With the approval of the main leaders of the State Council, the Office of the Production Safety Committee of the State Council will conduct comprehensive supervision of Shanxi mine production safety from the end of November 2023 to May 2024, and is currently carrying out the second phase of supervision work of "adhering to problem orientation and conducting centralized supervision". The supervision team and Shanxi Province are working together to keep a close eye on key mines in key areas and carry out solid work such as supervision and inspection, assistance services, and rectification and implementation. At the same time, the notification and exposure of typical cases were strengthened and efforts were made to improve supervision efficiency. In the early stage, 12 typical cases discovered in the first stage of supervision and inspection were intensively exposed. In accordance with the requirements of the supervision team, in order to give full play to the warning education and strong deterrent effect of typical law enforcement cases, the Office of the Shanxi Province Safety Committee recently once again exposed 10 typical cases of violations of laws and regulations.

case one

On January 11, 2024, the supervision team inspected Shanxi Coal Transportation and Marketing Group Jinda Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and found that there were 2 major accident hazards in the mine:First, over-capacity production. The mine's approved annual production capacity is 1.8 million tons. The actual raw coal output in June, August, September and November 2022 exceeded 10% of the approved annual production capacity. Second, the "three quantities" are not balanced. The mine's "Hydrogeological Condition Evaluation and Water Hazard Control Analysis Report of the 10403 Fully Mechanized Caving Face" was submitted on February 8, 2023, and was approved by the superior company on February 10. However, at the end of January, the coal volume of the 10403 coal mining face was included in the coal volume, and the actual remaining coal volume at the end of January was 53,000 tons of the 10208 coal mining face. The actual mining period is 0.42 months.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 8, paragraph 2 (1), and Article 10, paragraph 1, of the "Special Provisions of the State Council on the Prevention of Coal Mine Production Safety Accidents"(State Council Order No. 446),"double penalties for one case" were imposed on the enterprise, ordered to suspend production for rectification, and the enterprise was fined 2.73 million yuan and the main person in charge of the enterprise was fined 141,000 yuan.

case two

On January 18, 2024, the supervision team inspected Hequ Jinshenciyaogou Coal Industry Company and found that there were 2 major accident hazards in the mine:First, the "five-level mine manager" was not equipped as required. The coal mine did not have a full-time deputy safety mine manager from December 7, 2021 to October 20, 2023, and the deputy chief engineer replaced the duties. Second, the coal mine has not adopted comprehensive fire prevention and extinguishing measures, has not formulated a special closed management system, and has not formulated and adopted special closed and management measures to prevent spontaneous combustion in goaf areas.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 10, paragraph 1, of the "Special Provisions of the State Council on the Prevention of Coal Mine Production Safety Accidents"(State Council Order No. 446),"double penalties for one case" were imposed on the enterprise, ordered to suspend production for rectification, and the coal mining enterprise was fined 650,000 yuan, and the main person in charge of the enterprise was fined 100,000 yuan.

case III

On December 22, 2023, the supervision team inspected Shanxi Coal Transportation and Marketing Group Gujiao Fuchang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and found that there were 2 major accident hazards in the mine:First, the methane sensor failed and the power was not cut off, so the methane sensor measuring point information was artificially deleted. Second, only one professional and technical person is equipped in the two majors of coal mining and excavation.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 108, Paragraph 4, Item 3, and Article 103, Paragraph 4, Item 1, of the "Benchmark for Discretionary Discretion of Administrative Punishments for Coal Mine Safety Supervision and Supervision"(Kuang An [2023] No. 61),"Double penalties for one case" were imposed on the enterprise, ordered to suspend production for rectification, and the enterprise was fined 2 million yuan, and the main person in charge of the enterprise was fined 150,000 yuan.

case four

On January 27, 2024, the supervision team inspected Shanxi Changzhi Yangtou Lingnan Yaogou Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and found that there were 3 major accident hazards in the mine:The first is to conceal the 150202 coal mining face. Second, the mine is an infrastructure mine. During the infrastructure construction period, production is organized beyond the scope specified in the design of safety facilities. Third, the drawings were false. The "15 #Coal Seam Construction Progress Chart" marked the length of the return air channel of the 150101 coal mining face as 218 m and the length of the cut hole of the 150101 coal mining face; the length of the return air channel of the 150101 coal mining face was measured on site to be 311.6 m, the length of the transport channel was 311.6 m, and the length of the cut hole was 146m.

According to the "Special Provisions of the State Council on Preventing Coal Mine Production Safety Accidents"(State Council Order No. 446) Items (15) and (12) of paragraph 2 of Article 8 and the "Criteria for Determining Hidden Hazards of Major Coal Mine Accidents"(Order No. 4 of the Ministry of Emergency Management) stipulates that Article 18, Item (5) and Article 15, Item (4),"double penalties for one case" are implemented and production is ordered to suspend production for rectification. Relevant responsible units and responsible persons of coal mines, construction units, and supervision units have been fined a total of 15.1839 million yuan. The mine manager and infrastructure manager are suspected of production safety crimes and have been transferred to judicial organs.

Case 5

On January 22, 2024, the supervision team inspected Shanxi Wajinwan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and found that there were 3 major accident hazards in the mine:First, a production plan has been issued that exceeds the approved (designed) production capacity of the coal mine. The approved production capacity of the mine is 700,000 tons/year. Jinneng Holding Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd. has issued a plan for the mine to produce commercial coal of 3.2 million tons/year in 2023. The second is over-capacity production. In 2023, the mine's raw coal output will be 4.41 million tons, exceeding 530% of the approved production capacity of the annual raw coal output. Third, the No. 4 coal seam mined by Wajinwan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. is a spontaneous combustion coal seam, and no comprehensive fire prevention and extinguishing measures have been taken.

