

First of all, I would like to inform you about the national production safety and natural disasters in the first quarter.

1. Production safety situation

In the first quarter of this year, the national production safety situation was generally stable, mainly showing the characteristics of "three declines and two stability".

The "three declines" are:The total number of accidents has dropped, the number of major accidents has dropped, and the number of major accidents has dropped. A total of 3570 accidents occurred across the country and 3359 people died. The number of accidents and deaths decreased by 36.9% and 27.9% respectively year-on-year. Among them, there were 76 major accidents, a year-on-year decrease of 2 accidents or 2.6% ; there were 4 major accidents, resulting in 82 deaths, a year-on-year decrease of 1 accident and 31 people.

"Two stability" is:The security situation in most regions is stable and the security situation in most industry sectors is stable. From a regional perspective, the number of accidents and deaths in 27 of the country's 32 provincial statistical units "dropped" year-on-year. From the perspective of key industry sectors, the number of accidents and deaths in eight industry sectors including coal mining, chemical industry and trade, fireworks and firecrackers, construction, road transportation, railway transportation and air transportation "double dropped" year-on-year. Fireworks and firecrackers, railway transportation, No major or above accidents occurred in industries such as aviation transportation and agricultural machinery.

At the same time, we should also note that some industry areas still have prominent risks and frequent accidents, exposing some deep-seated contradictions and problems, and the production safety situation is still relatively severe. In the second quarter, production and operation activities will fully enter the peak season, and people's travel, logistics, warehousing and transportation will become more active. Various safety risks will increase significantly. Safety production work must not be relaxed for a moment. We must implement a sense of responsibility of "always worrying" and implement various safety precautions to resolutely curb major accidents.

2. Natural disaster situation

In the first quarter of this year, China's natural disasters were mainly low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters, earthquakes and geological disasters. Drought, wind and hail, floods, sandstorms and forest fires occurred to varying degrees. Various natural disasters caused a total of 10.379 million people in 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to be affected to varying degrees, 79 people died due to the disaster, 111,000 people were relocated urgently, 66,000 houses collapsed or damaged, and 944.3 thousand hectares of crops were affected. Direct economic losses were 23.76 billion yuan.

In the first quarter, natural disasters nationwide mainly showed the following characteristics:First, low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters last for a long time, have a wide range of impacts, and have heavy disaster losses. A total of 12 cold air processes occurred across the country, of which 2 reached cold wave level and 4 occurred large-scale rain and snow weather processes, especially the most serious low-temperature rain and snow freezing disaster during the Spring Festival travel period since 2009. Second, a total of 13 earthquakes of magnitude above 5 occurred in the mainland of China, mainly in Xinjiang and Qinghai. The main geological disasters across the country are collapses and landslides, with heavy casualties in the southwest region. Third, floods and ice conditions of the Yellow River are stable, wind and hail disasters occur sporadically, and local thunderstorms, strong winds and hail occur in the southern region. Fourth, the national average temperature is higher than normal. The drought in southwest China is developing in stages. Local water shortages for agricultural production and people have difficulty drinking water due to drought. Fifth, the forest fire risk situation is generally stable, with the number of fires falling year-on-year, remaining at a low level, and local forest fires occur frequently.

Dear reporters, the above is the relevant situation to inform you. Let's enter the on-site questioning session. Today we invite responsible comrades from production safety departments and bureaus. Please ask everyone to ask questions around production safety work. Please inform your news organization before asking questions.

CCTV News Channel reporter :

At the beginning of this year, the Security Committee of the State Council deployed a three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety. What is the latest progress? Thank you.

Wang Chongxian, Director of the Security Coordination Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management :

Thank you for your question. Since the three-year deployment of the operation, all regions, relevant departments, enterprises and institutions have responded actively and acted quickly to promote the orderly and active development of various tasks, mainly in the following four aspects.

