaohui presided over a symposium on the supervision and research of the "Double and Double Day" work of Qianxinan Coal Mine in Xingyi City. The chief expert of Huoshaopu Coal Mine introduced the "Double and Double Day" work experience. Some coal mine investors in Qianxinan Prefecture talked about their understanding and experience. The heads of governments and regulatory departments of various coal-producing counties made exchanges and speeches. Wang Shaohui made comments one by one, and titled "Mine Production Safety Execution Connecting Legal Provisions and Practice". The spirit of the training class for mining enterprises across the country to implement the main responsibility for production safety was publicized.

Wang Shaohui pointed out that "mines are highly risky, and you must first understand the law." Lack of rule of law is the most prominent problem exposed in some major accidents. We must consciously respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and insist on running mines and managing mines in accordance with the law. First, we must clearly understand the current severe production safety situation, deeply understand the significance and purpose of carrying out the "two-day" work, carry out in-depth three-year action to tackle the root causes of coal mine production safety, and effectively improve the safety foundation. Second, we must effectively improve the quality of major underground system projects through support changes, management changes, operation changes, and development changes, and ensure high-quality development with high levels of safety. Third, all employees must make up classes, optimize the construction of the mine talent team, pay close attention to the rectification of problems, and make up for shortcomings and weaknesses. Fourth, we must take the strategic deployment of "rich ore and refined mining" as an opportunity to carry out in-depth "work of" both days and days ". Through dynamic management, we can effectively eliminate the stock of safety hazards, effectively curb the increment, and ultimately achieve iterative rebirth to achieve intrinsic safety.

During this period, Wang Shaohui and his party successively went to Zhenxing Coal Mine and Nuodong Coal Mine to carry out night inspections and supervision inspections, participated in coal mine pre-shift meetings, and went to the production front line to inspect the development of the "full-day" work.

The Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government issued the "Shanxi Province Measures to Further Strengthen Mine Production Safety"

Recently, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the "Measures for Further Strengthening Mine Safety Production in Shanxi Province"(hereinafter referred to as the "Work Measures") to comprehensively improve mine safety capabilities, accelerate the development of new mine productivity, and continue to promote high-quality transformation and development of Shanxi mines.

《工作措施》全面落实《中共中央办公厅国务院办公厅关于进一步加强矿山安全生产工作的意见》,坚持“两个至上”、统筹“两件大事”、立足“两个根本”,既着力解决当前山西矿山安全生产的根本性、系统性问题,又围绕推动矿山产业安全深度转型升级谋篇布局、夯基垒柱,细化提出24项共90条治本攻坚之策,重点在以下几个方面优化协同、强基固本、蓄势赋能。 大力实施非煤矿山“三个一批”,强力推进整合关闭重组。全省金属非金属矿山和尾矿库保持总量只减不增,严禁新建尾矿库“头顶库”和没有矿山的独立选矿厂。市、县两级政府每2年研究制定一次辖区非煤矿山“三个一批”实施方案,强化不具备安全生产条件的矿山和长期停用尾矿库分类处置。2024年底前,金属非金属地下矿山数量比2022年下降20%以上,大中型矿山占比较2022年提高15%以上。 规范矿山安全行政许可,严格审批审查。煤矿、金属非金属地下矿山、设计边坡高度150米及以上的金属非金属露天矿山、尾矿库的安全设施设计审查和安全生产许可证审批由省级及以上矿山安全监管监察部门负责。非煤矿山基建期只能延期一次且不得超过一年。严格矿山建设项目安全设施设计实质内容审查,不得仅对程序和形式进行审查。严禁超采掘工作面个数、采掘接续紧张等不符合产能核增条件的煤矿核增产能。 严格矿山企业安全生产主体责任落实,强化上级公司履职。矿山企业必须按规定配备专职安全总监、注册安全工程师等安全管理力量,灾害严重矿山按要求配备灾害治理专职领导、专门机构、专业人员。进一步强化“关键少数”安全履职能力,“五职”矿长、安全总监、非煤矿山采掘外包单位项目负责人和技术人员应当具有矿山相关专业全日制学历或者相应专业技术职称。矿山企业自查发现的重大事故隐患,如实上报并积极整改的依法不予处罚。矿山企业安全管理层级不得超过3级,上级负责人每月到所属矿山安全检查不得少于3次。 坚持科技强安,加快推进矿山智能化建设。 A total of 200 intelligent coal mines will be built in 2024. In 2025, the intelligent construction of large-scale and severely disaster-stricken coal mines and other qualified production coal mines will be completed. In 2027, the province's coal mines will basically be intelligent.In 2024, 10 intelligent non-coal mines will be built. In 2026, all intelligent construction of high-risk non-coal mines will start. A total of 30 intelligent non-coal mines will be built. In 2030, non-coal mines with basic conditions in the province will basically realize intelligence. 非煤矿山边坡高度大于100米的,逐年进行边坡稳定性分析;大于150米的,建立边坡在线监测系统并联网。所有尾矿库建设在线监测系统并联网。 同时,在健全完善矿山安全监管责任体系,明确职能职责;严格矿山行业准入,加强源头管控;紧盯重大灾害治理,推动矿山安全治理模式向事前预防转型等方面也做出明确规定,加快解决当前制约山西矿山安全的深层次、根本性问题,有力推动更高水平的矿山生产力要素协同匹配,深入推进矿山产业结构转型升级。