In accordance with Article 10, paragraph 1, of the "Special Provisions of the State Council on the Prevention of Coal Mine Production Safety Accidents"(State Council Order No. 446), Article 87 of the "Criteria for Discretion of Administrative Punishments for Coal Mine Safety Supervision and Supervision"(Kuang An [2023] No. 61), Article 97, the enterprise was imposed on "double penalties for one case" and ordered to suspend production for rectification. The enterprise was fined 1.75 million yuan and the main person in charge of the enterprise was fined 100,000 yuan.

Case 6

On January 24, 2024, the supervision team inspected Shanxi Coal Transportation and Marketing Group Tanyaoyu Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and found that there were 2 major accident hazards in the mine:First, super-capacity production. In 2023, the mine's raw coal output will be 3.156 million tons, and the annual raw coal output will exceed 163% of the mine's approved production capacity. Second, the air volume is insufficient. The 8206 fully mechanized top-coal mining face is designed to require an air volume of 1,316.3 m ³ /min. The on-site inspection on January 24, 2024 found that the actual air supply of the working face is 891m ³ /min.

In accordance with Article 10, paragraph 1, of the "Special Provisions of the State Council on the Prevention of Coal Mine Production Safety Accidents"(State Council Order No. 446), Article 87 of the "Criteria for Discretion of Administrative Punishments for Coal Mine Safety Supervision and Supervision"(Kuang An [2023] No. 61), Article 93, the enterprise was imposed on "double penalties for one case" and ordered to suspend production for rectification. The enterprise was fined 4.04 million yuan and the main person in charge of the enterprise was fined 330,000 yuan.

Case 7

On January 21, 2024, the supervision team inspected Shanxi Poly Pingshan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and found that there was a major accident hazard in the mine:During the shutdown and rectification period, the mine organized production without inspection and acceptance.

The Jincheng City Emergency Management Bureau has filed a case and is conducting an investigation. It has ordered the production of production for rectification. It plans to impose a "double penalty for one case" on the enterprise, confiscate the illegal income of the enterprise, and impose a fine of twice the illegal income.

Case 8

On January 23, 2024, the supervision team inspected Pu County Hongyuan Group Beiyu Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and found that there were 2 major accident hazards in the mine:The first is to mine (destroy) safety coal pillars without authorization. Second, the local ventilator of the 1106 cut and heading face cannot achieve wind power lockdown.

In accordance with Article 10, Item 3, and Article 8, Item 8, of the "Standards for Determining Hidden Hazards of Major Coal Mine Accidents"(Order No. 4 of the Ministry of Emergency Management), and the "Special Provisions of the State Council on the Prevention of Coal Mine Production Safety Accidents"(Order No. 446 of the State Council), the enterprise was imposed on the first paragraph of Article 10 and ordered to suspend production for rectification. The enterprise was fined 1.5 million yuan and the main person in charge of the enterprise was fined 100,000 yuan.

Case 9

On January 12, 2024, the supervision team inspected Zhongxing Stone Factory Co., Ltd. in Gaohongkou Township, Wutai County and found that there were 6 major accident hazards in the mine:The first is to use "one-wall" mining, instead of using top-down mining sequence by bench or layer mining. Second, the stope work slope angle is greater than the design work slope angle. Third, slope safety management and inspection systems were not provided, and slope stability analysis was not carried out. Fourth, lateral and longitudinal radial cracks appear in the slopes of open-pit mines. Fifth, the road slope of the mine's autonomous transport road entering the top step exceeds the design slope by more than 10%. Sixth, the mine has not set up safety platforms and cleaning platforms.

In accordance with the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China and the "Implementation Plan for the Integration of Certification Mine Resources in Cities and Counties of Wutai County" formulated by the People's Government of Wutai County, the Wutai County Natural Resources Bureau announced the closure in accordance with the law.

Case 10

On January 23, 2024, the supervision team inspected the Ekou Iron Mine of Taiyuan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. Mining Branch and found that there were 7 major accident hazards in the mine:First, the JB/T 8735.2-2016 YZ cable laid in 1756-meter sections in the Nanxi Mining Area is non-flame retardant cable. Second, the comparison drawings of the borehole and downhole are inconsistent with the actual situation. Third, there is a high-hanging goaf at the B10 #approach in the 1810m section of the Nanxi Mining Area less than 5 meters away from the rock vein roadway, which was not dealt with in time. Fourth, the mine safety monitoring system showed that the main underground fan failed and shut down, and the staff did not immediately report it to the dispatch room and the main person in charge of the company. Fifth, there is a main fan in the 1846-meter section of the north wing of the Nanxi mining area. However, the tunnel leading to the main fan in this layer collapsed and closed, making it impossible to quickly replace the backup motor of the main fan. Sixth, measures such as analyzing the work hazards and using video recording equipment to record were not taken in accordance with the requirements of the hot work ticket. Seventh, the online monitoring system of Niuquangou No. 1 Tailings Pond was operating abnormally and was not repaired in time. The monitoring and warning was only Level 3 and there was no blue warning; there was no data for water level monitoring after May 16, 2023.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 99, 101 and 102 of the "Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", the company was ordered to continue to suspend production and rectify, and the enterprise and the main person in charge of the enterprise were jointly punished. A fine of 300,000 yuan.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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