First, the key tasks of tackling the root causes are steadily advancing. 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have formulated local implementation plans. The main party and government leaders at all levels have conducted a total of 17,000 special studies and led supervision and inspections 33,000 times, promoting the implementation of the "Eight Major Actions" to tackle the root causes. All relevant ministries and commissions strengthened the promotion of work in the industry areas under their jurisdiction, and the main responsible comrades of 15 ministries and commissions made special arrangements to further refine the rectification measures, division of labor, and time limits. Most central enterprises have formulated enterprise implementation plans based on their own actual conditions, promoting the coverage of fundamental tasks to the front line of teams and teams.

Second, the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers of major accidents continue to deepen. Since the three-year operation was launched, a total of 81,000 major hidden dangers have been investigated in various places, with a rectification rate of 84%. Among them, enterprises have self-examined major hidden dangers accounting for nearly 40%, and the rectification rate is 90%. Enterprises 'strong willingness and ability to discover and solve problems have been further improved. All localities and departments paid close attention to precise and strict law enforcement, imposing a total of 554,000 administrative penalties, reporting 5353 interviews to various localities and departments, and holding 1239 people accountable for responsibility, promoting the elimination of a number of major accident hidden dangers.

Third, the concept of safe development has been further rooted in the hearts of the people. The Central Party School and the Ministry of Emergency Management jointly held a video training course for mining enterprises across the country to implement the main responsibilities of production safety, driving mining enterprises across the country to comprehensively improve the level of production safety management. A total of 576,000 safety publicity times have been carried out in various places, including 27,000 special safety education and training sessions for the main leaders of production and business units, and 42,000 capacity training sessions for grassroots safety supervision and law enforcement personnel. The atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.

Fourth, the level of intrinsic safety has been further improved. All relevant departments actively promote the formulation and revision of production safety laws and regulations and standards for determining major accident hazards in key industries, and strengthen legal governance and source governance. All regions have continued to strengthen the construction and application of safety risk monitoring and early warning systems, upgrading, and eliminating more than 620,000 backward facilities and equipment, further making up for shortcomings and strengths, and continuously consolidating the foundation for production safety.

In the next step, we will continue to increase work coordination efforts, continue to strengthen supervision and guidance around the "Eight Actions" to tackle the root causes of production safety, and promote the effectiveness of various work tasks.

Southern metropolis Daily Reporter :

The spokesperson just reported on the overall situation of production safety in the first quarter. What are the characteristics in terms of key industry areas?

Li Haowen, Director of the Investigation and Statistics Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management :

Thank you to your reporter friends for your questions. Just now, the spokesperson reported on the production safety situation in the first quarter. It should be said that the situation is generally stable. However, from the perspective of some places and industry sectors, some typical accidents have also occurred, and safety risks still cannot be ignored.

In terms of mine safety, the risk is mainly concentrated in gas. Two typical gas accidents occurred in the first quarter, one is a coal and gas outburst accident occurred in Henan Pingping Coal Shenma Group, and the other is a gas explosion accident occurred in Huainan Mining Industry in Anhui Province. The safety risks of dangerous chemicals are mainly concentrated in special operations and illegal production and operation. At present, the risks in industry and trade are mainly concentrated in aluminum processing, dust explosion and limited space operations. Everyone in transportation may also observe that at present, the flow of people, traffic, and logistics are quite dense, and people travel is also very concentrated. Judging from the accidents that occurred, the risks of passenger transport are worth paying attention to. A bus crashed into a tunnel in Linfen, Shanxi Province, resulting in 14 deaths and 37 injuries. It is understood that the accident not only exposed the problem of drivers' illegal operation, but also exposed that most of the passengers on the bus did not wear seat belts, which are life-saving belts. However, some traffic accidents have exposed the problem of increasing casualties caused by not wearing seat belts. In some places, drivers are not allowed to drive as long as a passenger is not wearing a seat belt. Here also remind the relevant departments and transportation enterprises to strengthen management, but also want to remind the majority of passengers through the media, as long as get on the bus do not forget to fasten seat belts, form this habit. In terms of construction, at present, the total number of accidents is second only to the number of accidents in road transport, which has become the second largest area where accidents occur frequently. Since the centralized regulation of urban gas, the total amount has decreased obviously, but the risk of gas pipeline is worthy of attention. On March 13, a gas accident occurred in Yanjiao, Hebei Province, killing 7 people and injuring 27. Accidents caused by gas pipeline damage and leakage caused by third-party construction and excavation in some places also occur from time to time. In addition, the recent fire accidents in some places, such as "nine small places", hospitals, schools and nursing homes, are relatively high. On January 24, a particularly major fire accident occurred in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province, causing heavy casualties, as well as a fire accident at a primary school in Nanyang, Henan Province. Four people were killed and nine injured in a fire at a nursing home in Dongguan, Guangdong.