###The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration held a coal mine safety production warning meeting in Leiyang City

In order to further implement the "Hard Measures for Preventing and Curbing Major Production Safety Accidents in the Mining Field" and the "Regulations on Production Safety in Coal Mines" and carry out special rectification of hidden working faces, on April 2, the Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and Hengyang City The Emergency Management Bureau and the People's Government of Leiyang City jointly held a warning meeting on coal mine safety production in Leiyang City. Jiang Xiaoli, director of the Hengyang City Emergency Management Bureau, presided over the meeting. Cai Longchun, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, and Yin Lixin, Deputy Secretary of the Leiyang Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

The meeting organized and watched a warning education video on the "November 29" major flooding accident in Yuanjiangshan Coal Mine in Leiyang City, organized and studied the "Hard Measures" and the "Coal Mine Safety Production Regulations", and read out the "Notice on Carrying out Special Investigation and Rectification of Hidden Working Faces in Coal Mines", which informed the Hunan Bureau of the investigation and punishment of major illegal activities in Jinxing Coal Mine.

Cai Longchun stressed that all departments and enterprises should deeply learn lessons from accidents and typical cases, deeply understand the connotation of this warning education conference, and clearly realize that hidden working face is the "biggest cancer" that threatens coal mine safety production. We should solve the ideological and ideological problems affecting coal mine safety production work from the root, persist in running mines in accordance with the law, comprehensively compact responsibilities, and strike hard to "fight against illegal and illegal activities." Effectively prevent and resolutely curb the occurrence of major and serious accidents. It is necessary to raise the awareness of running mines according to law, strictly implement the "opinions" and "hard measures" and "regulations on Coal Mine Safety" of the two offices, persist in law-abiding operation, run mines in accordance with the law, and strictly enforce the law. It is necessary to solidly carry out special investigation and rectification activities for concealed working faces, truly report the situation of rectification, and strengthen supervision, inspection and inspection. It is necessary to strictly control major safety risks, find out the bottom number comprehensively, dynamically and accurately, deepen the control of major disasters such as gas and water disasters, continuously promote the general survey of concealed disaster-causing factors, and promote the joint prevention and control of regional water disasters in an orderly manner. It is necessary to enhance the ability of safety guarantee, pay close attention to infrastructure construction, consolidate the foundation of coal mine safety, strengthen the training of employees, and improve the basic skills of personnel quality and ability. It is necessary to form a joint force, deepen the "fight against illegal activities", regularly carry out surprise inspections of "double random, one open" and "four no, two straight", persist in cracking down on major violations of laws and regulations such as concealed working faces and ultra-deep crossing boundaries with an iron face and iron hand, earnestly do a good job in the investigation of hidden dangers, strengthen monitoring and early warning, and implement emergency measures.

Leiyang City emergency, public security, natural resources, electricity, comprehensive law enforcement and other relevant departments, main leaders and mine managers of coal-producing towns and coal mining enterprises attended the meeting.

#The security situation in Shaanxi Province was generally stable during the Qingming Festival holiday

During the Qingming Festival holiday, the province's emergency management system kept a close eye on hidden risks in various fields, continued to strengthen supervision and inspection, urged the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and resolutely prevented and contained various accidents. The safety situation in the province was generally stable.

