The following article comes from Understanding the Sutra, written by Wu Weiqun

Understand the scriptures.

Finally waiting for you to come together to understand the scriptures


If you spend your time

Bought myself a big gold bracelet

Then you won't be able to laugh anymore!

March 11

International gold prices continue to rise

at approximately 4 p.m.

The reporter saw it at the flagship store of China Gold Henan Middle Road

This place is refreshed every 5 minutes

The real-time basic gold price is displayed as 508.5 yuan/gram

比5天前3月6日 记者看到的498.5 yuan/gram

It has increased by 10 yuan/gram

hit a record high

Real-time basic gold price

Biden's statement on the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut

在记者上周曾采访的第一八佰伴二楼谢瑞麟专柜,记者看到足金饰品的挂牌价已经达到666元/克,比5天前3月6日记者看到的649元/克,上涨了17元/克 。Deputy store manager Chai Tengchi told reporters that during the March 8th Festival event, there was a discount of 50 yuan here. Although the event has ended now, some products have a discount of 30 yuan. “我乐观预计足金饰品破700元/克也就一两个月的事情。”

Xie Ruilin's gold jewelry price

Why is this round of gold price rise unable to stop the car? 众所周知,国际市场上黄金以美元计价,一般情况下,美元加息导致美元升值,致使黄金价格下跌,反之美元降息导致美元贬值,致使黄金价格上涨。北京时间3月9日,美国总统拜登罕见就美联储货币政策表态。 他在费城竞选活动上表示,预计美联储将降息。拜登说 :**“我打赌‘它们会降下来’。”**但他未提及降息将在何时开始。

Some analysts believe that Biden paid more attention to housing costs in the "election rematch" with Trump. Biden seems intent on putting pressure on the Fed.

Traditionally, the White House does not normally comment on the Fed's decisions ,拜登也曾承诺尊重美联储的独立性。但拜登在去年12月改变了这一先例,当时他曾表示,强劲的就业数据和降温的通胀正在为美联储停止进一步加息创造一个“最佳时机”。

Currently, the market generally expects that the Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates in June. Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said in a speech that interest rates might be appropriately cut at some point this year, but he did not disclose the specific time. The latest non-agricultural data shows that the U.S. labor market has cooled down, the latest unemployment rate has climbed to a two-year high, and wage growth has slowed down month-on-month. All of this has caused the market to once again increase expectations for interest rate cuts during the year.

What is the future outlook for gold prices? Industry insiders analyzed that judging from the trend of the US dollar, unless major geopolitical events occur, the upward trend of international gold prices will not change in the near future, but there will also be small technical shocks during this period.

Can I buy gold in Hong Kong?

The rise in gold prices has given many citizens the idea of going to Hong Kong to buy gold jewelry. 以谢瑞麟为例,记者了解到3月11日,该品牌足金饰品的挂牌价为645港元/克,按照当天汇率,相当于593元/克。柴腾驰表示,港澳购金,他们品牌还要收取每笔约1.011%的佣金,这就相当于足金饰品价格达到599元/克,但即便是这样,也 It is 67 yuan/gram cheaper than the mainland

Xie Ruilin's Hong Kong store gold price

**香港金价为何比内地金价低?**业内人士指出,Taxes and costs 是导致香港黄金价格低于内地的原因之一。例如,香港没有增值税,而内地对黄金的增值税率为3%。此外,香港黄金交易的成本可能比内地更低,例如保险费用和存储费用。这样一来,香港的黄金价格就会相对较低。其二是 exchange rate 。香港和内地使用不同的货币,外汇汇率的波动可能会对黄金价格产生影响。如果香港货币相对于内地货币贬值,那么以香港货币计价的黄金价格在内地可能会更低。其三是 relationship between supply and demand。香港作为一个自由经济体,有“金店比米店”多的说法,市场竞争更加激烈,商家会通过价格战来吸引更多顾客,这也可能导致黄金价格偏低。

当然,到香港购金还要考虑交通成本以及出境关税等问题。记者以旅客身份致电海关热线12360得知,根据相关的法律法规,旅客携带黄金以及制品应以自用、合理数量为限,进境时应向海关申报。 A reasonable amount of gold and its products exceeding personal use will be regarded as imported goods, and the customs will tax and release them based on the approval document of the People's Bank of China.

12360 customer service also reminded that if the total value of personal use items obtained overseas is more than 5000 yuan, the customs will impose a tax on the part exceeding 5000 yuan. If the item is single and indivisible, the full tax will be levied. Relevant ports should be consulted for specific conditions.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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