In addition to 4 major lifting accidents and 76 major accidents occurred in the first quarter, there were also 42 risk-related accidents involving more than 10 people, mainly concentrated in the above industry fields. Therefore, when we see the overall stability of the security situation, we must clearly see the side where security risks are still large, and closely integrate it with the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety to effectively prevent and resolve major security risks. Thank you.

cover reporter :

In some recent fire accidents, we have seen that the settings of doors and windows that affect escape and obstacles that affect fire fighting and rescue, such as iron fences and barbed wire, have become "difficult blocking points" for opening up life channels. What targeted actions have been carried out so far? Thank you!

Sun Yijun, First-level Commander of the Fire Supervision Department of the National Fire Rescue Administration :

Thank you for your question. A considerable number of deaths and injuries, especially mass deaths and injuries, are related to safe evacuation. The two fires that occurred this year, the "January 19" major fire accident in Nanyang City, Henan Province, and the "January 24" special major fire accident in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, exposed the problem of setting up anti-theft nets, billboards and other obstacles that affected the safe escape and fire fighting and rescue of people. Over the years, fire departments at all levels have always regarded opening up "life channels" as the focus of fire prevention and control, and have continued to strengthen supervision and carry out special management. However, the hidden dangers of such problems are highly dynamic and easy to occur repeatedly.

In order to deeply absorb the lessons of fire accidents, on the basis of preliminary work, on January 26 this year, the Office of the State Council Security Commission and the National Fire Rescue Bureau deployed a major rectification campaign for centralized fire safety elimination, eliminating insufficient safety evacuation conditions and illegal installation of security windows and billboards are listed as the focus of rectification. The National Fire Rescue Administration issued the "Notice on Demolition of Barriers on Doors and Windows in Crowded Places that Affect Escape, Fire Fighting and Rescue", extensively organized printing and posting, and further promoted the "window removal and net breaking" operation. We have also issued the "Work Plan for Promoting Opening Up the" Life Channel "for Fire Prevention", focusing on the illegal installation of iron fences, anti-theft nets and other obstacles in doors and windows in densely populated places, organizing comprehensive investigations, strictly enforcing law enforcement and rectification, strengthening warning education, and implementing comprehensive governance. Since the launch of the centralized rectification campaign to eliminate the problem, as of the end of March, more than 3.6 million illegally installed iron fences, anti-theft networks, and billboards have been demolished in various places in accordance with the law, totaling more than 12.95 million square meters.

In the next step, the National Fire Rescue Bureau will conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on production safety, thoroughly implement the national production safety video and telephone conference and the three-year action plan deployment to tackle the root causes, adhere to problem-oriented and bottom-line thinking, take multiple measures and implement comprehensive policies, and resolutely rectify hidden dangers of occupation, blocking, and closing evacuation channels, and safety exits, and resolutely promote the removal of doors and windows in densely populated places to install iron fences, anti-theft nets and other obstacles that affect escape and fire fighting and rescue. Further establish and improve institutional mechanisms, responsibility chains and prevention and control systems to fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers of accidents and fundamentally solve problems, effectively prevent and contain the occurrence of fire accidents involving mass deaths and injuries, and better perform the prevention and resolution of major safety risks, and respond to and deal with them. Important responsibilities of various disaster accidents. Thank you!

CCTV Traffic Radio reporter :

In the past two years, 51 major accident hazard determination standards have been formulated and revised in various industries. What is the role and significance of formulating and revising the hazard determination standards? How to better advance relevant work in the next step?