节前,省应急管理厅多次召开专题会议,Arrangements and arrangements for forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing during the Qingming Festival and safety precautions in key industries such as coal mines and hazardous chemicals 。省安委办聚焦道路交通、建筑施工等重点领域、重点区域和重点部位安全防范工作,提出具体要求。

节日期间,省应急管理厅党委书记、厅长郭柱国主持召开清明假期安全防范工作视频调度会,就做好假期安全防范及异地交叉督导帮扶工作提出更高要求。省安委办组建4个巡查督导组和10个督导帮扶组,对全省12个市(区)、107个县(市、区)各级党委政府、有关部门和企业开展全覆盖异地交叉督导帮扶,累计督导检查部门121个、企业185家,排查问题1458项。省森防办派出5个督导检查组,对全省重点市县、乡镇及林场防灭火情况开展明查暗访,共检查镇办街道7个、国有林场6个、企事业单位2个。省应急管理厅聚焦重点领域、重点行业和关键环节, On-line inspections of 150 non-coal mines, tailings pond enterprises, and coal mines, and a total of 5 mine inspections ,实地督导检查企业6家;派出暗查暗访组赴榆林市督导检查重点危化企业;检查工贸企业18家、调度各市36次、省级重点监管企业48次;对5个燃气使用场所和4个在建工程项目开展安全生产暗查暗访;对“两客一危”车辆运行情况开展实地督导检查,检查点位20余处;检查特种设备使用单位616家、旅游景区133个次、车站商超等人员密集场所374个次。

During the festival, the Provincial Emergency Management Department set up a special emergency command work class to dispatch and conduct random inspections of emergency management departments at the city and county levels every day to remind and warn safety risks in key areas, emergency duty and safety precautions. The province's emergency management system strictly implements the system of on-the-job leadership and 24-hour emergency duty, arranging more than 1400 people on duty every day, and achieving full coverage of centralized and joint duty for emergency and fire protection at the provincial and municipal levels. More than 400 emergency rescue teams across the province are fully equipped to maintain emergency readiness, ready to respond to various emergencies at any time, and make every effort to ensure the safety and stability of the Qingming Festival holiday.

The Hubei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration held a Party Member Conference to elect a new Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission

In accordance with the provisions of the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China","Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of Party and State Organs of the Communist Party of China" and "Regulations on the Election of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China", with the approval of the Working Committee of the Organs Directly under the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, on April 3, the Hubei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau held a party member meeting to elect a new committee and agency discipline inspection committee directly under the Hubei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau of the Communist Party of China. Li Hui, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Deng Wenrong, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director, presided over the meeting. All party members attended the meeting.

The conference began with the solemn sound of the national anthem. Entrusted by the party committee of the current organ, Li Qiang, member of the party group, leader of discipline inspection, and secretary of the party committee of the current organ, made a work report to the conference on the theme of "comprehensively implementing the general requirements of party building in the new era to provide a strong organizational guarantee for doing a good job in mine safety supervision." The report reviews and summarizes the work over the past five years and puts forward suggestions for the work of the party committees of the new organs. The report points out that under the strong leadership of the working committee and the leading party group of the Bureau of the organs directly under the Hubei Provincial CPC Committee, the party committee of this organ persisted in taking Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guidance, thoroughly studied and understood General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on party building in government organs, conscientiously implemented the general requirements of party building in the new era, and constantly strengthened the party's political building with the goal of carrying out the "three models" and building model organs. Efforts have been made to deepen the ideological and theoretical armed forces, vigorously consolidate the grass-roots foundation with emphasis on the promotion of organizational strength, grasp the strict positive wind and discipline in order to continuously consolidate and develop a good political ecology, and strive to create a new situation in the party building of government organs in the new era. it provides a strong organizational guarantee for the reform and development of mine safety supervision in Hubei.

All party members carefully listened to and reviewed and approved the work report, and reviewed and approved the "Report on the Collection, Use and Management of Party Duties" in writing. New members of the Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission were elected by secret ballot and differential election.


The conference concluded with the majestic sound of "Internationale".

After the meeting, the new party committee and discipline inspection commission held meetings of all members respectively, and elected the party committee secretary, full-time deputy secretary and secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the agency in an equal manner.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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