Wang Chongxian :

Thank you for your question. Last year, the Security Committee of the State Council deployed and launched the 2023 Action for the Special Investigation and Rectification of Major Accident Hazards. After nearly a year of vigorous promotion, a total of 51 industry areas have been formulated and revised to determine major accident hazards or key inspection matters, basically covering the actual needs of various industries. During the special action period, based on these determination standards, a total of 395,000 major accident hazards were investigated, a significant increase year-on-year, and the quality of the investigation was significantly improved. It should be said that it is necessary to formulate and revise standards for determining potential hazards of major accidents.

First of all, this is a powerful measure to implement the central government's decisions and arrangements. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to promote the transformation of the production safety governance model to pre-emptive prevention. In order to implement relevant requirements, it is necessary to clarify the criteria for determining hidden dangers of major accidents to effectively improve the quality of investigation and rectification, and promote the elimination of accidents in the bud and before disasters occur.

Secondly, this is also the fundamental requirement for preventing and containing major accidents. Clarifying the criteria for determining major accident hidden dangers means clarifying the focus of safety inspections, which can better guide production and business units to carry out self-inspection and self-correction of major accident hidden dangers, and also better guide relevant departments to carry out precise supervision, inspection and supervision and law enforcement, so as to resolutely prevent and contain serious accidents. Provide strong support.

Finally, this is also an important part of tackling the root causes of production safety. In the recently deployed three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety, the improvement of the standard system for determining major accident hazards has also been listed as the key content of the "Eight Actions". On this basis, we will promote the dynamic clearing of major accident hazards and continuously improve the level of intrinsic safety.

However, during the national production safety inspections and unannounced visits in the first quarter, we also found that the problem of not promptly and accurately investigating and rectifying major accident hazards was still quite prominent, exposing the determination of major accident hazards by some main leaders, production safety managers and employees of some enterprises. Not enough learning and mastering standards, and not enough comparison inspections; Some production safety service agencies and personnel were inaccurate in on-site evaluations and did not conduct in-depth and detailed investigations of major accident hazards and safety risks; it was also found that regulatory and law enforcement departments and law enforcement personnel in some industry fields did not use the determination standards for major accident hazards as an important basis for law enforcement inspections. If major hidden dangers were not found, on-site law enforcement inspections "avoided the important ones and settled on the minor ones"; It was also found that management departments in some industry areas did not organize, study and guide and interpret the criteria for determining major accident hazards enough, and did not publicize and implement them to the grassroots level. It was also found that different departments and different experts sometimes put forward contradictory rectification opinions on inspections of the same unit.

In order to better promote the investigation and rectification of major accident hidden dangers, the Office of the Security Committee of the State Council has recently issued the "Notice on Learning and Making Good Use of Standards for Determining Major Accident Hidden Hazards." In the next step, we will focus on urging all regions, departments, production and business units, and social service agencies for production safety to strengthen the publicity and implementation of major accident hazard determination standards, use major accident hazard determination standards to unify various inspection standards, and promote relevant departments to cooperate with each other to implement Joint inspections or interoperability to avoid major accident hazards being mismanaged and inconsistent inspection opinions of different departments and different experts. Thank you.

Reporter of China Emergency Management News :

In April last year, the Ministry of Emergency Management issued the "Standards for Determining Hidden Danger of Major Accidents in Industry and Trade Enterprises". Can you use this as an example to introduce the criteria for determining hidden dangers of major accidents?

Yang Zhihui, Director of the Law Enforcement and Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management :

Thank you to the reporter for your questions. In April 2023, the "Standards for Determining Hidden Danger of Major Accidents in Industry and Trade Enterprises" was promulgated, which is the fundamental basis for industrial and trade enterprises to investigate and manage hidden dangers of major accidents. Since the introduction of the standard, we have promoted industry and trade enterprises and emergency management departments at all levels to strengthen their study of the "Standards for Determining Hidden Hazards of Major Accidents" through various methods such as holding press conferences, special explanations, expert interpretations and online training. According to statistics, in the one year since the promulgation of the "Standards for Determining Major Accident Hidden Hazards", industrial and trade enterprises have self-examined and self-revised to determine more than 70,000 major accident hidden dangers based on the determination standards. Emergency management departments at all levels have investigated and dealt with more than 72,000 major accident hidden dangers through law enforcement. It should be said that the major accident hidden dangers of industrial and trade enterprises have been accurately managed and investigated.

During the period, the law enforcement team of the Emergency Management Department also went to various places to inspect law enforcement and found that although most industrial and trade enterprises had organized training and were able to check and correct themselves against the "judgment criteria", however, there are still many industrial and trade enterprises, production safety management personnel, including employees, do not study the "criteria for judging hidden dangers of major accidents" deeply and systematically. Relatively speaking, there are many problems in the situation of inadequate learning and inadequate application. For example, Article 14 of the "Standard for judging the Hidden danger of Major Accidents" stipulates that safety-related facilities and equipment should ensure normal operation and use, otherwise it will be a major accident hidden danger, but we found in the law enforcement inspection that some enterprises only pay attention to the installation of equipment "not installed", but do not pay attention to how it works. The start-up time of the liquid level alarm interlock device in the casting area of an aluminum processing enterprise has been extended by more than 50 seconds. From the perspective of historical accidents, it takes more than 10 seconds for liquid aluminum to leak to the explosion, so the interlock device has not been installed in the same way. From this point of view, we should conscientiously strengthen the study and publicity of the "criteria for judging hidden dangers of major accidents", which is the next key work.

We initially consider to promote the implementation of the criteria for judging the hidden dangers of major accidents in industrial and trade enterprises from the following three aspects. First, the "criteria for judging hidden dangers of major accidents" are restudied and retrained. In the near future, we will organize special training to conduct further detailed training and publicity on key issues and hidden dangers of major accidents in key industries such as metallurgy, aluminum processing (deep well casting), dust explosion and other key industries, and retrain the main responsible persons of the enterprise and production safety management personnel. Second, it is necessary to speed up the construction and application of the monitoring and early warning system, centering on the iron and steel, aluminum processing (deep well casting) and dust explosion-related enterprises in the industrial and trade industry, according to the data access norms formulated by the "judgment Standard," to form a full-chain closed-loop working mode for monitoring and early warning, law enforcement inspection, and rectification of hidden dangers of major accidents. Third, we will continue to promote assistance actions in key areas. The Emergency Management Department will provide assistance and guidance to the areas with a large number of production safety accidents in the industrial and trade industry, and promote the relevant areas to further understand and further implement the "criteria for determining the Hidden dangers of Major Accidents." accurately determine and accurately investigate the hidden dangers of major accidents, and ensure the safety of enterprises in the industrial and trade industry. Thank you.

National Emergency Radio Reporter :

Can you introduce the latest progress of production safety reporting work, how the reporting rewards are implemented, and what role they have played in eliminating hidden dangers around the masses? Thank you!

Li Haowen :

Thank you to the reporters and friends for their concern about the production safety reporting work. Mobilizing public reports is one of the "Fifteen Hard Measures for Production Safety" and an important measure in the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety. Two years ago, the Ministry of Emergency Management developed and operated an online reporting system and Weixin Mini Programs. At present, the operation effect is good and it has become the main channel for reporting by the public, which is significantly higher than telephone reporting, accounting for 90%. From the perspective of practical results, last year had such "six new highs" characteristics:First, the number of reports reached a new high. Last year, 348,000 reports were received from the public, a year-on-year increase of 65.7% ; Second, hidden dangers were reported to a new high, reaching 261,000, a year-on-year increase of 56.3% ; Third, accidents were reported to a new high, reaching nearly 5000 cases, a year-on-year increase of 1.5 times; Fourth, illegal and illegal activities were reported to a new high, reaching 82,000 cases, doubling year-on-year; Fifth, the issuance of reward funds for reporting reached a new high, reaching 57.8 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 75.6% ; sixth, the number of reports and verification reached a new high, reaching 190,000, and the verification rate reached 54.6%.

The figures for the first quarter of this year have just come out. In the first quarter, 55000 reports from the masses were verified nationwide, an increase of 94.2% over the same period last year, and the reward fund for issuing reports was 11.12 million yuan, an increase of 1.5 times over the same period last year. Among the award funds distributed last year, the highest amount was 500000 yuan. Recently, we have also made public a number of typical cases, and as you can see, a total of 8 batches and 39 typical cases have been published, and the effect should be said to be very outstanding. For example, the 190000 cases reported and verified last year were not grasped by us and the relevant departments at ordinary times, and it can be said that the masses helped us solve 190000 outstanding problems and hidden dangers, which did us a great favor; we can also see that the eyes of the masses are discerning and the strength of the masses is enormous; it also reflects that the masses' demand for eliminating the hidden dangers around them is urgent. We are more and more aware that mobilizing the masses to report is the inevitable requirement of strengthening social governance in the new era and an important way to promote the transformation of public security governance model to prior prevention put forward by the 20th CPC National Congress. Facts have proved that mobilizing and relying on reports from the masses is indeed a very good and effective way to promote production safety. It is hoped that all localities and relevant departments will continue to make good use of this means to enable the broad masses of the people to become good helpers in promoting production safety and good "sentinels" to defuse safety risks.

Here, I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people and the masses who participated in the reporting work, including all of our media friends. Thank you!

the people's Daily Reporter :

The first quarter of the national production safety inspection and unannounced inspections organized by the Security Committee of the State Council have ended. What is the effect? Can you introduce the specific situation and what common problems have been found?

Wang Chongxian :

Thank you for your question. In order to implement the spirit of the national video and telephone conference on production safety, the Security Committee of the State Council organized 22 comprehensive inspection teams to conduct in-depth inspections of production safety in various places in March, focusing on the following aspects.

The first is to strictly conduct "four noes and two straight" investigations and secret visits. A total of 1327 enterprises and units in key industries were randomly inspected through random multi-line unannounced visits, on-site visits and verification, and 5580 hidden dangers were found, including 141 major hidden dangers. These hidden problems were handed over to local governments for timely rectification.

The second is to innovate and carry out "dissecting the sparrow"-style investigation and research. Drawing on the practice of accident investigation, an "dissecting sparrow" survey was carried out on 44 enterprise units with major hidden dangers from aspects such as corporate safety management, performance of duties of main responsible persons, guidance and services of third-party intermediaries, and supervision and law enforcement by relevant departments, focusing on solving the problem that hidden dangers of major accidents cannot be detected or eliminated.

The third is to strengthen warning education through exposure. Organize more than 20 reporters from CCTV and other media to follow the group to intensively expose hidden dangers of typical problems and violations of laws and regulations, and continue to strengthen social warnings to form a powerful deterrent.

The fourth is to promote local efforts to implement work. Adhere to a problem-oriented approach, further guide and urge local governments to strengthen key work related to production safety in response to the insufficient problems found during open and secret inspections, and take effective measures to promote enterprises and units to implement their main responsibilities for production safety.


First, the main responsibilities for production safety in enterprises and units are not fully implemented. The main persons in charge of some enterprises did not perform their responsibilities for production safety, went through the motions in production safety inspections, discounted safety investment, and had "two skins" between safety systems and daily management. Some persons in charge were even absent for a long time, passing on production safety responsibility through commissions, agreements, etc.

Second, the hidden dangers of major accidents in individual industries are more prominent. The investigation and management of safety hazards in some mines, hazardous chemicals, urban gas, transportation companies, restaurants, hotels and other crowded places is a formality. Major accident hazards are often treated and exist, and problems such as illegal hot work and blocking emergency evacuation channels are repeated. Prohibitions continue.

Third, the socialized service institutions for production safety have not effectively played their role. Some intermediaries have a weak sense of responsibility and low professional level. They are not responsible for conducting safety evaluations seriously, turn a blind eye to obvious risks, fail to evaluate missing items of major accident hazards, and lack continuous service guidance to enterprises.

In addition, there are also problems of insufficient implementation of some key tasks. Some grassroots governments and relevant departments have made slow progress in promoting the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety, and special rectification work such as mines, hazardous chemicals, and urban gas has not achieved obvious results in some areas.

In the next step, the Office of the Security Committee of the State Council will intensify supervision and rectification efforts in response to the above issues, conduct in-depth and systematic analysis of typical cases, and further promote the strengthening of production safety in key areas and key industries. Thank you.

Shen Zhanli :

This concludes today's press conference. Thank you, journalists, goodbye!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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